Lord of the Rings part 1-6

1 part.


Lord of the Rings!,
And the beginning!
Worlds !,
Rings !,
And heroes!
They fought!
To destroy!
Himself !,
Terrible enemy!
All over Middle-earth!

After Chorus

Heroes !,
Fought !,
With the orcs!
Elves !,
Dwarves !,
And people!
Fought !,
With evil!
And Lord !,
Sauron !,
All on your heels!

2 Post Chorus

Lord of the Rings!,
It was nine!
Starting out!,
From people!,
Elves !,
Dwarves !,
Residents !,
Dungeons !,
And one day!,
There was a battle!
Aragorn's Ancestor !,
With the master!

3 Post Chorus

Lord of the Rings!,
Defeated !,
With the sword of the ancestor!
Aragorn !,
Chopping off a finger!
With a ring and at the end!
I took it with me!
And fell from other hands!

4 After Chorus 5 times

Lord of the Rings!,
Defeated !,
But not forever!

Verse 1.

In the country,
There lived a great
Of them,
And to him,
With a thud
An old one came in
Good friend !,
Gray Wizard !,
Gandalf !,
Hello !,
And before that!
Saw his son!
Frodo Baggins !,
Son of Bilbo!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 2.

And came
Anniversary of Bilbo,
With salute,
From an old friend
In the form of magic,
And there after,
Bilbo's words,
Put on the Ring,
And disappeared from sight
And supposedly passed away
But Gandalf !,
Quickly it!
And he was crazy!
And went on a hike!
Dropping the charm!
Which he stole!
In the cave by Golum!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 3.

Tried to,
Raise the ring
But in vain
The power is evil
Pushed away
Him and he rode away,
Into Gondor
Documents, books,
About the battle
At Mordor,
In the battle
With the dark lord
And he remembered
That he does,
Not defeated
And returned,
To Bilbo's son!
To Frodo !,
To say everything!
Hurry up!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 4.

But this,
His friend Sam,
And he was burned
But collected,
Frodo's things
And let's go
Where Mordor waits!
War! Victims!,
For victory!,
Over a long time!
And mighty!
Lord of the Rings !,
And I met again!
Two Hobbits !,
Far away!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 5.

Together they
Set off
Through the woods
Dark Riders
Servants of Sauron,
Came to kill him
For the lord's ring
But dropped in!
To the boat and to the beer bar!
And we met!
They are there unfamiliar!
A man called Aragorn!
And Gandalf!
Gone to Saruman!
To the teacher!
Your own!
To about everything!
What's happening!?,

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 6.

But the dark ones
Our travelers
After the failure,
With a boat,
And there it started,
And the chase
And the battle
With servants!
Sauron !,
But one of them!
Wounded Frodo !,
But them quickly!
Expelled !,
And the elf came!
Help them in trouble!
Against the evil of the Nazgуловl!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 7.

She planted
Frodo on horseback
When the medicine
From the sword of death
Didn't help him
And she rushed
For the distant ones,
Shore !,
Across the river!,
And removed!
But there was a chase of the Nazguls!
Follow her, but called!
Water horses !,
And wave!
They flunked!
Enemies !,
And they did it!
Run away, but Frodo!
Almost came!
The end!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 8.

But not there,
It was,
He woke up
And I met
Had seen,
And I met
Bilbo !,
But he was!
Obsess him!
Ring !,
But he gave me a shirt!
Not punctured!
And a glowing sword!
Which I used!
Once upon a time Bilbo himself!
And if the orcs are around!
Will shine!
And the heroes came!
From different corners!
Middle Earth!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 9.

Mary and Pepin,
Frodo and Sam,
Spoke to the elf
Fell in love!,
And I found out!
What a broken!
Ancestor !,
Which the!,
Chopped off!
Sauron !,
And he chopped off his hand!
With a ring!
Once upon a time !,

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 10.

And gathered
Heroes in the round
Hall and main,
The elf told
What do you need,
Do with a ring,
And they offered!
Frodo! Him!,
Take to Mordor!
Throw it into lava!
And he will go!
But they asked!
Who is with him!?,
Pepin, Mary, Gandalf !,
Gimli, Legolas !,
Boromir, Aragorn !,
With heroes!
Will go!
To battle!,
And the way from this!
Places started!
And the heroes set off!
Long! Eternal journey !,
Forward! The Fellowship of the Ring!

