
My heart is dancing a waltz and Charleston
When I see you in simple grey costume alone.
Your soft sparkling eyes full of pure true love
That is how it goes around.

Lonesome days and a lot of cold faces
Have finished as we met together one day.
You and me, we shall taste the pain and the joy,
You just should be so brave to enjoy.

I don’t need to pretend anybody for you,
I forget any trouble when I am with you,
Darling, give me your hand and squeeze me so tight,
I shall drown in the warmth of your eyes.

When our yellow leaf will drop down from the tree,
We’ll chasing the sun on a horseback again,
All adventures are life and emotions have sense,
We should find our stairway to heaven.

squeeze me to🌺 tight - too tight или so tight.
We will🌼 chasing - we'll be chasing.

Елизавета Судьина   30.03.2021 21:25     Заявить о нарушении
Oh, yes!!! Thank you so much 😊. Пишу, тороплюсь, выкладывая свои сокровища, вдруг кому-то ещё понравятся). Исправлю!

Елена Викторовна Борисова   30.03.2021 21:27   Заявить о нарушении