And the unfading genious glory

Перевод стихотворения А. Пушкаренко "And the unfading genious' glory"

The silence broken when the bow was hit
Awakened the unheard-of sounds tittle
The Angel whispered to the boy: "Don't quit,
Be bold! And just relax your hand a little.

Don't be afraid! My wing is here above.
The Lord from heaven listens to your sounds!
Don't let excitement let you down, my love,
Let wind to sing along to magic bow.

Do you remember dawn that played in spring,
The nightingale that then with you competed,
The neighboring black cat that tried to spring
On moving sundog ** - as a toy it treated.

Do you recall that shaggy bumblebee,
To catch your music beat was his endeavor,
And you decided then to let it be,
Conveyed that flight with violin, as ever.

The nature's beauty open to the world,
They don't notice the charm of it without you.
And make it sound as singing of a bird,
They then appreciate it, don't doubt you.

Young Paganini started playing then,
The inspiration touched his soul lightly,
The listeners all felt once and again:
The harmonies Divine were shining brightly...

And wicked demons, flattering their king,
Blazing with envy and dissatisfaction,
Hypocrisy expressing they would sing:
"The violinist, it is just your reflection!"
In crazy moments centuries have passed,
Into the tablets* was inscribed his story.
His legendary name was unsurpassed
And the unfading Genius' Glory!

* tablet - скрижаль
** sundog - солнечный зайчик

Автор оригинала - Пушкаренко Александр " И Гения немеркнущая слава"

Дорогая Ирина!
Прекрасный перевод на замечательный текст. Буду рад, если его автором действительно окажется Александр Пушкаренко.
С уважением,
Ваш Михаил

Михаил Гуськов   16.01.2021 20:50     Заявить о нарушении
Дорогой Миша, рада, что Вам понравился мой перевое.
Уверена, что Александр - автор оригинала.

Ирина Волокина   17.01.2021 09:27   Заявить о нарушении
Ира, Вы - благородная женщина, и хорошо думаете о людях...
Однако, доверяй,но проверяй!

Михаил Гуськов   17.01.2021 11:11   Заявить о нарушении
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