4 times Chorus and so on.

Part 2.


Lord of the Rings!,
Great world !,
Wars and Battles !,
Destroy !,
Ring of the Enemy !,
And there is a fight!
Two magicians!
Gandalf !,
And Saruman !,
And his soul!
Captivated! Fiery!,

After Chorus

They fought!
In the hall!,
And then!,
Two staffs !,
Picked up!
Saruman !,
And raised!
Gandalf !,
Up !,
The battle has begun!
Lord !,
Magical powers!

2 Post Chorus

And Gandalf !,
Ended up at the top!
And it began!
The fight!,
Lord of magic!
But the magician is gone!
In the flight of an eagle!
By asking for a butterfly!
Save him and pick him up!

3 Post Chorus

Lord of the Rings!,
World of darkness !,
All the way!
Earth !,
Gandalf collected !,
The Fellowship of the Ring!,
For the latter!
An important battle!
Over the Lord of the Rings!

4 After Chorus 5 times

Lord of the Rings !,
Let's go!
In the most dangerous way!
Defeat the Lord of the Rings!

Verse 1.

And set off
On a great journey
Great heroes
Of the Fellowship of the Ring,
Aragorn said goodbye
With an elf
And set off
Through the fields
Mountains and forests
And the magician Gandalf!
Always with them!
But overtook!
Their trouble is in the form!
Birds in the distance !,
Birds of Saruman !,
I had to hide!
And the magician said!
Go over the Mountain!
And safe!
Go Next!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 2.

And they walked
Along the mountain
In the snow
And Frodo,
I almost fell
And they reached
To the door
Leading !,
Moriah !,
But on them!
Kraken attacked!
And it began!
Battle with him!
But I guessed it!
Password Gandalf !,
And went inside!
And ended up in the house!
Dwarves, dwarves!
And the first battle began!
With enemies!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 3.

And the battle took place,
Near the sarcophagus,
Friend of Gimli,
And there are Orcs,
And a huge ogre
Which supposedly
Wounded Frodo
But in fact,
There is no business,
And the ogre fell
And suddenly,
More have burst
Orcs and heroes
And the magician shouted,
And they ran!
Through the vastness!
And unexpectedly!
Orcs met them!
Surround them!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 4.

But I met them,
Demon incarnate
Came out the door,
And our heroes
Let's go!
So the magician ordered!
And they ran!
On the stairs!,
Way down!,
And the path has broken!
Ahead, but jumped!
Our heroes !,
And we went forward!
And the demon was met!
And Gandalf !,
Remained to fight with him!
But in two!
Fell to the bottom!
Way down!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 5.

Frodo wept
I saw how I fell
His friend is down!
But I had to leave!
From the cave !,
The mountains!,
And they were sad!
Heroes by a wizard!
But we must go!
Further through the forest!
Towards !,
Destiny !,
And he spoke!
Gimli and met!
Elves in the forest!
But also visit!
They let in to spend the night!
Travelers, our heroes!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 6.

And there,
And friends,
Queen !,
Elves !,
And let it go!
Frodo to the saucer!
For Frodo !,
And saw!,
What many!
Because of evil !,
Will be captured!
If not destroyed!
Ring of the Dark!
Lord of the Dark Ring!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 7.

From the darkness
And she said
Frodo !,
Own way!,
To win!
Dark Lord !,
And heroes!
Collected things!
The elf gave!
Endless White !,
Bread and endless!
Calling for help!
Elf, if there is any trouble!
And the heroes say goodbye!
Let's go further!
Let's hit the road!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 8.

We sailed along the river
And they sailed for a long time
On the boat,
But in the forest
Far away
There was a small one,
And they met
The heroes are gigantic
Statues depicting
Aragorn's ancestors!
Beginnings of Heart-earth !,
As he said!
Aragorn himself!
Sailing on!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 9.

And suddenly,
Have stopped
Near the forest
For firewood,
Boromir and Frodo !,
Gone into the woods!
For firewood !,
But Boromir has gone mad!
But Frodo put on the ring!
And ran away!
Met Aragorn!
But he saw enemies!
And the battle began!
With the enemies of Saruman!
And Pepin and Mary fought!
And Boromir joined!
Who was shot!
Killed and died!
On the battlefield !,
And the hobbits!
They took it with them!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 10.

