To whom it may concern

Hi, this is me.
Saying these words like we're friends.
How have you been?
Since that last time we held hands.
Knowing that somewhere
You kept my promises like they were true.
Makes me just hopeful
You won't ever know what I went through.
Hi, this is me.
When I have breakfast, you go to sleep.
And does this mean
That you live in future while me in the past deep?
You know, my last name
Does not make any sense on this continent.
I wish that in English
It also did mean something pertinent.
Hi, this is me
Who thought I can move out and start the life over.
Well, the problem is
I kind of unchanged inside unless my soul lacks its cover.
I finished my letter.
Whatever, I'll send it to you once I catch the moment.
Please read it
And make sure you don't make any hurried comment.

Спустя столько лет
люблю твои стихи
на любом языке.

Дарья Бомгард   03.05.2021 23:03     Заявить о нарушении