Secret Tao
Few even want to know.
People of the Knowledge are in zero minority.
Those who know nothing do not like those who know anything.
Knowledge is a light burden. And dangerous.
Ignorant people are afraid of magicians, sorcerers and people wearing glasses.
They have the right to do so.
For he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
He disturbs the balance. He destroys the foundations of faith.
The one who was crucified did not want to be King.
He just knew a lot.
If he was silent, he would have no fault.
But He spoke. In simple words.
He was understood by fishermen, carpenters, traders and even beauties.
He didn't work miracles. They had been in abundance since the Creation.
"you don't need more miracles" he said, "learn to live simply.
Here is bread, here is milk, here is wife, husband, child.
Our Father has everything for everyone.
Learn to want, to love yourself, to love your life,
to love your loved and even to love your enemies.
Love is the only true matter in our Universe "
He did not want to suffer. Moreover, in fact he did not suffer.
He lived to the delight of himself
and those who drank prana from his hands and eyes.
He drank clean water, sweet wine, amrita.
He often laughed, he cried sometimes.
He was in in love. He made love. He sent love.
He knew what would happen next. So he left his homeland.
People say he spent the rest of his life in the blessed East.
But I think he joined his crew to fly to his real Homeland.
15.52. 29.03.2021
© Copyright: Valentin Luchenko, 2021
Свидетельство о публикации №121032907950