Станс Мы теряемся...
И пытаемся счастье найти…
И страдаем любовью в разлуке -
Той потерей, проросшей в груди.
Свидетельство о публикации №121021908400
Separation-to separate... my good Literary Hero, (Old Slavonic interpretation) - a mental state experienced by a person who is far from the one with whom he wants to be together, to live next to.
It is in MARINOCHKA TSVETAEVA that you can exhaust the suffering of love in separation, the LOSS that "sprouted in the chest". Separation
"Tower Battle
Somewhere in the Kremlin.
Where on earth,
Where —
My fortress,
Meekness is my,
My valor,
My holiness.
Tower battle.
The abandoned fight.
Where on earth —
Narrow soles-a trace.
Exactly by hand
Dropped into the night —
"Abandoned mine"!
Thank you, dear VALERY!
A gentle lyric and philosophical work!
It is better not to feel, not to convey... only-TO ADMIRE!!!
Надежда Зернова 19.02.2021 22:28 Заявить о нарушении
I want to answer with a short impromptu:
But if you keep love in your heart, you can,
At least it hurts like a burn in it,
In the soul there is hope that after all, God
It will restore our faith in love.
Thank you, dear Nadezhda, for understanding the Author's message and for the high appreciation of the dance!!!
With VNL in the heart of LG and the warmth of a grateful soul, Valery.
Валерий Старостин 20.02.2021 23:32 Заявить о нарушении