Anchor In A Striped Vest
Author: Anatoly Yeremeyev
Interpreter: Danil Solntsev
Chapter 1
"Starley" (senior lieutenant) spittingly sworn all the possible devils out of his mouth.
- Look here, cadet Lozhkin! - No words to express, what a sloven you are!
Trying to be somewhat polite, "starley" grabbed Lozhkin by his collar.
Lozhkin frowned in a mine of a certain mean concentration, still trying not to burst out in a suffocating sarcastic laughter.
- To bring you up for our honest fleet, will surely be a problem!
Kortikov, a senior lieutenant, had a reputation of a brilliant officer, an exemplary red-tape-monger communist. He was tall, ideally constituted, firm and exact and a mere career addict.
Lozhkin adored him - meekly.
- I see you to our security check point all the same, - added Kortikov.
- I still ought to be shaved, - meakly protested cadet, 5 clampy rubles in his sweated fist.
- Hush, it is OK, no need in this, as me being happy with your appearance, - insisted the commander.
- I'll be very pleased to know: you leave the crew, and, for the entire two weeks I`m in no more obliged to remind you, that your banal presence at these walls is in fact cruelly offensive to «Its majesty» - "The Naval Service Charters". You can`t even imagine, what a wild, and the deepest pleasure gives it to me, to swipe you out of here at least for a time.
As for Lozhkin, he lost the sence of pleasure. He just left the Seaworthy officials room. He remembered that promised Huzhel, second-year student, to share as a minimum his bloody five roubles with those lazy second-year bums, to mark his lucky navy leave. The essentials at the defined and agreed moment of all that cost were: he, a crucian, and, a sloven, namely, Lozhkin, though being the worst of the whole class, was still let on his leave, whereas they, second-year students already, would have to be nervously up to «watching a stinking service». How a company of some, though even slightly higher cadets, «watch the service», Lozhkin had already casually been faced: outbeaten glasses, belch wommitted bunk rooms, out-and-through procrushed beds - a usual as it always were, result, - he tended but wished not to argue. Only than, having got a presentiment following availably that Huzhel 5 ruble given promise, begged:
- Oh, Senior lieutenant comrade, please!! May i visit a latrine for just a minute?!
- Go parnisha, you just go!, - rapped him off Kortikov, You do not know that-whether, that current repairs are on, and there is no more water so far in a toilet. Urinate, or where futher your wish may go, only as you reach the station toilets.
And so in a "friendly" manner, they did exit. Crossing a hall which here named «flax a room», Lozhkin seen Huzhel who separated from a small crowd of cadets and steppedfowards to him. Lozhkin беспомощно shrugged shoulders and that stopped.
At their bloody KPP Kortikov flaunted and officially stated out his concern:
- Wish you had a properly rest 'cause after the holiday I'll train you with a renewed strength. He smiled friendly, hinted that it was no any joke.
- Serve I my Union of Soviets! - smiled accordingly Lozhkin, in no way jokely.
Lieuftenat face darkened: - Run! Forward! March - hissed he out.
KPP point doors slapped loudly stripping. There stood that .ucking Khoozhel. He stood understanding nothing, but swept in his rememberance was Lozhkin's grin and back both happily disappearing.
Khoozhel saw Lozhkin getting off the tram, and, understanding nothing, stood a bit at a bus stop, watching like mountain eagle, to and fro. Then followed a shed of his few tears. Last minutes after holiday, … when in a head, drunk from a station buffet bottle of beer, in and from, persistently wheels tapping the road all, parting of your mummy words rustle insistently: «Do not? please, drink, do not drink, do not any hoolideeds do, please…!» Khoozhel furtively brushed a tear away, and only then, as Lozhkin started passing the road, shouted to the latter, rushing steamly out, - "Stand still!".
Upper enjoy a gift human interpretation of a translated text
Literature translation is hard and costs too much money to a customer!
Upper here was a bonus translation for a friend of mine!
! Attention! Further follows PROMPT machine translation!
Still! My human version of "The Anchor in a Striped Vest" may happily сontinue! It all will depend on numerosity of your "ready-read" statistics and other, der Dolmetscher`s, i.e. me, motivations, or maybe more other, force major cicumstances.
Good luck, my dear readers! Bye, bye
An excellent piece a tram and its most important advantage, that it can turn on only in event that rails do a zigzag or we will tell turn but in this case neither that, nor another was not available. And Lozhkin meanwhile for a year of stay in seaworthy school got used to obey most different commands. Represent at it even there were commands which he with pleasure loved on business and without it проорать, developing a command voice, such as a company, lifting, command to rise, or here such - company will be constructed on To form number six with mattresses! Last command such does not designate anything it is necessary to appear only on a gathering place in an overcoat in a winter cap with fastened ears, and with a mattress, in обнимку in скатке which, a bed-sheet, a blanket, and a pillow.
When Lozhkin executed, at last, a command he decided to look round not at once on parties to find owner командирского voices and when made it, stared for horror directly at it, gnashing brakes, tram … rushed
Dreamily highly throwing feet and winding between cars as a hare Lozhkin reached a check point, and began to pull entrance handle, it eternally confused in its what party it is necessary to pull.
- Beer - is not present, - is lazy cadet Kvasov sitting on a pedestal on whom hall anchor towered enormous sizes informed it.
- In holiday I reflected … much - thoughtfully glancing at a jam formed on road, have hooted Kvass.
- Whether here this anchor can be dragged on rails?
- I was bothered with these trams … - its Lozhkin supported
- All right, have gone to a company – sighed Kvass.
Meanwhile turmoil lifted by Lozhkin on road, not resolved yet, at that time when crucians very quietly rose on fourth floor to get into friendly embraces of crowd, Huzhelju was necessary is unsweetened. Among passengers of a tram jumped out on street there was a cadet of militia Ivanov armed with a whistle which undertook to detain originator of road incident.
- In a state of intoxication in not put place … - it strewed scraps of learnt phrases.
-Projdemte cadet!
At last Huzhelja reached that its business is bad. Last two days while gathered from holiday карасня, it really did not get out of wine shop which it, by way, was opposite to crew and from which and left, before seen Lozhkin.
- Autocratic absence … drinking of spirits … an extra duty … deduction from school-beginning to match in a head a chain of terrible word combinations. As easier it cast away at once first links, as soon as felt weight of bottle of apple wine hidden in a sleeve. It also stuck with an end face of this bottle to cop into a forehead.
- At me дефчёнку уфел on dances a body пыло - Huzhel feverishly shouted, to gasped passengers trying to justify.
cadet of militia answered nothing bald lie, it only reproachfully whistled also a donkey on rails, having broken with Huzhelja a uniform collar.
- It truth, I have learnt it - cried out Huzhel in person to indignant veteran of war, which пер on it with fists similar to pomegranates.
Compassionate voices were distributed: - That to fellow stick … Having used confusion of Huzhel with shout «Pojtu I will be drowned ф to river …» - rushed наутек.
Citizens still long time crowded and worried.
- Really indeed отсвистался? - One harmful old woman asked all.
- Cops to us not кенты … - бубнил fellow with tattooed rose on a hand, occasionally всхохатывая.
- There should arrive to seventeen zero a zero, foreman muttered.
- TH and wanted to make, - Lozhkin, - but then this terrible stopper near crew … nodded
Conversation quickly passed on raised tone.
Since morning foreman Kilkina was caught on a check point by pregnant girl at whom he, apparently, spent night once, then it was caused to chief of organzatsionno-front department in so-called ОРСО concerning yesterday's пьянки, now still this crucian brought a company delay from holiday …
- I bet that work is necessary to you, - foreman declared. If certainly you do not have anything on a sign.
- While anything, - Lozhkin sighed.
more he would like to take offence at foreman, it would be desirable to burst out laughing more strongly. Therefore Lozhkin decided to cease to pout.
- So it is better, you heard sometime about a premise under name a latrine?
sounded question forced Lozhkin to be disturbed, then it wrinkled a nose and flaunted.
- A premise for departure of natural needs of person!
- No, - its foreman-it corrected a place of re-education of slovens!
- Unhealthy conditions, did not go a foot of sloven … beginnings бубнить Spoon … all holiday …
Килькин was perplexed. Having collected thoughts, Lozhkin was engaged in transfer.
- Will be demanded: soap, a brush, detergent powder.
- I do not think. Even I know precisely that it is possible to manage one bleaching powder, - Kilkin objected. Blow on street and bring a brick.
foreman was to core tutor and instructor, such it was made by service on Northern fleet.
In a court yard where Lozhkin run out, near a summer toilet whole heap of bricks rolled.
- Choose a brick поядрёней, - advised Kvass, arisen in a doorway of a summer toilet.
- It still, Lozhkin what for was surprised.
following was found out: brick should scatter from one blow on мелке slices.
- Not at once it was possible to me, - nodded Kvass on a heap of beaten bricks
- It does not mean that work not выполнима, - with aplomb declared Spoon, having snatched out from a heap, in its opinion, a suitable brick.
Kvass with doubt shaken a head, but after dawned by idea which suddenly come to his head started to rummage in pockets.
- I am better to be insured … two pieces I think, will suffice.
In his hands there were building cartridges which it dexterously pasted to a brick torn off with a scratch on a hand a plaster.