Boromir lay
In the arms of Aragorn,
Aragorn Killed !,
The leader of the Saruman gang!
But Boromir !,
His boat has fallen too!
Took Boromir to the waterfall!
And Gimli and Legolas!
And Aragorn Beyond !,
Let's go!
And Frodo is alone!
I wanted to leave!
And Sam went!
Follow him!
And almost drowned!
But Frodo helped him!
And together they!
Let's go!
Come to Mordor!
Destroy the Evil Ring!
And the Lord!
Forever and ever!

4 times Chorus and so on.

Part 3.


Lord of the Rings!,
The world is endless!
Wars !,
Saruman builds !,
Your army!
And Legolas!
Gimli !,
And Aragorn !,
Let's go hobbits!
Search and help out!

After Chorus

And Frodo and Sam!
Met Golum!
Who wanted!
Steal from them!
But I was caught!
And on the chain!
Tamed !,
Lead the Heroes !,
To the fiery!

2 Post Chorus

In the meantime !,
Mary and Pepin !,
Get out!
But unexpected!
Unknown attacked!
Warriors on horseback!
And killed!
Orcs slaughtered!

3 Post Chorus

The hobbits are gone!
In the forest!,
And then!
Legolas, Gimli !,
And Aragorn !,
Thinking that they killed!
Their friends!
Followed away!
In the forest!,
And when they left!
We met in the forest!
Suddenly white!
A magician like Saruman!
What did Mary and Pepin see!
Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn!

4 After Chorus 5 times

Lord of the Rings !,
The Fellowship of the Ring!,
Go to fight!
With evil! Destroy !,
Lord of the Rings!

Verse 1.

And we met,
Heroes of Gandalf,
In a white cloak!
And he is to the heroes,
How did he survive
By killing Balrock!
Sworn enemy!
Middle Earth !,
And he became a white magician!
And called Gandalf!
White horse!
White vulture !,
And galloped off!
Heroes !,
To the kingdom!
Rohan !,
Free !,

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 2.

Frodo and Sam,
Walked on
Through the woods
And they saw
Far away
Elephant fight
And warriors
And golum,
And Frodo,
And dragged
Into the cave
To Faramir,
To brother,
And they took away three of them!
To Gondor for interrogation!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 3.

Mary and Pepin,
We went to the forest
Where they were lost
She told them
What they were
Among the orcs
And they walked
Through the woods from the orc,
Ruined the Ent,
And raised
Hobbits on themselves
And takes it home!
But he finds out!
What Saruman!
Ruined everyone!
His brothers!
And Ent!
This is very angry!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 4.

Ent gathered his own,
Forest brothers!
Ents and set off!
Fight Saruman!
Which is an army!
Sent already!
But to him!
They came to fight!
Ents and destroyed!
Mechanisms !,
And caves !,
And everything was flooded!
Around the hobbits!
And the Ents!
Won the war!
With its!,
Father as a sorcerer!
Good triumphed over evil!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 5.

In the meantime,
And his friends
To the king of Rohan,
Wake him up
And at this time!
They brought his son!
And they saw his daughter!
Heroes and the wizard !,
Gandalf !,
The heroes have come to the king!
And next to him!
Sat devil!
Which is long!
Years tormented the king!
But Gandalf freed!
His! From the dark!
Ball charm !,
And pushed!
Sarumanskoe !,
The evil inside the king!
Rohan and defeated the curse!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 6.

And the king recovered
And drove the devil away,
From the kingdom
And he returned
To Saruman,
Buried his son
King before that,
He drove away his army,
And Gandalf,
I went after him,
And the heroes went
On the road to the Southwest
And they were attacked
Orc riders
And Aragorn remembered
Your elf,
And he fell off the stone
With a wolf and a rider
On it, but to the king of Rohan,
I had to go forward!
Despite everything!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 7.

But the body of Aragorn,
Moored to the shore,
And the horse met him,
And I remembered the words
Your elves!
And he got up!
Let's go ahead!
He saw,
How it goes
Saruman's Army !,
And set off!
With news to the king!
And returned!
He's in the city!
Back !,
Getting ready!
To the new!
Fight! With the Army!
Saruman and arrived!
Army of Elves !,
For the fight against evil!
Defeat the Army !,
Dark sorcerer!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 8.

