Where are you my dove?

Where are you my dove?
What are you dreaming about?
Underneath or above,
God’s plan is supreme paramount.

Enucleate there is no immune,
Escape or interpretation,
In power of God’s fortune,
This journey of exploration.

We live, we die, we return,
Attempt to define the future
But nOthing is all our truth,
From above to below, to ashes.

Stand up and believe in your God,
Deliver your mettle gracefully,
No wonder you were told by nomad
To retain emotions peacefully.

The truth exists in your eyes,
Delivers trophies to your brains,
Arm up with this golden dice,
All centuries parabellum.

Get rid off what does not serve
Your nature, your mind, your spirit,
Since Love is an essential nerve
That keeps your body-vehicle breathing

January 28th 2021