- Two pieces I think, will suffice, - he repeated.
Now Lozhkin in turn begun to doubt. To expand to its doubts, thunderous roar of foreman of a company prevented.
- On a gangway run, - it shouted, having looked out of a window.
-Nashlepkoj downwards, - squeezed whisper advised Kvass and began to blow strenuously to itself on a hand and to point a finger at it, trying to show to foreman a scratch. But in a window already was nobody.
person on duty on school captain-lieutenant Hans dashing springing gait came nearer to crew. Day stood out hard; there was some state of emergency one of which was required to disassemble now, namely incident on tram ways. Hans was hereditary seaman, initiators of this nice dynasty served on fleet at Peter first so that it is firm for itself acquired: whatever happens always it is necessary to be tightened; left hand holds кортик, right gives at walking easy отмашку, as though to be going to salute.
- Well, here my bearing also was useful to me, - he with satisfaction thought.
His hand fast as a birdie порхнула to a peak, but cadet who answered its greeting was apparently not hereditary seaman. All its ancestors of lines them побрал, served, most likely, in a construction battalion in what be accessories.
- Who salutes with a brick in a hand? Where here to undertake elegance. … all these bitter thoughts in a trice have flown in a head at каплея.
- To me foreman of a company Kilkin ordered to bring a brick, - Lozhkin reported.
- So, … but I yet do not see an essence, - is inquisitive have blinked eyes кэп.
- Will bring up …
- On a gangway run … - far cry reminding a peal of a thunder expanded.
Lozhkin involuntarily shuddered and made attempt to rush on call. At каплея courage sufficed to remain outwardly unperturbable though frost passed on its skin and it slightly поежился. It stopped Lozhkin's gesture and gone ahead of it.
- Yes that this such! - he thought on move. second case for a day!
Just today in eighth company fifth-year student and too, by way, foreman, brought up a crucian something of type: to sit down-rise, run-lie, and for process acceleration охаживал бляхою a belt. belt was захлеснут on a hand one end represented itself terrible weapon not to compare to usual educational weapon in form of a classical daddy's belt. About all it still it was necessary to write official report to chief of school.
- metal plate it small, and a brick on half of face will be, - judiciously thought кэп.
Captain-lieutenant Portvejnov high and thickset as elevating crane in port attentively studied person of foreman Kilkina and disapprovingly swung a head. He perfectly understood, why Lozhkin not informed, for what brick suddenly was necessary. According to old училищным to traditions bricks, pictures borrowed in nearest кубаре, or a bucket for deck washing all it could be sold under compulsion to crucians.
Much can be learnt about person on appearance: foreman was strong high guy, for strong-willed прищуром eye hid derisive eyes, and big always open mouth was ready проорать any command. As chief of a special department of a naval cycle Hans knew about Kilkine much: knew that he was born in small town in Ukraine that there it still had bride that it passed service on Northern fleet. order in a company at foreman was, it never involved for serious offences: it seems, there was one pregnant girl, a little пьянок and bad progress in several subjects. It is always interesting to see one whom you know only under file, under questionnaire, official reports and explanatory notes … Hans's Obliging memory in a trice pulled out a crushed leaf анонимки where it was informed that cadet Kilkin by means of art installation 2м3м and back pass shot on members of Political bureau. Portraits of members of Political bureau of Central Committee of CPSU, развешанные over a board in audience where there was this art installation meant.
Drop grinned. Килькин shrugged shoulders.
- It is good that you do not waste time on justifications
- You are mistaken about my.
- Probably, - agreed a drop. - here and cadet Lozhkin considers you as good tutor.
Lozhkin though did not consider anything similar, at a stare кэпа been compelled to shake vaguely a head with a side sideways.
Килькин frowned and got from a pocket a crushed pack of cigarettes Pamir.
-Dahi дахи siga-reta Pamir a cigarette, - started singing about itself Spoon. In evenings he sometimes listened to Monte-Carlo … Good all same cigarettes, «the Beggar with mountains» fine help from a toothache …
They left office and have gone to a latrine.
- A company quietly! – man on duty Beloyarsk high long-legged cadet with gold foreteeth shouted. As Trinity not paid to it any attention, he and followed them a ceremonial step, splashing feet, as if a heron on a bog. He wanted to make official report.
- Kind, I congratulate on returning, - foreman maliciously concerned Lozhkin.
It gallantly passed companions forward.
- Now I will show, how it is possible to manage at cleaning of pushes without detergent powder.
He explained that brick powder is not worse. Hans and Lozhkin looked at it mistrustfully. Having advised to keep eyes, Kilkin with force slapped a brick about a concrete floor.
-Zdes a strong echo, - проорал captain-lieutenant, a little tensely when dust from explosion dissipated.
Килькин unperturbably nodded.
Having received an order to continue, foreman quickly сгреб a portion of a dust on a scoop. In regular intervals strewed a yellow touch of urine which tightly become attached to a toilet bowl and a brick splinter begun «to scrub on its expression a push». After it washed off, to amazed looks something appeared snow-white and shining. Three seamen did not reduce from this miracle of admired eyes. surrounding validity was lost somewhere in distance, far street noise and militian whistles drilling air reached, as if from other world.
- I so will not turn out, - Lozhkin sighed and, застеснявшись inept hands, put them in a pocket.
- To set aside pocket billiards, - foreman bellowed.
- Business is not necessary eaten away egg, - Kilkin objected, thoughtfully looking in a window
- Do not forget about left гюйс, uniform collar, - recovered a drop, - it is signed.
- Now they know a surname and group number, - foreman guessed, it is not good. chief of school will ask questions.
- Questions?! Yes smaller than it can come to an end … - a drop click shaken from an epaulet a mote, - someone's stars can depart!
It already stumbled once: during studies pistol, and completely disappeared.
- All life in каплеях you will not be worn, - he sighed.
However, sad thoughts not for long owned it.
- So, we know that militia school is alarmed, and that they had time to surround river Tsaryov around bridge. It is necessary to carry out urgently reciprocal action and to bring to nothing negative information on our system.
Килькин unwillingly looked away from girl in a short skirt.
- Perhaps, but cadet who will make good plan is necessary to us and will manage to achieve results.
- Time for analyses is not present, - Kilkin thoughtfully finished, having stared in a window.
- man on duty, - barked a drop.
To it answered unless an echo. girl in a short skirt uneasily looked at windows of fourth floor.
- Something with me is valid today not so, - Hans murmured, cleaning a throat cough.
- Quite probably man on duty fallen asleep, … he at last assumed.
But in vain he thought on man on duty so. cadet Beloyarsk standing still near a bedside table stared extensively, thinking, who it, calls and whether it is necessary to run on call if in a company as in any way person on duty on school and at any moment he can miss. That it sent away, truth, on business and foreman could not make official report sufficed it already.
- Can try to me? - Kilkin offered.
Hans a head nod expressed consent. Килькин what for closed a window leaf.
- man on duty of a bough! - foreman shouted.
girl, and without having waited a tram, somewhere run. An instant later door in office was opened and златозубая heron called as cadet Beloyarsk stiffened, expecting further orders.
- Will invite, please, cadet Kvasova, - wearily ordered a drop.
Cadet Lozhkin, low having inclined over a push, rustled with a brick when someone entered and, judging by a sound, spoilt to edges in «a sparkling miracle».
- In soul насрали, with bitterness Lozhkin thought, and hands at it were clenched in fists.
- You should get out somehow of this shit, - having hushed a spittle through clenched teeth, over a low booth, grinned Kvass.
Lozhkin who turned white for a rage resolutely opened a booth door.
- Hey yes that with you? – asked Kvass. After all it I your friend Kvass come to help you!
Lozhkin punched it in an eye.
- Should not sit down on this push, - Lozhkin taken offence.
- Yes I also did not want it to do, - justified Kvass, grinning, but have then mixed. Here it is too dark.
Even for Lozhkin it seemed too: at first not to get nearly under a tram, then to catch this nasty job and, at last, to beat out a finger and all it in first put after holiday!
- That do you want from me? To me have charged to guide here марафет, I at all did not ask you to help.
- Not less, I know that you wish from here отвалить, - have objected Kvass, pulling a cord. tank kept silence. That in a company drain tanks do not work for future mechanics, seemed nobody strange. When toilet bowls were overflowed, подвахта washed off a water bucket, fetid heaps, quite often helping itself thus a stick with rag reeled up on end.
- What, on yours, I can make, that отвалить from here on good поздорову? – Lozhkin straight asked friend.
- Sometime heard about a special course on ВМП? – With a question interlocutor answered a question to it.
Lozhkin reflected.
- A military-registration speciality 16-46? And how it will help?
Kvass, was, opened a mouth to object, but was not in time, as Lozhkin incurred.
- first-anchor buoy, second-aerial on insulators, third-conclusion aerials, fourth-case, fifth-block devices of a mine, sixth-aerial, seventh-insulator, eighth-minrep, ninth-anchor, tenth-submarine, having concerned with aerial case, causes detonator operation …
Lozhkin stopped to bend fingers on hands, and in face of Kvasova have come to be two badly smelling fist. Kvass started back and closed, at last, a mouth.