Torment golum
And Frodo and Sam,
For the truth,
But when it came
When they were persecuted!
They are at the damned swamps!
Where Frodo nearly drowned!
Among the ghosts of the dead!
And the main one flew in!
And he came to the roof!
Frodo, but Sam saved him!
But Frodo is furious!
He took the sword and near!
Sam's throat the blade is blue!
But Faramir !,
Overheard their conversation!
About war!,
And let go!
To freedom!,
Further on the way!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 9.

In the meantime,
Our heroes are getting ready
To the first battle with the army,
And children and sons,
Go to war
Defeat the warrior's warriors
And the horn sounded!
And the enemy began to attack!
And goes to the walls!
Fort! But flew!
Arrows! And one!
For the other they felled!
And the king is watching!
For everyone!
But hope is waiting!
But the leader of the elves has fallen!
But the fight continues!
Gimli and Aragorn !,
Smash everyone at the gate!
And Legolas is on the shield!
I drove in a row!
Killed and Hope !,
I left inside the castle!
But it appeared unexpectedly!
Light and Hope !,
Appeared again!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 10.

Gandalf has arrived,
With the army of Rohan,
And from the palace at speed!
Defeated everyone on the bridge!
And Gandalf has come!
With the hope of crushing!
The enemy! And the dark army!
Dying quickly!
But it left abruptly!
Into the forest and there!
The Ents ate them!
Killed, crushed!
Saruman's Army !,
Defeated! But that's not all!,
The magician said looking!
To Gondor and Mordor !,
And there is still a way!
Not over, like the battle!
With the Lord of the Rings!
But the Fellowship of the Ring !,
Go ahead! And don't give up!
Never! Our!,
The Fellowship of the Ring!

4 times Chorus and so on.

Part 4.


Lord of the Rings!,
Heroes Fight !,
With the enemy!
With evil!
Ring !,
And spiteful!
Got in the way! -
But he was defeated!
Legolas and Servant !,
Yours! And herself!
The servant was shot!

After Chorus

And we met!
Hobbits !,
Mary and Pepina !,
After battle!,
With Ents!
On the water !,
Against the orcs!
And the sorcerer!
But they took it!
Their friends!,
And heroes!

2 Post Chorus

And celebrated!
Ours in the bar!
Heroes after the battle!
With the enemy!
With the army!
Sorcerer !,
But that's not all!,
And it will pour!
New trouble!
In the form of fiery!
Ball which!
Take the hobbit!
And it will torment him!

3 Post Chorus

And Gandalf !,
Take it!
Him with you!
To Gondor !,
To sign!
Send to Rohan!
The Fellowship of the Rings !,
Will beat!
Happy New Trouble !,
Which will be!,
Still to come!

4 After Chorus 5 times

Lord of the Rings!,
The Fellowship of the Rings !,
Will beat!
With new trouble to the end!

Verse 1.

We slept
Sam and Frodo,
But to them,
I suspected this,
But before that!
They climbed!
Up !,
To the gates of Mordor!
Where did they turn!
Stone !,
But Sam attacked!
To Golum !,
And Frodo !,
Sam home!
And he climbed!
With Golum up!
But Sam discovered!
Bread crumbs !,
Below and Golum !,
Lied! He's a liar!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 2.

But the Army,
Swam away
On boats,
To the ruins
And the fighters
In the town,
To fight
And people
And the orcs
To a foreign land!
And it began!
The fight!,
Fought !,
They take a long time!
But many soldiers!
Were killed!,
And including!
General !,
From the sword of the leader!
But the chase continued!
And then the dragons flew!
But Gandalf came running!
With a white horse!
And dispersed with light!
Enemies and Heroes !,
Returned home!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 3.

Frodo got up
To the very top
And went,
In the footsteps
But the one
Him to the cave,
With a giant
And he is his,
I almost ate it
But with help,
Light elf,
Frodo !,
I got out!
From the spider's cave
But Golum attacked!
But then Frodo threw it!
Its down! And Frodo !,
One went further!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 4.

