Sweet dream

Lyrics by Bruna
Where are you, my sweet dream?
Why you've gone away and I am alone and see
Only on loneness day? 
How long you will go
from the sadness in my heart and I will know
You're another way.

But I want to see
your spirit's sea
And space of light,
where is all right.
And I'll go up
With cloud's map
To rescue the world
In my strange soul
And to find my love.

Where are you, my sweet dream?
Why you've gone away and I am alone and see
Only on loneness day? 

My dream, you are butterfly,
Who flies around Life...
You are the brightest light,
Feeling the scent of Love...
My dream, you are in Time,
You are at the moment, now...
My dream, you are butterfly,
Who knows nirvana's Sky...
Where are you, my sweet dream? Why you've gone away and I am alone
But I can see my new sweetness day. 
Yes, I can see mine in Loveland day.

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