- Is not present is not present is not present, - it shouted. Naval counterspionage! It been obviously compelled to reduce an introductory part of conversation.
- TH something heard about КБГ, - given out, obviously scoffing Lozhkin purposely muddling all a known abbreviation.
- This same nodded to it of Kvass – it seems …
He tried to strike right note to friend.
- It is necessary to become to all appearances a good woodpecker and to knock not only морзянкой asked Spoon.
- I think yes though … that I precisely do not know …
- I would not like to get into it. same shit and then to knock on companions badly.
- Only on traitors, - specified Kvass. Especially while it is necessary to study only. To work sometimes as practice. Well, still certainly entrance examination if you do not hand over him, all will turn back simply a joke. They have joked - you have laughed …
small pause during which time, Lozhkin mistrustfully swung a head followed.
- Well, you it interests?
- For love of draws and jokes … - having grinned, murmured Spoon. Explain about examination.
- You should hand over it right now as other case can, it will not be presented. It will be no questions oral or written, before you specific target will be put, and you should solve it, operating on a situation.
Lozhkin nodded.
- We will admit, I will solve this problem and on results I will report on captain-lieutenant Portvejnovu …
- To Hans, - corrected its Kvass, a low voice almost in a whisper.
Ложккин frowned.
- Same elevating crane!
- No, it is a nickname of chief of special department ВМЦ. And if you agree, should go right now to office.
- Knows, what I will come? – Lozhkin taken an interest.
- Certainly. I to it have told that cadet capable independently to make plan is in present state of affairs necessary, having co-ordinated it therein with circumstances, and that you best in this business. I have not told to it that you do not get out of a latrine.
Lozhkin looked at it with doubt.
- Here it is correct.
- Well it turned out? – friendly met Lozhkin Hans, sitting behind a table of commander of a company.
- Not absolutely.
Кэп raised eyebrows.
- Is it turned out, but one then come дерьмовщик and all spoilt.
- Ah-jaj-jaj, - shaken a head a drop. Its sympathy left unpersuasive, and he preferred to pass directly to business.
It some time, laconically however, extended about sad incident which occurred near crew, and that it can cast a shade on «our school» and, how it now «inopportunely and at all to what».
Lozhkin quite agreed with it.
- How you will operate? – It is unexpected, in a forehead, asked a drop.
Lozhkin without reflecting on consequences, with inspiration started to bear any ахинею. To it it was not so difficult, as about what he exorcised that, quite often occurred actually.
- To pass a cordon it is possible on a railway embankment … It high and from below me it will not be visible, - for persuasiveness explained Spoon.
Drop and foreman have approvingly hooted as первокласники at a lesson suddenly learnt from teacher decision of confused problem.
- Further I intend to make way to wine shop and having bought binge to loaf about near it, to draw to myself attention. I will be dressed not under form, without мицы, a belt and a uniform collar …
With drop and foreman have exchanged glances.
- To what last detail? – quickly asked a drop.
- cadet in a kind dressed in rags, drinks beer, militia will be obliged to interfere, - without having been confused, explained Spoon.
- When me will start to drag, you should appear in time in form of patrol of cadet of infringer searching for that. You stop revenge-punishment, and will neutralise claims of school of militia to «our system». In a pocket I will have a medical book with inquiry on illness of kidneys.
- Whence at you inquiry? – Was surprised with a drop. Килькин grinned.
- Was going to be late in holiday.
- That?
- It would not be pleasant to foreman, - Lozhkin told lies. Actually he for a month so missed crowd that was ready to arrive ahead of time. foreman shrugged shoulders.
- Damned cops! – Lozhkin shouted getting away from locomotive on vibrating cross ties. It was impossible to curtail, below there was a cordon. Hearing behind back coming nearer roar, Lozhkin continued to run, jumping through three cross ties. Already it was time to it to roll down downwards on an embankment, but it did not have forces to jump even a rail. Sharp hooters frightened off it, and he continued to run, being loose from one rail to another. Passing an arrow, it was hooked for it by a foot. Щебенка, badly пахнувшая creosote sharply ударла it in person. locomotive bulk pulled hard on Lozhkin, something warm spilt in pants, Lozhkin wildly begun to squeal.
- That, - peacefully hooted dangerous железяка. Помошник machinist carelessly flaunted to Lozhkin.
Making way to shop Lozhkin crept through a sickly garden of switchman where it regaled time and again on apricots. It and now was not kept and filled pockets with them.
- For credibility! – he solved – nobody will suspect anything bad, will decide that vitamins that's all are necessary to me.
Anybody also did not think to lift noise because of several apricots and in a witness mark of switchman there was no it, having translated an arrow with which some minutes ago Lozhkin faced continued survey of ways, and polite old woman who was passing by a front garden having wished to cadet of kind health even opened for it a gate.
- Still say that local cadets do not love. Here after all taken care of me, now it is not necessary to climb through a fence, - aloud thought Spoon.
Truth through a gate to a fence dog, and old woman got into a garden сменвшая politeness on quickness припустила to shop where militian peak-caps were seen добродушнейшего a kind.
Then Lozhkin, dared will go down from a tree heard lazy growl. big shaggy dog thriftily settled down under its tree.
- Do not say lies, that you do not know … I at all thief, and you not a dog of switchman …
-R-r, - dog told.
- TH on important спецзадании, - Lozhkin impressively answered a dog and tried слезть.
dog grinned.
- Well, here you also have annoyed me, - trying to speak, Lozhkin clearly addressed to a dog.
- Me order! And with it «щас» it is strict with it now do not joke, - Lozhkin tried to convince a dog.
-Gav-gav, - dog told.
- Commands a voice were not there was a command to walk, - reminded Spoon, - do not pretend to be dull.
dog wanted to listen nothing. Time went cops could remove a cordon and leave. Lozhkin having climbed up above, distinguished in end of a barrack-type lane same, as well as lop-sided drunk houses surrounding it, wine shop and small group of people in shape near it. polite old woman gesticulated near them as a mill, in a wind, showing obviously on it. Militiamen should be helped.
- And-a-a, - Lozhkin разкачивая a tree wildly shouted.
dog was frightened and escaped.
- cadet climb down, - have officially concerned Lozhkin.
- I do not play pranks, whom I do not touch, … have registered vitamins, - unfriendly answered Spoon.
After small пыхтенья Lozhkin have pulled down for feet on earth.
- No, it not it, - released its cadet of militia with red cone on a forehead. That with it to butt, well it, … how many at them slovens in school!
- Was afraid ментюк! My girl withdrawn, in ДОФе business was! To butt it does not want, … I to you horn was put by me and отшибу! – Lozhkin to cops following shouted.
After minutes fifteen it went for a drive in a dust as a football under blows of players. patrol led by captain-lieutenant Hans at last seemed.
-Dezhvzvod to arrest all! – wildly and terribly проорал officer. While Kilkin and Bareev were at Hans accompanied looked around in search of mythical дежвзвода cadet of militia brought a whistle, to a mouth going to cause help. Hans dexterously beaten out a whistle fist blow in a forehead.
- Devil take it, you, what want to arrange slaughter? At me on alarm second crew … is lifted - it pressed on become puzzled militiamen. What do you allow yourselves?
Hans specified a hand in rolling Lozhkin. Then it pounded ушибленную a hand.
- To TH allow! He named us goats and wildly shouted on a tree, there are witnesses, - twice меченый militiaman torn off a hand from beginning to be shown second cone and specified in old woman, become all curiosity which sharp-sightedly observed of an event, being on safe distance.
- TH was frightened, - Lozhkin explained – and I have a witness, it is any a goat, and a dog.
Lozhkin specified in a dog hiding in bushes.
- I have called it a goat that it tired out me on a tree.
Dog have resulted, he затравленно looked around. Captain-lieutenant become is severe.
- Provoked to fight, for any girl in ДОФе … - cop tried обьяснить all and absolutely confused curious old woman who twisted a finger at itself in a forehead and spat earth.
- Anything to itself fight one against five …
Lozhkin sighed and, having seized for a back, began to settle at a fence.
- I sick kidneys, - were muttered by him, is … it again … - it shown on wet trousers. Here medical book here inquiry, - it dropped any papers in a dust. With girl it badly turned out, - he cried out loudly for old woman and silently added for others – mistaken.
captain ordered to deliver Lozhkin in crew, and itself remained, with twice меченым, to study papers. They already quite peacefully talked.
- Now all same will deduct, - reflected aloud a drop – it not passed medical board.
So left that it already and so it is punished on tomatoes as was expressed by a drop.
- To what then to make noise? – Somehow question arisen itself.
question also was resolved by itself. Left so that at all it is not necessary to write official report about beatings of babies as with that, and on other hand that incontience of urine and slightly rumpled kidneys not such serious diseases to address in hospital.
- incontience of urine at us well is treated by foreman, - laughed a drop.
They have shaken hands and happy have dispersed.
- cheaply managed, - thought, pounding cones cop.
captain-lieutenant too reflected, but its thoughts were occupied already with absolutely other scandal. In office where it soon appeared it solemnly shaken hands with Lozhkin.
- cadet you are accepted on a special course, - it a little in a complicated manner pleased Spoon.
