Cat Innokenty. From Gennady Polezhankin

Innokenty , the omniscient cat
Is leabing throungh my book parchment
And the secret's what does he understand ,
You can't call him for the exam in the end .

Innokenty the omniscient cat ,
Appartment Przhevalsky and the horse
Will " lavish compliments " on him and
When they come out on the square in due course .

The omniscient cat Innokenty is
More cunning than . Igor's dinner ,
He'll meet the Egyptian papirus
Purring , oh , I don't need gin , do you hear ?

Innokenty the omniscient cat ,
Kind and economic being
Is living on the planet
" GREEN GROVE " off the pussy's being .

     10 / 03 / 2021

* Перевод на английский  выполнил Игорь Вячеславович Топоров , уфимский поэт

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