And Pepin,
Have seen
How it burned
Tower of Mordor,
And they understood
Army of Mordor,
And about this,
It is necessary to inform
To the King of Gondor,
And he sent
Into battle again
Against people!
Mordor !,
Orcs !,
And it began!
Shooting and fell!
Faramir! Under!,
Singing Pepin!
From strength and quantity!
The enemy!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 5.

And they brought
And he didn’t die
But Gandalf,
Went with Pepin
I will help you call
And pipin with a torch,
I lit a fire
To call,
Help !,
And it went wrong!
Throughout Middle-earth !,
And it came to Aragorn!
And he came!
Report it!
To the king about it!
And they again!
Let's go!
Let's hit the road!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 6.

In the meantime,
At Gondor,
Crowds of warriors
And they want
Enter the City,
But the gate
Do not give a pass
And they use,
Stone wolf
But Pepin went
For help,
To Faramir!
But his!,
I wanted to set fire!
His father!,
And Pepin !,
I wanted to interfere!
But it didn't work!
And went into the night!
Report to Gandalf!
About! And before that!
A bunch of monsters!
And the Army died!
In battle!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 7.

Rohan is gaining
But he came
Head Elf !,
And gave a sword!
Aragorn !,
For the fight !,
With the Dead !,
And he found out!
About the dead!
Behind the wall!,
But let's go!
There Gimli,
Aragorn and Legolas !,
And the Army!
Rohana has gone!
Merry and Princess Fight!
Set off too!
To battle!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 8.

Aragorn, Gimli,
And Legolas,
Found a cave
And take turns!
We went into it!
And they found it empty!
Hall and there !,
The spirit appeared!
Old !,
Of the damned king!
And there are some traitors!
And Aragorn asks them!
To them!,
But they were refused!
Killing them!
Skulls !,
Waterfall !,
Outside !,
Leader !,
And let's go attack!
To the enemy ship!
Floating in the distance!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 9.

To the edges of the field
Troops have risen!
Rohan !,
And to the battle!
They are with the orcs!
And the king said!
Destroy all orcs!
The horn sounded!
And the army went!
Rohan to fight!
For Gondor and the beginning!
Smash the enemy!
To smithereens!
But we met!
Mastodons !,
And they started!
Trample! But them!
Easy to kill!
But they fell to the ground!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 10.

Gandalf rode up,
Save Faramir!
And rushed to the king!
The horse hit the king!
And he into the fire!
Fell! But he screamed!
I ran out! And down!
Fell! And there!,
Battle with the elephants!
And the horse fell!
With a princess and a hobbit!
But a servant with a helmet on a dragon!
He threw off the king on horseback!
But the princess cut her head!
To the dragon, but the Servant stood up!
In a helmet, but quickly fell!
From the blow of the sword!
The princess and she!
I came to my father!
And he lies!
And he died before our eyes!
Daughters and said!
Goodbye! And loves his daughter!
But not the end of the path of the Brotherhood!
Rings! And the end! Still to come!

4 times Chorus and so on.

Part 5.


Lord of the Rings!,
The Fellowship of the Rings !,
They're going to destroy!
Lord's Ring !,
And Aragorn !,
Legolas and Gimli !,
Gandalf !,
Sam and Frodo !,
Mary and Pepin !,
Rohan and Gondor !,
Together against !,
The enemy!

After Chorus

Once when !,
Golum !,
Was a hobbit, Smyaguom !,
Fishing !,
With a friend!,
But greed!
The ring has taken over!
His mind!
And he killed!
Your friend!
For the ring!
And before that it was!
Ring! At the ancestor!
Aragorn !,
Which did not quit!
Ring in the volcano !,
But he fell later!
In battle! Dropping!
Ring in the water !,
To the bottom!

2 Post Chorus

Golum put on the ring!
And ended up in a cave!
One with a ring!
And then the ring!
Took Bilbo !,
And he started yelling!
My precious!,
For he became!
Obsessed with the Ring!

3 Post Chorus

Lord of the Rings!,
The Fellowship of the Rings !,
Save people!
From the Dark!

4 After Chorus 5 times

Lord of the Rings!,
Kept my rings!
But they couldn't!
And the Lord will overcome them!
Forever and ever!

Verse 1.