- I serve Soviet Union, - застеснявшись should be wet trousers, Lozhkin modestly answered.
At once have found out that as cover for absences on спецзанятия rehearsals of a dancing circle will serve. Without having given, Lozhkin's surprise to expand, captain-lieutenant knocked itself on a head, having shown, thus, where it stores duplicates of questionnaires and consequently all about all knows. That circle is necessary for organising Lozhkin understood itself, rising a floor above in seventh company where Hans charged it at same time one small businessman.
Cadets of hundred fifty second group Volokov and its unseparable friend Tychkov had nasty reputation. For some reason in file of captain-lieutenant Hans they were mentioned precisely together and even their folders have been enclosed in general cover. Well, here for example, about Volokova was, it is known that «… cadets Volokov and Tychkov have broken a nose to man on duty …» and about Tychkova been written down «… cadets Tychkov and Volokov have sent man on duty behind wine thus same date, having forgotten to supply with its money and long were indignant that been brought a little тыча by an end face of a 3-litre jar to first-year student in a forehead …». A word if to call their officialese it there were quite good experts in not authorised relations. But captain-lieutenant Hans nevertheless considered it necessary to keep them for fleet in difference from officials as he named for itself(himself) persons made way in a management of school. experience which been saved up by generations of military seamen, and its ancestors on a fatherly line all served Russia under Andreevsky flag spoke to it what exactly slovens certainly under a skilful management and leave most efficient connections.
- Whether to send us messenger behind a wine small bottle to shop without seller, - note merry fellows and revellers have met Lozhkin.
In a bunk room time been smoked also whiled away behind cards and wine. First-year student Dologih told jokes if left not ridiculously, him beat a pack on a nose. Дологих with relief started, тыча in одногрупника a finger, and joyfully bleated: - Cadet Lozhkin, arrived on change.
- A companion, future second lieutenant, разешите to address, - there vigorously begun Lozhkkin. Волоков and Tychkov have melancholy laughed.
- If it is a ridiculous joke to you will be of nothing.
Low and thin Volokov sat opposite to dense spindle-legs Tychkova and its quick hands bothered a pack with grace of conjurer. Ases of lady kings a fan laid down on a table moved back in a pack and at last were distributed on four small groups on three cards.
- In bank twenty copecks, your word cadet Lozhkin.
- orderly officer demands to specify text of explanatory.
- In general I am laconic in such cases, - Volokov through clenched teeth grumbled. – casually given in an eye a belt to cadet Zajtsevu in course of training under charter.
Lozhkin explained that in that case in tomorrow's analysis at chief OrSo it is required to specify that it was training to receptions of self-defence by means of a belt.
- Around full хулиганья, he asked you.
- It will confirm hares? – Volokov and Tychkov have cheered up.
- That's it, - their Lozhkin calmed. – it is necessary for me to talk to it right now, - it winked at Dologihu. Дологих some more seconds senselessly smiled, have then become gloomy.
- Here is how: affairs, cares - I understand, … Volokov concerned Lozhkin. – but small rehearsal is simply necessary …
Lozhkin непонимающе stared at Volokova, all others have made same.
- Show, how all was, here at least on it, - finger of Volokova rested in Dologiha.
- Well well well, how we there trained Zajtseva? – Dragged also Tycha rubbing hands were going to look.
- Really you want to learn? – Lozhkin asked.
Дологих unwillingly nodded. Lozhkin placed feet, under sprung them, and started to explain. It was found out that it is important to hold left hand on a metal plate slightly resting a palm edge against a belt.
- Unbend a metal plate left hand and then sharply strike an edge of right palm on a belt, near to a metal plate, - Lozhkin explained tone of lecturer, - a belt will unbutton!
belt a fast snake slid off a belt and for an instant hung in mid-air. A free right hand Lozhkin once again a palm edge struck on a belt, and it appeared is reliably overflowed on a hand.
- Then circular motions in manner of that follow as Cossacks twist a draught, better to say as if drive away flies, - Lozhkin under belt whistle continued втолковывать.
- In a metal plate-fly, - Volokov and Tychkov by turns admired.
- To opponent few times already got on hands but if it not calmed down yet, make swing because of left side, it is possible to cover with an elbow a head, also it will serve as distracting maneuver, - a tongue twister Lozhkin cried out. – opponent should be frightened, - he prompted Dologihu.
Дологих jumped aside aside, but it is unsuccessfully visible incorrectly having used Lozhkin's help. metal plate jumped aside from his forehead with a ring as a fly from glass.
- Here so all also was on training with Zajtsevym, - Lozhkin finished lecture.
Волоков with doubt shaken a head.
- not got to it to an eye, - Tychkov noticed.
Дологих convulsively sobbed.
Having left for period of care after all endured Lozhkin solved will relax. In second crew, company of crucians sat down at a latrine altered under плотницкую and storehouse of different stuff decided to follow to Lozhkin's wise decision. Бочковал its skilled for sixteen years boozer Salty. It he advised to get that alcoholic set which now flaunted on a table. Namely: vodka bottle adjoined to a bottle of bitter tincture dry wine with champagne, and beer pair not to spoil mood stood near from a flank opened banks of red pepper and crackling white loaf cut hurriedly by big pieces.
- Whether will be on a four much? – taken an interest Spoon.
salty for some reason taken offence. Glasses have joyfully slapped, three drinks булькнули – fourth had a fit of coughing.
- Bitter, - Lozhkin complained.
Salty with a kind much practising person shown, as correctly it is necessary to drink. It carefully measured a dose, that is poured to itself in a glass on three fingers зубровки that on its assurance was just hundred gramme. Then it a little lingered, exhaled from itself all air and a free hand seized begun bottle of beer. Lozhkin looked at it sceptically, obviously without going to remember anything, Kvass and Moisov knowingly as exemplary pupils. Salty bent over a table and small drinks poured in in itself at first glass contents, and then stuck to beer. It already was shaken here and there. Lozhkin together with it taken breath and swallowed a saliva.
-Zdorogo it turned out, - отрыгнул Moisov and hasty splashed in glass of vodka. Kvass validly nodded Salty, and poured all vodka, except it. Smiles have begun to shine on persons.
- TH drank зубровку, - noticed Salty. In its voice bitterness comparable unless with bitterness зубровки was felt.
- TH you have washed down with its beer, - Moisov reminded.
- come what here to guzzle? - in revenge asked its Salty.
Моисов hasty сжевал big piece of bread smeared with sweet pepper, also with insult murmured, something about demonstration correct закусывания.
- Repin picture: «again обожрали», - got into conversation of Kvass and started singing, - On a galley run come running пам-pam and there already horse-radish spent night pam-pam a spoon of compote second a drop to all of us at times to eat hunting!
Hubbub and ring of glasses muffled its words, and listeners a lot of useful would learn that from this song, for example, that for eutrophy is necessary to go a system that together with all simultaneously to visit a galley and not to delay on a gangway carrying out not a written sea rule «on a gangway run» a word to live under charter.
- Children I without sea cannot …, - Moisov floated.
Lozhkin and Kvass looked at a problem optimistically. They tapped on shoulder of him and asserted that it is necessary to suffer very little. At last laughing loudly, company tumbled down on an exit where they have met Sveshnikov. Having taken an interest, whether on dances it goes and, having learnt, what not on dances have decided to find out why.
- I тельник should wash, - it is sad swinging a head, from height of two metres Sveshnikov explained.
Lozhkin involuntarily поёжился though there was a hot summer to it why that winter was remembered. In банный day washed тельники dried in a bunk room on battery and as on a six living there was exactly six segments of battery that тельники hanging end-to-end for a night sickly heat were dried up exactly half from that as it is necessary. In morning they dressed crude, and ran out on street where on physical gymnastics it was necessary to wave hands especially vigorously. To take from баталерки spare тельник and to leave досушивать стиранный came to to nobody mind. After physical gymnastics followed: morning приборка then a breakfast and divorce on employment. It was necessary to participate in all these actions by everything, but there were slovens which ignored an established order. To leave on their care тельник was, at least, imprudently and we will directly tell silly. Civil with pleasure paid a tchervonets for a striped vest, and it agree decent sum if to consider that usual grant of cadet there were nine roubles.
Sveshnikov sprinkled in кулачёк. crowd which surrounded it, endeavoured to disassemble, in what here a trick. Sveshnikov explained that it from a company that gone down, by way, on dances it that and went that here it and taken, and it turned in a summer toilet. It waved for dull Salty which hastened to burst out laughing a hand aside showing a direction where as all know, and there was a popular toilet.
-Telnik long, - only Sveshnikov also had time to tell and first of all begun to neigh.
- You of that have burst out laughing dolt? – Krapikova Lozhkin asked joined crowd.
- For company, - Krapikov informed.
- ass is wider than shoulders!
-CHivo? – Krapikov terribly asked.
Lozhkin snatched out from a pocket in advance prepared rope in middle which imperceptibly was вшита an elastic band from cowards. kvass, repeatedly seeing this trick, undertook to assist. At first have measured shoulders.
- Rights your ass are wider, - informed Krapikova of Kvass.
Lozhkin obviously decided not to spoil mood Krapikovu before dances consoled it as could. He declared that actually all not too terribly and to correct that де it it is possible easily, it is enough to cease to give тельник on washing to mummy.
