Hero s Mirror

Verse 1.

A long time ago,
I was standing,
Near the reflection
And then on and out the window,
After reflecting
You open!
Uncharted Worlds !,
That you see !,
Only you!,
And it all depends on you!
How will it be built!
Peace then !,
But you! Realized!
Himself !,
And your own!
Internal !,
The enemy!

2x Chorus

Hero's Mirror !,
Watching you !,
In the eyes!,
Revealing the truth!
And it won't lie!
The reality of you !,
Reflecting !,
Your world!,
And what are you!,
Made for the world!
For the Earth, for the home!
Where he was born!,
And he always lived!
Admiring the world!

After Chorus

Lives in you !,
In the shower!,
And reflecting!
World through the looking glass!
In secret!
Your being !,
A riddle is hidden!
Which is interesting!
Solve it for yourself!

2 Post Chorus

I see!,
His! He's with me!,
My Savior !,
My Creator !,
And reflecting!
Worlds of good !,
And evil!
You become!,
To another!
Not easy!
But kind!
Balance within!
Burning with a candle!
Forever, always a Hero!
Your! And ours!

3 Post Chorus

Hero's Mirror !,
Reflecting !,
Your spirit!
Your true!
Look and Peace !,
Which is forever!
Lives inside!
Reflecting thoughts!
Sorrows and joys !,
Glittering eternal!
The Star Within You!

4 Post Chorus

Reflecting Mirrors !,
And your truth!
You reveal!
Secrets and secrets!
Your soul!
And the world around!
Live forever!
Hero of heaven!

5 After Chorus 5 times

Hero's Mirror !,
Life Eternal !,
You and being!
Shining Eternal Star!

Verse 2.

Sometimes you stand
And you look
On the mirror
To myself,
And to the world
Entire life,
That lives
Breathes, exists,
And for a moment,
An airplane flew by
And sometimes you see
How it dies
Dries up
The world is dying
Where there is not enough
A hero and an angel
To everyone!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 3.

Reflecting worlds
And striking dreams
You destroy
You torture
Don't torture me
Save me
And if you can see
What's happening,
From the side,
Do not brake!
Do not stand there!
Help !,
People, Life !,
Take care!
For the good!
All Living !,
In the world!,
On the ground!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 4.

I look,
To the world
Terror is happening
And it consists,
From many worlds
And warriors
And wars
On different fronts
And fear manifests itself
And there was a crash
Of old worlds
Where was
Things are good,
And the bad is gone
And good,
It remains to exist
In a raging world
Of drowning and living worlds!
Who are all!
Save! Reflecting !,
All good!
To Evil!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 5.

The world saves
Great light
Forces of the soul
For good,
And love,
For the good
Everyone on Earth
And in the world!
Will come!
A life!,
No discord !,
After all, looking!
From the side !,
What a world !?,
Lives now!?,
And in danger!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 6.

I look,
From the side,
To the world
I want to,
Help him,
And erase
All the marks of evil
That reject
People from good
From the Holy Father !,
Our Holy Spirit !,
Turning them!
Into the wild!
Savages !,
Not people!
In which it is easy!
Evil will heal!
Eternal Damnation !,
People on Earth !,
Hero of the Reflected!
Save the world!
Reflecting light!
Destroying the darkness!
Away from the Dark Winds!
Dark Worlds !,
Hero's Mirror !,
Reflects the Good !,
Forces and worlds!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 7.

Calm down!
A world of villains!
Of evil geniuses!
And atrocities!
Of eternal enemies!
People, Earth,
Heaven and Heavenly Father,
On which,
Went to war!
Its creation!
Which he created!
Our Father of Heaven !,
And he turned!
Into the creature of darkness, anger!
And evil!
Into the creature of self-interest!
And pride!
He did!
The very first!
And generally speaking!,
All Sins of the Earth !,
Most Proud !,
And terrible!
Lord of the Dark Earth,
And Souls !,
The villain! WORLD EARTH !,

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 8.

I know,
Many of us,
Tired of wars
And the war
Bottom and heaven
Good and evil
I also love,
Kindness and love
My love,
Which gave
Warm and shod,
Has grown
His Hero,
And god
Our Father,
It should be,
Your son is a protector
Not a ram-predator,
There is no sorrow left
No conscience
Not kind
No shame
And so there is
Defender and Savior !,
Earth, peace!
And ours! Heavenly !,

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 9.

I look,
To different worlds
It's so good without a war
I like,
You are a wonderful world
Without strife,
And enmity
I love you,
Lovely my,
You are my life,
You are my essence
With using what,
I became a hero
Beloved Father,
And the Son!
Heaven and I came!
Save with words!
Goodness of the Father and the Whole World !,
From enmity!
From the war !,
From all evil!
To end!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 10.

On swords
In armor,
In armor
With light
And good
To help,
Protect life
Yours and others
And conquering your fear
I have overcome my crash !,
Do not defeat evil!
To the world!
And good and miracle!
Lived forever!
Smelled and loved!
Present day!,
And the world is bright!
And great heavens!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 11.

Winter is standing
The bells are ringing
The churches sing
People live,
And they don't fight
And they sing about life
The world and everyone is theologized,
The earth is illuminated
Our heroes of epics
And some delicious pancakes
Who baked
In the ovens and ate
And burned
Angry woman!
Burned evil!
In the ovens and protected!
Peace and soul!
Its from the darkness!
From the stench of others!
Not good!
Creatures of the Earth!
Destroyed !,
Saved, won!
Great Heroes !,
Reflecting the goodness of the soul!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 12.

Hero's Mirror !,
Reflects !,
Saves !,
Protects the world!
Whole Troy !,
Of the gods!
Of heroes !,
And saving the world!
Protecting your life!
Different heroes!
Lived, existed!
From our god!
From Jesus !,
Until Putin!
From Nikolai !,
To Paradise !,
And the whole Earth!
Lives and breathes!
Thanks !,
Heroes of Mirrors!
Heaven and Worlds !,
Of heroes !,
To save everyone!
And the whole world!
From the rubbish of evil!
Forever and ever! Reflecting !,
Eternal Light, glare of good!
Hearts and Souls !,
Mirror Hero !,
Heaven! Using!
Hero's Mirror !,
Like a tool!
Like a weapon !,
Destruction !,
To destroy!
Evil and Save !,
Peace to your own!
Hero's Mirror !,
That's all!,

5 times
Hero's Mirror !,
Eternal power!
Goodness and Heaven!
And good you!

4 times Chorus and so on.
