Quantum Reality

All our current culture has come out of magic.
Poetry, music, art, everything was born there.
Moreover, all our drugs:
beer, wine, coca, hemp, peyote, amanita link to magic.
Nowadays those, who might have been shamans and magicians in the past,
now work as priests, mules, ministers, yoga masters, psychoanalysts and psychics.
Modern prolific writers, poets, musicians and artists
also play the roles of ancient magicians and druids.
In fact, nothing in this world would change,
except forms and names.

There was a time when European theologians and scientists
tried to make our world rational, understandable and predictable.
At the end of the 19th century, almost everything worked out.
A slender physical picture of Newton-Maxwell's world emerged,
Darwin's theory supplanted God's Will and the Universal Mind
in the fallacy of evolution,
and Dr. Nobel invented the means of destruction that made man almost a god.
And here human beings would stop,
reassuring yourself with a sweet fairy tale
that the world can fit into a clear matrix and not their brains.
But Gauss geometry blurred human eyes,
X-rays appeared,
Max Planck jumped out of the snuffbox like a devil
with his crazy theory of radiation of an absolutely black body.
So that was the end of the Epoch of Ratio.

The twentieth century lived in the quantum world.
Hellish portals have opened in Russia, Germany, Italy and Japan.
Mankind has regained the weapons
that once upon a time  ruined the civilization of the mortal gods.
The Japanese, these savage representatives of extraterrestrial civilization,
were the first to feel the effects of the destructive power of the quantum world.
We, Ukrainians, were the second with Chernobyl disaster.

Humans have now entered the phase of the great quantum leap.
Physicists have long taught us that the result of the experiment
is influenced by the consciousness of the experimenter.
Today, they already assume that the division of nature
into animate and inanimate is too conditional.
Because our bodies are actually made of stardust,
we are connected to almost the entire universe
according to the laws of quantum physics.
Now we're arriving to conclusion Jesus had arrived:
God is within us.

© Copyright: Valentin Luchenko, 2020