- All on gymnastics wave hands, and you stand as a sleepy fly …
Крапиков grown numb for insult with compressed fists. Lozhkin yawned and turned away.
- No, we now on are waved, instead of on physical gymnastics, - Krapikov shouted.
Lozhkin and Kvass have significantly exchanged glances.
- You want to fight? – Lozhkin asked.
Крапиков hasty закивал a head.
- Different weight categories! – Lozhkin was indignant.
-Zassal, - Krapikov was delighted.
- It can be corrected, - Lozhkin muttered, - will give at dinner to me second, for two three years I will catch up with you.
- Now I it will knock, - Krapikov begun to yell.
- All right, be not boiled prick, - Lozhkin peacefully answered it. Time you insist, that is cause me on fight, means, I choose weapon.
- What else weapon, - Krapikov suspiciously asked, - and why you choose?
Around drunk company approvingly hooted, and it was impossible to understand, it holds whose party. Lozhkin hiding a mean grin under a palm окашлялся also explained: - In difference from you I have read War and peace.
Крапиков at a mention of Tolstoy's this four-volume novel grown furious even more as that at a literature lesson meticulous teacher trying to find out, whether he read this novel, asked it a tricky question.
- So there became with an oak which originally caught sight Balkonsky semidried up? – Someone mockingly asked that question from crowd.
- Have not cut, you purposely have incorrectly prompted to me! – Krapikov risen.
- Now not about it, - Lozhkin unperturbably continued, in novel is which that and it is more interesting than cut oak, - was not kept Lozhkin and remembered таки let and uninteresting, but so Krapikova easily deducing from an oak. But Krapikov already , seemingly, cooled down and joined a general laughter. It duels did not interest any more, and rules when weapon are chosen by one whom have caused on a duel, it was much more interesting to laugh simply and cheerfully to walk from crew in educational case where dances should take place. That it is possible to replace a pistol поджигом, and armature Lozhkin explained swords already in street.
- That you are going to be shot because of each trifle? – Laughing, Krapikov asked.
- That to me now because of any trifle with lanterns and without teeth? – Lozhkin – I objected it, by way, for dances gathered! By way as you about armature?
Крапиков поёжился.
- Sparks will be, a ring, beautifully! – inserted Kvass. You after all have registered in a fencing circle? – He asked Lozhkin.
Lozhkin in affirmative nodded and for persuasiveness shown some receptions there and then thought up by it.
In school there was officer specially released from another duties who learnt itself and two more three persons to fence probably to yield martial art of slovens was considered as wrong. Especially will study up and will receive a rank of officer not all …
Was considered that it is enough to future defenders of native land to spend a pair of clocks for acquaintance with a pistol of Makarova and automatic machine Kalashnkova and then to go once on range. Much more usefully drill, whitewashing of borders and filing сопливчиков.
- Able to be at war people it somehow too! - Lozhkin drivelled.
As he said left that person, able to do something "in a fantastic way" copes a small group of idlers more difficultly.
- A superstructure if to remember Charles Marx, - flaunted вычитанным term of Kvass.
- To throw on tanks with fists …, after all then it is possible to explain any slaughter by a national impulse and that people have not gone mad of uncountable victims, many long years to repeat its heroism naming next meat grinder of Great Patriotic War, - carried Lozhkin.
- Leave nonsense for wall newspaper! – torn off its Kvass.
- With a sort to wall newspaper did not write, - braided language Lozhkin, - unless in a toilet … declared
- TH just that wall newspaper also meant, - explained Kvass.
Behind conversation they have lagged behind crowd.
Чуфаки you, from what company? – Their drunk undersized cadet in a dirty uniform and without мицы asked.
- From eighth company, - Lozhkin impudently told lies.
- Be presented a companion cadet, - strictly asked Kvass, having hidden eyes under a peak мицы.
- Cadet Hushel, sixth company, - was extended quietly Huzhel and clicked heels.
- On what question address? – Lozhkin asked.
- Is претлошение, - Huzhel was obsequiously bent and explained that today dances and consequently it is necessary to shake crucians and «all as слетует опмыть».
- Well, - concerned Huzhelju of Kvass, - how many you already надыбал?
Lozhkin in a pointed manner clenched fists. Хужель emptied pockets where was about five roubles.
- In a quickly way behind a bubble, and you while on knock down on snack, - Lozhkin with Kvasovym have jumped in flown up tram.
- TH никокта I have not a snack, - had time to tell to slammed doors of Huzhel.
At night when, at last, Lozhkin fallen asleep, a door in кубарь have opened kicks, and have shouted in dark. Волосьев Bagels and Veronin ошарашенно have jumped. In кубаре hardly keeping standing, Volokov and Tychkov were shaken, third gatecrasher appeared to Huzhelem, - it have thrown in bed to Volosevu where it started up a saliva and обоссался.
- It they? – Have asked Huzhelja.
Хужель in answer замычал as though intending блевануть. At Voloseva tears were screwed. wooden jar having civil name a stool scattered about a wall over Lozhkin's head.
- command to rise! - drunk shades have shouted over sleeping Lozhkin.
Lozhkin innocently yawned and put to itself under a cheek a fragment.
- p-p-p ja-ja thmine, - Veronin explained.
Shades at which eyes ran up on walls, have suddenly decided to retire.
- TH I laugh, - Volokov told at parting.
- TH too, - Tychkov lowed, and door behind them slammed.
Волосьев, silently, laid down on a table and, having curtailed on it, калачиком tried to fall asleep, others have fallen down in a dream which ending was identical to all.
- A company lifting! – man on duty shouted.
- You know, what such тараканьи races? – question of foreman hung in mid-air.
Волосьев for all shaken a head here and there. It was originator of this question as, having fallen down from heart-rending shout of man on duty from a table, he tarried and was late for construction. Волосьев behind support turned back to companions, but become gloomy, having seen spiteful eyes of Veronina, gloomy Fiksenko and pork uneasy Krapikova. Волосьев understood that it nothing to lose and it is unexpected for itself blurted out: - I laugh!
From unexpectedness foreman was not at once. It закивал a head.
- Yes-yes-yes … you can laugh … at Night under a blanket! – it shouted, at last, on Voloseva, - can even twist thus to itself a finger in a forehead, - it twisted a finger in middle of forehead should be, showing as it to do correctly. foreman did not feel sorry for forces on education of cadets and aspired train in their all that in its opinion could to make of them present seamen.
- You can twist a finger still here and there, but remember that it not a record player, and you not American unless, наковыряешь to itself five dresses, - already more easy finished Kilkin.
Тараканьи races represented bustle to exhaustion round school. If to consider that except educational case, so-called УК and a galley as here named kitchen and a dining room in училищный a complex two crews divided among themselves what that substation round all these constructions fenced fences was not less than two kilometres entered. Except all listed there were still parade-grounds for front employment, accounts department, for rest and even asphalted dance pavilion, whether it were necessary to tell benches that after several circles round all it "cockroaches" are wet from sweat and are dirty from stuck dust. And so when in evening group sat on self-preparation, gloomy and tired with check chief of a speciality of Bulyga come.
- That it at you stinks of socks, - it friendly taken an interest.
- Smell, smell! – reached from a back school desk.
- TH that now I will leave, itself smell, - unexpectedly quickly struck aside blow of Bulyga.
Hardly having made way through his laughter a voice from a back school desk, and all now in it have learnt a voice of Voloseva, heatedly shouted: - I фуй will smell!
Having burst out laughing most loudly and at all without having accepted official report at person on duty, Bulyga left audience. Both ice thawed and become warmer on дуще at all and happy foreman Kilkin strong shaken hands with Bulyge in a corridor on second floor УК near physics audience.
- A dancing circle as cover it is good, - Lozhkin argued, - but except Hans with its special course is also chief of a speciality, he will demand results from these employment.
- You want to tell, what we should dance? – Was surprised Kvass.
Lozhkin in turn looked at it with surprise.
- It is necessary to pick up people feeling a rhythm and able to move. You have who нибудь on a sign?
- Expert to you and to solve, and how about Bublikova? Plays a guitar …
- We will go, we will look at it, - they have solved.
In four hundred шеснадцатом a bunk room it been smoked. In a smoke red singing physiognomies of Bublikova, Voloseva and Veronina floated.
- Once having drunk vodka, god created мореходки, - undertook to echo Kvass. Lozhkin having shrugged shoulders, stared at Bublikova as though saw it for first time. It was healthy pink-checked clodhopper under metre to eighty growth dreamer and which odd fellow of dream however there was no further that to replace school кликуху "Bagel" on more in its opinion approaching. «Children call me pirate» as that was asked by him having curled up and already falling asleep after a release. As they were first-year students, and to laugh loudly after a release it was not necessary, it was necessary to do it under blankets and in a whisper, paternal bunk room turned for half-night to a beehive. Having remembered, as then it would be desirable to sleep on employment, Lozhkin rejected in сорону importunate memoirs and returned to present.
- Not bad it a foot beats off a rhythm … дробушки, so, can beat off, - Lozhkin solved.
They left.
- From session before session there live cadets cheerfully, - rushed it following.
- Session only two once a year, - sighed for some reason Kvass. By way how many we will be in a mug?