I got out of the ship!
Aragorn, Legolas,
Gimli !,
And let's go beat!
With the damned!
Warriors !,
Smash the army!
Lord !,
And they knocked the elephant down!
And the Leader was defeated!
And damn it!
There was an army!
And released!
And the king!
Kingdom !,
He became his!
Free !,
And the heroes are back!
To Gondor! Back!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 2.

Frodo went
Further, but met!
Sting in the face!
And the spider fell!
Shook it up!
Into the web!
But he came!
His friend Sam !,
And he began to beat!
For him!,
For his friend!
And won!
Spider !,
Stuck a sword!
Into it! But Frodo!
Didn't move!
Sam thought he was dead!
But the orcs have come!
They said no!
And they took him away!
And Sam follows them!
Let's go!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 3.

In Gondor !,
Faramir !,
Told Gandalf !,
From where they left!
Frodo and Sam !,
And Gandalf !,
What do you need!,
To Mordor !,
And distract!
Army !,
To myself!,
And what you need!
Last Stand!,
Friends first !,
Didn't want!
But I had to!
To the last battle!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 4.

In Arendel,
Elves gather
Sail to Paradise
And finish,
Your eternal!
And life !,
In these parts!
Earth! But!,
The elf did not want to!
Remembering death!
Aragorn, but I saw!
Future! What will happen!,
Son and happy!
There will be them!
At least it will remain!
Alone and ran away!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 5.

Daughter of the chief,
The elf decided
What will remain
And without a loved one
She's nowhere
Will not go away
And she brings up
His son,
And she will
Not alone,
In the meantime,
Frodo is brought!
Orcs to the abandoned!
Tower !,
But the carnage began!
Between the orcs!
For silver!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 6.

Sam came over
Into this tower
And figured it out
With the orcs,
And struck
And threw it off,
Down the stairs !,
Way down!,
Orcs !,
Were !,
At Frodo!
And one!,
I wanted him!
Kill by taking away!
Shirt and sword !,
Frodo woke up!
But they didn't have time!
For the sword!
Pierced the Orc!
Which the!,
I wanted to kill!
Frodo !,
And this!
There was Sam!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 7.

In front of Sam,
And he returned
Ring to him!
And let's move on!
But Frodo needs it!
It was!,
For this!,
Something to wear!
And they put on!
Helmets !,
Fallen Orcs !,
And squeezed through!
Among the orcs!
To the red mountain !,
But it was dangerous!
On the way there is a ring!
Burned Frodo!
And the tower lantern!
Sauron sees!
Everything and a little!
Didn't notice Frodo!
Far away! But he fell!
And Sauron did not notice!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 8.

Behind the gates
Mordor !,
Lined up
And Rohana,
And Aragorn,
Eomer, Legolas,
Gimli and Gandalf,
We rushed to the gate
And they met Sauron,
But they killed! Chopping off!
Head to him!
And they went into operation!
And they began to prepare!
To the last battle!
And the gates of Mordor!
The Army has also opened!
Sauron came out and surrounded!
The last fighters!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 9.

Our heroes
Pepin, Mary,
Gandalf, Aragorn,
Legolas and Gimli,
Jomer's army,
Rohan and Gondor,
Ready for the last one
Boyu and Aragorn,
With tears in my eyes
Let's go ahead!
And behind him the army!
To overcome!
Sauron Forever !,
And Rohan ran!
And Gondor into battle!
And side by side !,
Armies collided!
In the last battle!
And the ogre came!
And Aragorn started!
Press, but he!
Didn't give up! Beat!
To end!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 10.

And at Red!
Mountains rise!
Frodo and Sam !,
And Sam took!
Into Frodo's arms!
It's hard for him!
It was to bear!
Ring to the red !,
Woe! And Golum !,
And it began
Fight Sam with him!
And a stone on the head!
Golum got!
And Frodo is gone!
With a ring!
Into the entrance of the Red!
Mountains, and Sam!
Follow him!
To overcome!
Lord !,
Forever and ever! The fight!,
Of the Fellowship of the Ring !,
Now it will be finished!
Forever and ever!

4 times Chorus and so on.

Part 6.


Lord of the Rings!,
Peace warrior !,
And the end!
Peace !,
Middle Earth !,
All Earth !,
Warrior !,
Heroes !,
The Fellowship of the Ring!

