She s happy, with a new Content by Emily Dickinson

Довольна, новью ублажась,
с ней точно таинств причастясь...
Пристрастья перелицевав,
снуёт, парить учась снова...

Печальна,- ведом ли ей плач,-
особенно, где повод блажь,
что кроткой, как она, с Небес
дано служить - такой судьбе.

(Эмили - о "кроткой", замужней, светской Сью.)
[Весьма уместный Дэвид Прист:
Although Austin had married Sue six years before
this poem on 1 July 1856, this poem reads like
a description of Sue in the period just after
her marriage. If she ever weeps at all now, it is
because heaven has given one ‘so meek’ the blissful
fate of ministering to Austin as his wife and being
the leading hostess in Amherst society. As the general
opinion of Sue was that she was anything but ‘meek,’
Emily may be allowing any chagrin she feels about
the marriage to peep out in this one word.]

She's happy, with a new Content -- by Emily Dickinson

She's happy, with a new Content --      
That feels to her -- like Sacrament --   
She's busy -- with an altered Care --   
As just apprenticed to the Air --       

She's tearful -- if she weep at all --   
For blissful Causes -- Most of all      
That Heaven permit so meek as her --    
To such a Fate -- to Minister.          