- I believe us there should be seven.
Lozhkin explained: to make a concert of minutes on forty reader and leader in one person is required, will not prevent if he can sing a word Jack of all trades and also person five плясунов and bayan player.
- What will you tell about Krivonosove? – It is inquisitive having blinked eyes, Lozhkin asked.
- master you will tell nothing, спрыгнуь on a bet from bridge! – delightfully said Kvass, but then somehow become gloomy and unwillingly squeezed out, - it is deducted … for мужеложество.
Lozhkin ceased to scratch a head and stared at Kvasova.
- victim of draw, - wanted to get off light Kvass, but to it everything, it was necessary to state business more in detail.
As he said left that children wanted to joke of drunk Krivonosovym, having stripped naked it and having organised turn.
- Tried to give out it for drunk woman, - specified Kvass and for some reason asked, - after all you know Tsilindrova?
It was found out that it very much even, and in all this history.
- After all it does not pass any hole even if it in a fence! – Lozhkin laughed.
- Therefore him also have called, - sighed Kvass.
Further gone somehow not so more truly to tell at Tsilindrova not gone in any way. In баталерке which drunk company left to smoke, there was one Huzhel, having added itself bypassing drinking companions a wine glass, it on snack made to itself(himself) a sandwich. Hasty заглотив contents of a glass it with pleasure занюхал drunk, and already was going to bite off a piece as from under bottom shelf drunk head of Krivonosova was put out.
- There margarine pack lies, you it do not eat!
- Why?, - asked Huzhel.
head which disappeared under a shelf, through a snore muffledly murmured: - Yesterday here all night long woman in a point tore up, directly in a pack... That with whistle... Also dipped.
From баталерки there was obviously than that angered Huzhel and nervously laughed: - I to it полотенчиком колофу have covered Chufak, and that it terrible. For credibility it tightened trousers. Цылиндров only wanted to start as as he said «this moralist rushed». This moralist appeared foreman of a company Kilkin who unexpectedly appeared in a heat of draw and declared that «is necessary to it without turn».
- Not bad, you, apparently, disliked Krivonosova and with Cylinder were snatched …, it too is deducted?
- It is deducted, - hopelessly given up as a bad job Kvass.
- Well it is fine, and for Rusty you do not know any talents?
- It - that I know a little, I know more about its girl …
Lozhkin wearily sighed and with a pious expression begun to listen to next absolutely not necessary information.
Rzhavova had a talent for an epistolary genre, and unique addressee it had its schoolmate who for want of something better a variant had status of "its girl». On employment he wrote it letters, using used up leaf as a textbook bookmark.
- Type it awfully careless, never edits letters: will sign, will stick and run to a box … - told Kvass, - and once, I saw, it seized any leaf full of dirty curses, however, very similar to his letter lying at it in book in form of a bookmark and signed it and sealed an envelope. I heard on a scene it is necessary to be able to smile, - have finished Kvass, - and it is painfully gloomy recently.
Lozhkin attentively looked at Kvasova: - you visit for a long time a special course?
Kvass timidly smiled.
- What will you tell about Fiksenko? – Lozhkin decided not to distract.
- Will not approach, - answered Kvass, - it in hospital.
- For a long time? – Lozhkin for some reason specified.
- Already полора hour as to it cut out an appendicitis, - reported Kvass.
Without having given, to Lozhkin's curiosity will turn to next question, it told next history which happened exclusively because of misunderstanding. Left so that Fiksenko shirked front employment, and it was urgently necessary for it отмазаться.
- This directory it клееный re-stuck, … it is similar, not those symptoms learnt. … All occurred by mistake, and after all I said to it that it is not necessary to cause first aid. And he objected me that to inquiry from a medical unit Kilkin will not believe.
- Truly, will not believe.
- And he spoke.
- Well, - continued Spoon, - and to Ivolginym recently occurred nothing?
- No, and what with it?
Lozhkin it is inquisitive peered in Kvasova. Kvass thoughtfully clapped to itself a palm on a forehead.
- Five minutes ago with it all was everything is all right.
- It is possible to take as compere of story-teller and leader, - being afraid as though of it have not interrupted a tongue twister Lozhkin blurted out.
- All same it is necessary to specify, whether all with it is perfectly in order …
Kvass found in a notebook sheet where any schemes with initials have been lined. In such affairs he did not like to rely on memory.
Lozhkin sighed.
Spoon entered in плотницкую. Kvass low dense robust fellow with a square jaw and a good-natured smile on a sex of person was by window in cowards and ironed trousers.
- For present pair of minutes is, - he assured friend.
It was ordinary change house altered in плотницкую. In a company constantly there was a repair, eternally something broke, and was why. Doors in bunk rooms opened a kick of a foot, paternal jambs did not maintain, window leaves came off and somewhere vanished, all time it was necessary to insert glasses. cadet Half-Jansky managed this биндюжкой, big work it was necessary to elicit at it a key, therefore Kvass and leant on iron, trying to use moment as much as possible. It was a unique premise in a company, except office which was locked and where it was possible to carry out such confidential action easy. Someone knocked.
It should be somebody from ours …, - clasping свежевыглаженные trousers ascertained Kvass.
cadet with a short hairstyle and болшим a fleshy nose entered. Kvass in a notebook against a surname Ivolgin put a fat bird. Further Zverev which taken seat on a workbench received same tick on хозяйски, high thin guy was hardly guessed in a flabby body of this pimply youth. Near to it расселся Dronov to whom Kvasova on understanding would approach a surname Dubinin is better. Bunchuk and Sveshnikov have come also. last was боянист Goloduhin.
- All in gathering, - Lozhkin told and addressed to Kvasovu, - pour!
- Why I? – protested Kvass.
Lozhkin not been adjusted on altercations on trifles therefore it, silently, taken from under a workbench a wine 3-litre jar.
- Who wants to drink?
All have lifted hands and have looked at Zvereva, that tarried.
When to school there arrived hypnotist on a scene among several cadets over whom put experiences, there was also Zverev. On a question who likes to drink, as fair person it raised a hand though in a hall heads sat. Then he drunk from an imagined glass. Then maestro long shouted to it in an ear that vodka smells as kerosene.
- Yes does not smell, does not smell! I after a session have checked up at once. first glass like bleaching powder gave, - Zverev remembered.
- Still, where I to you from under kerosene will find a glass! - grinned Kvass.
All have cheerfully laughed. glass gone on a spree on a circle, and everyone considered as debt before to drink carefully, to sniff to a glass. Зверев did not take offence, and even when bank come to an end, remembered that at it respectable piece of a balyk "was overlooked". That binge ended to complain long did not become, descended and have brought still pair банок. A balyk sawed ножовкой on metal.
- Well, now, when we were a little warmed up, - Lozhkin told – can be, we will start business?
- No, no, no! – waved hands of Kvass. It is necessary to make secure …
It pulled out a leaf from notebook, written on it «not to enter, there are work photos». It attached it a spittle on an underside щелявой a shaky door, trying to distract probably attention possible checking from drunk hubbub and sounds of a bayan roaring in all basses.
- Now it is possible, - told Spoon, carefully having checked up lock. In brief he told to crowd all. Questions fell down.
- TH time of rehearsals we will be released from front employment? – Ivolgin thought.
- Still!
- Having three, it will be possible to go in загранку on practice? – Zverev asked.
- A drop spoke about one three, - specified Spoon.
• In that case what for rehearsals, time cover all it only for спецзанятий in general are necessary to us? – Dronov made a helpless gesture.
- It will not proceed more semestre, after chief of a speciality of Bulyga will demand results. I nevertheless prefer to prepare a concert of minutes on thirty – forty, or it to us will suit him.
- You want to try right now? – interrupted Lozhkin Kvasov.
- What to pull that, - he had a look at Goloduhina who jerked a bayan as seamen before attack tear a stripped vest.
- Sailor's dance an apple, - declared Ivolgin. He had a look at last thin to bank of Apple wine.
Голодухин given a whistle, torn apart bellows and burst. Lozhkin топоча and swinging hands, walked on биндюжке from a window to a door.
- So that and I can, - Dronov not sustained and too broken into a dance. Behind it заплясала all crowd. Bunchuk danced, clapping itself on thighs, jumped up, kicking feet in parties Sveshnikov, Ivolgin twirled by a bum, crashed вприсядку Bagels. Walls came ходуном. When at Goloduhina занемели fingers, and he ceased to play, they have caught knock at a door.
- Lozhkin open it I Half-Jansky, I know that you here have reached excited crowd a constrained voice from a door crack.
- We continue a concert under demands of listeners, - a bad gravelly voice Ivolgin towards a door just as раздолбаное radio in flax to a room, - and now will sound a melody from a film Godfather at desire of workers of village creaked.
Голодухин played. Half-Jansky, endeavouring to understand that actually occurs in entrusted to it биндюжке, leant an ear to a crack. Kvass in meantime on tiptoe crept to a door with a glass piece in size with a window leaf and that there are forces, жахнул it flatwise on a door. Behind a door hasty footfall was distributed.