After Chorus

Heroes are at war!
Against Sauron !,
Mordor !,
Gandalf !,
Legolas and Aragorn !,
Frodo and Sam !,
Gimli !,
Rohan and Gondor !,
Eribor, Eomer !,
For peace!,
In Middle-earth!

2 Post Chorus

The Fellowship of the Ring!,
In the last!,
Fight !,
And Frodo!
And Sam !,
With the enemy!
At the door!,
With Golum !,
With its!,
Hobbit !,
Beast inside!

3 Post Chorus

Lord of the Rings !,
Win !,
They are the Fellowship of the Ring!
Forever and ever!

4 After Chorus 5 times

Lord of the Rings!,
Falling Soon !,
His End will come!

5 times

The Fellowship of the Ring!,
Heroes will not be forgotten!
Never! They prevailed!
Lord of the Rings!

Verse 1.

Sam walked in
Up the red mountain
And saw,
What Frodo,
Stands on the edge
By the cliff
Into the lava
And Sam asks
Throw off Frodo,
Ring down,
But Frodom,
And he put on,
And disappeared!
And Golum is behind!
Attacked them!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 2.

Sam lost,
And Golum,
Jumped up
On Frodo,
And chewed off
With a ring,
And Golum,
I got it again
That ring
Having said mine,
But Frodo,
Out of anger
I started with him,
Take away,
But both are gone
Down and Sam,
I saw it!
And he shouted "No!"

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 3.

Sam came over
To the edge
And held out
Frodo's hand
But Frodo,
Did not want,
Give a hand,
But in the end,
Took Sam
And got out
And Golum,
Down into the lava !,
And burned out!
And it burned down!
The lord is with him!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 4.

And the Tower,
And collapse!
And an eye, an eye!
Sauron was destroyed!
Tower and gate !,
To Mordor !,
And they saw it!
Our heroes !,
And they began to rejoice!
But they saw!
How it exploded!
Volcano and sad!
Gandalf, Aragorn !,
And Sam and Frodo!
Far away! Let's start!
But lava is all around!
They were lying!
On the island!,
Sam about home!
I spoke!
But it seemed the end!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 5.

And Frodo fell asleep
And Sam too
It seemed the end
I came
But the eagles
With Gandalf,
They took away
Our heroes
And Frodo,
I woke up
Back in bed
And saw,
In a white robe
And I met
Pepin and Mary!
Aragorn, Legolas !,
Gimli and Sam !,
At the end!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 6.

And in Gondor,
Has begun
And crowned
Put on the crown
And Aragorn,
I went ahead
And everyone bowed,
To the King of Gondor,
And I met
Beloved king,
Your arendel,
And they became,
Together, but met!
Frodo and Sam !,
And Aragorn and the Elf!
And everyone bowed!
To your heroes!
Victors of the Dark!
Lord of the Rings!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 7.

But it's time
It was home
And they returned
To the house of the hobbits
And they started
And they asked!
Where were they !?,
And they answered!
Saved the world!
And upon arrival!
Home Frodo !,
And Sam was met!
Gandalf! Which the!,
Said time!
Him and the elves!
Leave and lead!
To the river!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 8.

But before that!
Frodo finished writing!
Bilbo Baggins !,
And set off!
To the river Elves!
Go away!
Head Elf !,
And the princess!
Go away!
But they took it!
Frodo !,
He also said!
It is worthy!
And he said goodbye!
With Mary, Pepin!
And Sam !,
Forever and with good!
With Frodo's smile!
Both Gandalf and Elves!
And Bilbo Baggins !,
Sailed away!
Forever and ever!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 9.

And Sam,
But he got married
On the girl
And were born
They have children,
And he is to them,
Began to tell
And they went in
Home, with my own!
Wife !,
And children!
And they lived!
Happily Ever !,
Forever and ever!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 10.

It's over
Of the Fellowship of the Ring,
And they,
And everyone,
On your own,
And free
For a century
And the dark one
Forever and ever!,
But this is different!
And History !,
Of the Fellowship of the Ring !,
Will not be forgotten!
And forever!
Will stay!
In history!,
And in hearts!
Who loved!
World of Brotherhood !,
Lord of the Rings!,
Will not end!
After all, this is just the beginning!
And Continuation !,


4 times Chorus and so on.
