
A little cheesy tale
in the shades of deep gold in softly blue and bright purple-black

Describe the best advertisement you have ever seen!

Here you are!

"B2B Kings"

I've read this advertisement many years ago but I still find it actual and very effective for todays.

Once upon a time in a wild wild dark forest of a galaxy far far away one of the cosmic debrees` best trade agent mr. Fox met his best customer.
That time Mr. Fox saw a certain undoubtedly perfect gentleman had been keeping tightly a big natural round gold bar. May there let me call Him mr. Raven either. I don`t know in fact why they call him exactly so - maybe just because of his look - his strict black (with a tint of blue or moreover particularly raven-black) and white suit - I might say more precisely frock coat - with its coattails draw in your powerful mind nothing less (matters!) than a high and mighty bird.

So the main reason that would be told to mr. Raven to sell that piece of gold was that it would be the really best way of showing how rich and mighty is mr. Raven. Besides it would be nice to put his investment package in a some creative way and at first point - in himself! `Cause everyone knows that talented in one are talented in many ways, so it could be a great sin for himself to bury his talent underground and not to take part in a well-known popular world-wide quest "Who wants to be a super-star" and to make a record of a future pop-hit. It would certainly take some minor expenses but all of them will be payed off shortly. So first of all it would be glad to have a little rehearsal to understand what type of musical material would be more responsible for the first hit-single and most effective to attract the widest potential audience.
And Zen there came a sound as the voice of Ze Thunder...
And it`s been a sting-song about that peace of gold, something i feel like this: "...to lose you I'd rather see the endless time of S.P-Ace go passing by... Fly!.. Bye!"
Or it actually ought to be "Buy!"

I can`t dislike this art of advertising because this is so close to the edge, yes, and to the theme of self-importance sense beeing meanwhile a good motivation for creative, production and reflecting - and all with "self-". It brings enough food for self-stalking and recapitulation. Cause finally all of this gold will actually be brought back to the beautiful-sounding "pecker" of your best customer mr. Raven anyway.

I might suppose that myriADs of strings and energetic vibrations took their part in making this art of advertising more effective - in making the Ocean awake - playing with sence on the sense of self-importance, dumping and space-dye-rein-vesting with bringing more photones to light up the specific magnific manifestations or as they say emanations of mr. Raven...
So, everything may happen and everything that counts is possible to be effective under this golden hit-single disk...
...and to be said under the rose and the cross - under the "pecker" of Dr. Raven Disperser as his full name is known in his business circles.

And the present and perfect future simple food chains are on: fox will be eaten by wolf or lynx whose remaines would be pecked. Anyway. Anyway you want it.
My cheesy kiss, darling!

29-30/03/2021, ред.02/06/2021


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