- Now he will not soon get out of a latrine. Lozhkin led round all gathered an inquisitive sight. – nobody changed mind? We disperse on one …
At night street opposite to crew was deserted, only sometimes with a ring trams were carried by. black high sky was full of stars. Хужель stealthily made way in crew. In a company on a deck it was silent and it is deserted. lonely crucian rubbed a rag a deck. man on duty, having stood at a bedside table, scaredly stared. Хужель stopped near Dologiha puffing on all fours and it started to be shaken with a heel on a sock, it liked to pretend to be drunk.
-CHufak, палупу not NATO to wash. Палупу NATO to pull, - he moralizingly declared. A kick, having overturned a bucket of dirty water on a deck, it begun засучивать sleeves фланки. Дологих grown numb in on standing at attention, in middle of big pool. Having spread a rag on a floor, Huzhel pulled it on itself. Having bent and tripping feet, it dragged behind itself(himself) a pool on all corridor.
- It should be bent by a letter зю and move a cancer, - it taught Dologiha – and not запывай from time to time to wring out a rag.
- TH all understood, - mumbled Dologih, - allow to try to me.
- Only do not hurry up, - Huzhel, - not on супотнике told.
Now turn of man on duty come, before it Huzhel blinked eyes: - you Lozhkin know Chufak? It held left hand on a metal plate, and with an edge of a palm of right hand tapped itself on a foot. Obviously, he too owned which, what secrets hand-to-hand Times New Romanбоя. Man on duty Sveshnikov hopelessly shrugged shoulders.
- снаешь, … in what кубаре he lives?
Sveshnikov in horror was silent.
- Well чуфак, how in Gestapo? – asked its Huzhel, and slowly put on hands thin leather gloves of black colour. In right in a pointed manner put свинчатку. He threatened left and when man on duty tried to take away a head cut хуком on right. Sveshnikov jumped up and шлёпнул back a bedside table.
- Good blow, - its Volokov which unexpectedly appeared in a company praised, - I see, you here do not sit, сложа hands. It tenderly clapped Sveshnikov on a cheek. man on duty did not understand, why it praised, after all he at all under charter sat on a bedside table and started up bubbles. - to light is? – remembered, Volokov what for come to a company to crucians.
-Partagas, - servilely offered Huzhel to fifth-year student.
- What for rubbish you smoke?
- I вапще itself such do not smoke that, - Huzhel justified, - I трукие smoke, - at them still пумашка слаткая.
- To me, what you put? – Volokov carped, - in fifteen minutes … will bring to me in кубарь!
In half an hour foamy Huzhel run all over in search of a good cigarette almost all company quietly bothered fallen asleep Volokova. That without tearing off a head from a pillow, something lowed and лягнул Huzhelja in a stomach.
- TH, - Huzhel told and developed half-and-half.
On следущее morning Lozhkin not gone for a breakfast.
- Will drag Huzhel me to search on a galley, - he reasonably assumed, - I will buy in shop «breakfast of degenerate», - he solved.
breakfast of degenerate represented to bank of a sprat with vegetables for thirty seven copecks, white loaf half-loaves for thirteen copecks and a bottle of Bulgarian juice for forty copecks. On all left so ninety copecks, but business was not in money.
Degenerates, in understanding of Spoon were stirred up, not collected, lazy cadets which it was difficult to descend for a breakfast and they powerlessly ate grant and transfers of parents in shop opposite.
- Villains, degenerates, onanists! – Lozhkin with taste was indignant covering itself "table" on a stool. It cut bread with thick pieces, opened with a knife a can and uncorked a juice bottle, preliminary having shaken up settled pulp.
- They drink бормотуху and mutter over snack as turkey-cocks, - he aloud reflected.
- At-bu-bu, - Lozhkin over covered stool begun to squeal a turkey-cock, winding a head and lips.
- That? – head of Bunchuka risen from under pillows. It had a pressed through bed and if it, without straightening it in evening, carefully got under a blanket, it it was not visible at all. It was possible not to go on physical gymnastics and for a breakfast. He did not consider itself(himself) as degenerate.
- Anything, anything … - calmed its Spoon. It already mentally halved viands lying before it, and it fine spoilt to it appetite
- It will be necessary to enclose in evening a cellophane package with water to it in bed …
Бунчук it is sweet breathed heavily. But all same breakfast been crumpled, it was not necessary to swear and shout aloud a turkey-cock any more. Wishing to correct somehow to itself mood, Lozhkin before to leave on employment wrapped presented Kvasovym a building cartridge in cotton wool impregnated with cologne, put a shell in become empty and licked to bank, set fire and left, having bellowed "air-raid warning". This improvised mine, it thrust under a bed of Bunchuka. Face to face, leaving a bunk room, it faced commander of a company.
- Something told? – Kortikov had a look at it with suspicion, - why not on study?
- forgotten abstract, - justified Spoon.
Behind a door quietly slapped, and then roared. Someone shouted.
- That you shout, as if you in a bum tear up! - in turn shouted Kortikov.
- TH did not sleep, … I did not sleep! – Bunchuk forgotten that cot at it is filled, and it is actually adhered by a blanket to a bed. Jumping, it disorganised a bed.
- TH bed I repair, - at last thought up from dab of Bunchuk.
commander, choking with furiousness, expelled sloven from a bunk room a kick.
- It is good that I have gone to bed dressed, - have mentally praised myself Bunchuk.
In some minutes friends sat on employment on naval preparation, something writing down in strung together and numbered writing-books. captain of third rank Brednev learnt them to understand diesel engines. Lozhkin after yesterday's "rehearsal" тошнило. On change to it approached Kvass: - Take a tablet and do not suffer …, - прочувственно he advised. When Lozhkin swallowed it, Kvass advised: - Descend in a latrine and properly проблюйся. During this moment call so council in itself as it was found out there and then very good rung out, was late as to be late on «вмп» it was not accepted. All same forty five minutes of a lesson have expired. Lozhkin jumped out of Audience together with a call. A boot it blocked a door, struck замочком folders and poured out stomach contents directly on textbooks and abstracts. At a door already someone торкался, it cleaned a boot and clasped a folder.
input in a basement where there was a naval cycle, had a post секретчика. Now it should let out groups as next pair terminated. group approached to an exit, having constructed in a column on two. As admission handed over writing-books served, sometimes it checked contents of folders, records and drawings were resolved only in спец writing-books. Checks have become tougher after cadet Sveshnikov drawn from nature арт installation 2м-3м and hung up it in a bunk room and it is unimportant that it reminded a standing penis with square eggs which at a prototype were called as protective reservation more likely infringement on which was available followed react. For sake of justice it is necessary to tell that as artist Sveshnikov become famous at all for this is frank a sloven workmanship. It was known as author of a scale cloth «Fight with речниками» where it with skill represented just like a panorama of Borodino fight fight with river school. Or still it was known as author of a sketch «you Have gone on хер» where it drawn maiden expelled from a company on morning by means of a kick, and in a raincoat on a naked body and with a brassiere in hands. - but try, explain all it секретчику, - with bitterness Lozhkin thought, expecting examination.
- No, - shouted about itself Spoon.
- Open a folder, - aloud objected секретчик.
At last minute, before pulling lock of a folder Lozhkin suspiciously had a look at Kvasova: is you spoilt air? – He asked.
- Well and a stench! – frowned checking, - pass both.
In a summer toilet that was in a court yard of educational case near to a shooting gallery, Lozhkin long growled over badly smelling aperture. Kvass looked around, on noise heads could run together.
Captain-lieutenant Portvejnov, it Hans, sat at a desk and thoughtfully looked through file on Baranova Leonid Jakovlevicha, fifty five years old, lecturer of a society "Knowledge". Baranova as it recommended to file, had a fine legend for scout: from a birth in deaf Belarus small town where in war have burnt down all archives to отсидки in Stalin camps after which in police station where passport been given out, inquiries on clearing have not kept even.
- A cult of personality hid? – Hans assumed, - or someone removed traces …
Rams married for some reason Kapustin's inhabitant яра and as that suspiciously quickly become a widow/widower. Apartment listening yielded rather poor results. It was found out: in free from work air liked to spoil time of Rams, to read technical journals and to be engaged in a photo business. As soon as it became known to bodies, he hastily got over in a city and was arranged with lecturer in a society "Knowledge" Cooperated with technical journals as press photographer, gave lectures about scientifically technical progress, went on country.
-Negusto have dug out, allies I wave вать! – walked to гебешников address a drop.
In an office have knocked.
- Allow to enter?
Hans hasty hidden a folder in safe and seen cadets of Kvasova entering by front splashing gait and Lozhkin.
- Cadet Kvasov on - to your order arrived.
- Cadet Lozhkin your way to an order arrived.
- I hear, - Ports looked at boots of entered.
Memory obligingly given out memoirs: «to Command it will be constructed on physical gymnastics. clothes form труханы, прогары! – ship loud-speaking communication shouted in a head at каплея. Then noisy footfall of boots on a gangway …» was distributed.
Ports looked on entered as at ghosts ….
commander was not in a company, it had a day off, therefore in a company was quiet – neither shouts, nor turmoil. Everyone been engaged in by business.
