Australoamerillion baks. Great Confederation
Come to Me High
Исполнитель: Rumer
- so what, but the largest number of Americans voted for me!
- my greatness and my success is that the largest number of Americans voted for me!
- the archaic system of the United States is outdated to the point of impossibility - look, 10 million more Americans voted for this or that candidate, but because of the voting system, the one for whom all electors vote entirely from the state will win!
- Americans can vote for one president, and electors can vote for another, and this is not defined by law!
- nowhere did the law give the elected representatives from the state the authority to arbitrarily change the vote, nowhere did the law give the elected representatives the right to independently "vote", but the law authorized them to represent the will of the voters of the state and each state has a certain number of such votes
- Confederation, Great Confederation! Who is not satisfied with the confederation form, please do not be distracted by bla-bla-bla-jokes and set an agenda for Confederation reform, not during the excellent work of the electoral system of the Confederation, after the elections whoever wants - there is always Freedom!
- Confederation, Great Confederation! Who says the ideal form of the Confederation is outdated? Ask yourself and those around you - why has the form of confederation been carefully preserved so far - maybe it remains an actual form for the Future, which has already begun to come in 2012? The Great Ice Age is a consequence of the cyclical inevitably globally repeating Kali Yuga outside and beyond our assumptions about the Greate Gala Space.
Жители плоского мира могут подсчитать пятна на кварцевой лампе, а секта учёных количество пятен на Солнце-звезде - характеризующих снижение тепла при Великом Ледниковом периоде Кали Юги. За счёт беспрецедентного для нашей цивилизации парникового эффекта мы уже более менее комфортно прошли ледниковые заморозки уровня похолодания Маундера, а болтуны из СМИ научились называть ледниковые дни отсутствия энергии "безупречными днями".
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Количество безупречных дней в году
В периоды низкой солнечной активности на поверхности Солнца могут полностью отсутствовать солнечные пятна, такое состояние Солнца считается безупречным. Это часто бывает во время солнечного минимума. На графике показано количество дней в течение определенного года, когда на поверхности Солнца отсутствовали пятна.
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