Станс Пусть сплетаются...
В буквы строк, в стихи простые.
В сердце места нет для точки,
Пусть грешат чувств запятые…
Свидетельство о публикации №121010507874
And that's fine, dear VALERY!
Omar Khayyam —
" With my mind I felt all the universe links,
Comprehension of the human soul soaring,
And, despite the fact, I will confidently say:
There is no state more blissful than intoxication."
It's all about the male personality... be better, stronger, smarter.
I found it at Victoria Tokareva's:
"If you are a person, then you are not chosen, but you choose."
A woman is afraid of losing a strong man.
Like this... "shtrishochki" YOUR, Valery, encode stikhaslozheniya, weaving lace of the MORSE code of the heart of feeling!!!
Sincerely, with a smile-dash ... um. Excellent work ! Sincerely
Надежда Зернова 05.01.2021 22:30 Заявить о нарушении
(Schwarzer Wassermann)
«Du lehrst am besten, was du am meisten selbst lernen musst.»
(Richard Bach).
Vielen Dank, Liebe Hoffnung, fьr die Sensibilitдt der berauschten Seele und charmante Bewertung
mit den Zeilen von Omar Khayyam!!!
Mit aufrichtiger Wertschдtzung und der Wдrme einer dankbaren lyrischen Seele, Valery.
Валерий Старостин 05.01.2021 23:03 Заявить о нарушении