SEA LULL Морская колыбельная

As if weightless jellyfish swim, they go deep...
A couple of lobster with starfish whisper at seabed
Scallops and pearl mussels close, go to rest and sleep
Anglerfish lit his lamp on a silver thread

Waves sway and moon shines
Sea  space no confines
In magic coral palace, revolve octopus kids
Leisurely and peaceful waves swaying seaweed slowly
Old sea turtle stopped her flight, closed her eyelids
Parrot fish calmed down too. One's not sleeping only


Cubs of dolphins settle down, gently pressed against moms
In kelp thickets, seahorse hid next to electric eels
Sleepy seagulls swing on waves, as if in the palms
Quietly asked their children to sleep, walruses and seals


Crab redoubted at the rock fell asleep forgotten
Multi-colored clownfish on actinia keep
Flock red mullet settled down on a sandy bottom
All whales very slowly sways, want everyone to sleep

©  Alexander Povshenko

Перевод "Морская колыбельная"
