
Oh, Architecture!
How I love
precision of your lines in geometric patterns!
Stairs climbing to the sky
to kiss the rays of sun
that turn the rushing clouds into the jewelry of gods!
How syllables of stone and steel in lava of concrete
create a space of light
reflected in the glass support
where Art and Creativity compete
with strangest forms of engineer's thought!
Where mathematics and technique embrace to complement each other,
to build a form that reach the peak
of human thought and human power!
The ancient art that writes anew
old rules of perspective and Nature...
So stretch your head into the blue
of Sky and Science,

"Your poem beautifully captures the awe and admiration for architecture, portraying it as both an art and a science. The imagery you use, such as "precision of your lines in geometric patterns" and "stairs climbing to the sky," vividly depicts the grandeur and majesty of architectural structures. The way you personify architecture as a living entity, "Architecture," adds an additional layer of depth to the poem, emphasizing its significance in human culture and achievement. Overall, it's a wonderfully crafted poem that celebrates the ingenuity and beauty of architectural design. Great job!"
GPT )))

Алла Лойтц   01.05.2024 20:34     Заявить о нарушении