
Authors: Svyatoslav Boyko and Diana Kupriyanova

Verse 1.

Once I,
It all started
Very good,
And then it's bad
Everything turned gray like the sky
And life was filled with melancholy.
And I don't believe in happiness anymore
I live alone, always an outcast.
Out of the eyes
Tears are falling
There were ulcers
Like eternal
That I scattered

2x Chorus

Eternal !,
Pain and problem are mine!
Can't get through!
From my life!,
Forever and ever !

After Chorus

I suffer so much at night
My soul hurts from tears.
And every day inspires fear
You can't live it.
And skip!
And learn how to live!
With love and soul then!

2 After Chorus 5 times

Eternal !,
Pain and problem !,
Mine and she!
Can't get through!
Go away!

Verse 2.

Sometimes days go by
War, life and love
And you think
That everything will be
So what,
We will all be
Live happily,
Looking at each other
In the eyes,
Finding in them,
Honor and lies!
Which is forever!
Will torment!
Me inside!
Eternal flame!
Fire, pain and love!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 3.

You are a daughter
And my son,
Don't be sad
You are not alone,
Do not be sad,
Do not be sad,
I am a father with you,
I will always be!
And no need!
Because of the pain !,
And love!,
Ruin !,
Own life!,
You need to be able!
And please!
And yourself and your loved ones!
With your life!
Don't be sad!
For a trifle!
Let go of the past!
Let go of that!
Torments you!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 4.

Just sing
A song about your feelings
Don't hold
In chains
Eternal tears
Do not spread rot,
Do not ignore those
Who tries
With all my might
Help and support !,
And understand you!
Your pain!
Contrary to life!
And love!,
To life!,
Yours, which you!
Passed and lived!
And what a whole life!
It's all in vain!
Dark, bad thoughts!
Words, let go!
Breathe free chest!
Beautiful and free!
Life is by air !,
And live in peace!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 5.

I know,
They got you
The good and the bad
And that they are all
They lie calmly
And laughing
Watching you
In the eyes,
Upon you,
Over your destiny
Over your faith
Into everlasting love
Into eternal life
Without hiding it!
Not from anyone!
But it seems to you!
What is your life!
Shit and makes no sense!
Continue to live!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 6.

Calm down!
Calm your soul!
And your emotions!
Or sing it!
Let them out!
An eternal stream!
Pain and fear !,
You will not be!
How awful!
This life!,
And in fact!,
Someone for you!
Just impudent!
Lying looking!
In your eyes!
Dripping in your ears!
Broth with water !,
And noodles!
They will hang you!
Be patient!
And don't give a reason!
Bad advice!
And words!
Take possession of your soul!
And kill you!
Dark and bad!
With your words!
Keep calm!,
Don't die!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 7.

Weak !,
My strength!
Torments me !,
Inside of me!,
One pain!
And malice !,
For the whole!
Out of strife !,
But be able!
See the good!
Not just bad!
In the world!,
And in your soul!
To a dark soul!
Not left!
Not good !,
Not love !,
Live, love !,
Then you want!
Go away, ruin yourself!
And end up in Hell!
Tormenting yourself!
In bad words!
Laid down by darkness!
Inside you!,
And they just kill!
You! And so!,
And all your depression!
For your whole life!
And after her!
In hell! Forever and ever!

4 times Chorus and so on.