Near a check point, about Hall anchor on корточках sat Kvass and Lozhkin. In hands they had flat file, one for two. They sharpened an anchor. In general to sharpen an anchor was considered as destiny of latest crucians … to sharpen an anchor employment useless and even harmful as which black paint it flew away been accurately painted but this action allowed an excellent occasion to be filled in with bad laughter to all passing cadets considering in difference from puffing blunderers present seamen.
laughter sometimes passing in a horse neighing, at all did not prevent to talk quietly to two friends, discussing Hans's new task. That a laughter! Behind their this employment precisely will not disturb: will not send to wash a latrine, to scrub a deck and undergraduates will not force to carry out what нибудь small commissions. Whether a joke: it was necessary to take part as a part of a concert command in a campaign of Caspian flotilla. With спец task!
- What do you think to undertake first of all? – asked Kvass.
Lozhkin frowned as from a toothache: - Teeth I think to treat, fine distract.
- Zubihi tomorrow professional meeting, do not write down, - askance having looked on ceased to neigh, and Huzhelja which have pricked up ears, Maslov, - That else informed?.
- It is necessary to banish just once a concert, that's all.
- Not, not everything, - disappointed its Kvass.
It pulled out from a breast pocket an edge рублевки and shown to its Spoon. Lozhkin sighed: yesterday to all have given out from стипухи on rouble on a hairstyle.
- Me too have written down, - he complained.
Хужелю bothered to overhear: - Chufaki, - told it, - someone from you wants to ТРЗ about to be thrown …
Хужель put to Lozhkin рублёвку and ordered on «фсё» "Apple".
- At same time I will have hair cut, - thought Spoon standing at a tram stop.
Хужель for laughter undertook to help Kvasovu. At last having recovered breath from laughter, he asked: - Who ploughed?
-Volokov and Tychkov, - told lies Kvass. Хужель began to pull more vigorously a file on itself.
Till a supper there was a whole hour, and cadets vigorously loafed on a company. In four hundred sixteenth bunk room there was a card play. Played a quarrel with "ceiling" in twenty copecks that meant: for one course it was impossible to put above marked sum. It protected game from a stupid bluff. At cards sat in pairs: Крутьянов and Sechkin, Dologih and Rusty. Крутьянов when to it last card came, submitted prearranged signals of Sechkinu: bent towards companies, rolled eyes, scratched in a nape. Sitting at some distance on a bed at it absent-mindedly Lozhkin observed. Soon it bored it, and it gone to a washstand, what on to rehearse before a mirror «colour with шахою and with an as» for this purpose it was necessary to pull a corner of a mouth and eyes aside. After at it it turned out it left on a deck and seen Zvereva studying parachute business.
- That? – Its Zverev asked. морзе I have already learnt alphabet. флажковый a semaphore too … I think that to us and with parachutes will not prevent to understand!
It conspiratorially winked at Lozhkin. In hands it had a cat adhered by ropes to a bed-sheet scrap. In a hall window in which it also thrown out an animal clinging to it been opened. cat landed successfully. When out of breath Zverev in third time brought a cat back, it did not look frightened.
- With a parachute and fool can, - Lozhkin to a cat told, having pulled about it for a nape, - you try without a parachute. Зверев, accepted Lozhkin's words into account untied ropes and spent a cat an inquisitive glance. Lozhkin looked at Zvereva similarly.
- Look, - Fiksenko, - sideways laughed, sideways … He for some reason hated cats and at any opportunity tried to kick them. After its kicks they always tried to bolt for some reason sideways.
- They steal pigeons on an attic, - he suddenly explained, - and to ourselves already soon it will nothing to catch!
Discussing advantages of pigeon soup, crowd heard a long-awaited command «a company to be constructed for a supper».
After a supper under schedule there was a self-preparation, for first and second year necessarily in audiences where cadets dozed, wrote letters, quietly talked. Some sat, having buried in textbooks, especially on eve of session. Cadet Labutin, having closed ears fingers, sat, having goggled in textbook, trying to remember at least most simple things. Thus it periodically, having extended lips, inflated cheeks. It seemed to it that he on rehearsal and blows trumpet. Kvass and Lozhkin sitting on a back school desk, too practised music – studied notes. For this purpose they had to whistle quietly.
- Notes too will be useful? – Zverev which approached to them asked. It winked aside both eyes and twisted a mouth corner. Lozhkin given a whistle.
On second number from a window cadet Bunchuk with a sour physiognomy sat. Its head was similar to a billiard sphere. Lozhkin with pleasure blinked on it.
At коммандира sixth company there was a habit to give cadets caught in a self-wolf a crew cut. Thus it still ripped out клины and gave four extra duties. It was usual practice, it not seemed to it superfluous to punish three times for one sin. «However, it how to count», - reflected Spoon. Infringement of form of clothes was punished выпарыванием wedges, autocratically вшитых in uniform trousers, autocratic absence – four dresses. hairstyle bare, turns out, was not punishment, and only preventive maintenance - in such kind to go to a self-feed it was inconvenient. Thus, all logically spoke and it not seemed any atrocity.
- Try to explain this Bunchuku, - advised Kvass.
- Yes what here to interpret …, - Lozhkin told in a fit of temper. It given Bunche клеши in a self-feed, it turned out that it been once punished. meeting in assembly hall with a rear admiral, front trousers at it умыкнули for a long time already, and now tomorrow was coming and клины which in crowd would descend for front, have been spoilt irrevocably. It was necessary to rely on destiny, that is not to go on a meeting, but it was most unprofitable variant. At комроты Kortikova was very sharp eye.
At ten o'clock in evening self-preparation ended, and group left in a company. Was coming evening приборка after of which was waited by a release - in eleven evenings.
After, организованно, group run risen in a company, Lozhkin gone down back from fourth floor and he thrown in a mail box letter which had time to write on self-preparation, in it he informed parents that everything is all right and feed them well. In letter also there was a bunk room plan from which it was clear where there are beds, a table, рундук and a dagger bed on which he sleeps that it was visible to parents been marked that to it does not blow from a window as he sleeps near to a door. But was not, words that recently this door was open a rough kick of foreman of a company, and it could not be closed plainly, yes a barrel from it похлеще, than from a window but to what about it to worry to parents when it is possible to go to bed in clothes to that, having taken cover an overcoat.
When Lozhkin's eyes already stuck together, Bagels which for fun named a bagel, спросонок pensively said - Children call me pirate …
Lozhkin under a blanket silently, burst out laughing. Still it would like to twist at itself a finger in a forehead, but he counted it excessive.
- A company lifting! - heart-rending shout of man on duty got into consciousness. In four minutes other command reached.
- company will be constructed on physical gymnastics. In a minute company should stand, having constructed on a deck «the form of clothes worker, тельник» when foreman of a company Kilkin looking in a stop watch, informed that they were late for thirty seconds, cadet Dologih was indignant
- It is not fair!
On what Kilkin reacted not in an original way. It shown two fingers a letter of V Dologihu and asked
- It how many?
Дологих it was invigorated:
- Two
- It five. Five dresses all turns!
Unexpectedly foreman of group Moisov interfered with business, wishing to show awareness, he informed all constructed
- More than four dresses for once it is not necessary to give.
At it it turned out solidly. Килькин it supported.
- On four both! Dologih takes up, its Moisov replaces, Moisov is replaced – Dologih takes up.
- Questions are? - He asked group.
Lozhkin drowsily yawned and stuck sideways Kvasova.
- If only «Tarakanih of races» done without. Тараканьи races which sometimes declared foreman of a company, included some slightly tiring elements, namely run to посинения round school and then lifting and release trainings for a while.
Though Lozhkin also was pleasant «like a command a company under form number six with mattresses», all same, there was a spring, and in street was hot, and he, was delighted that this time carried by, and anger of foreman fallen not upon all. Having constructed on a parade-ground, sixth company vigorously swung hands and squatted. Then run around warmly knot. Cadets of other companies, it is lazy stretching, looked at them bewildered. Lozhkin in addition to all hung on a horizontal bar.
- Hung you fulfil? - asked Kvass.
After physical gymnastics still it was necessary to wash and clean teeth, to rustle on приборке and only then is under construction for a breakfast. For a breakfast was сечка, bread and butter and tea.
Divorce on employment occurred on a parade-ground before a galley opposite to first crew. person on duty on school made today divorce on employment without report to heads. heads have not deigned to come on divorce, it not suffered from it at all. Also devoutly inflated cheeks cadets of muses of a platoon, blowing in pipes, also it is diligent cadets led by commanders of companies beat a parade-ground boots. Going at head of a company, whether it be commander or foreman of a company, did turn on right and having greeted officer on duty on school flaunted to company received a command «quietly, an alignment to right»
On first pair chief of a speciality of Bulyga conducted history. Studied Political bureau decisions, reading from newspaper report on plenum of Central Committee of CPSU. cadet Rusty бубнил as sexton: - There were members of Political bureau: Tambourines, Voronin … Artfully having had a look on reflected спеца continued: Бойтенко, Sechkin, Dologih, - it шпарил directly under list of group which everyone knew by heart and as in group there were many namesakes of listed kingpins спец, lulled by monotonous transfer did not notice some discrepancies. Unexpectedly audience which, by way, settled down on ground floor near buffet, included chief of school of Moustaches. Булыга quickly nashyolsja: - Group to rise, - he ordered. cadets lulled after a breakfast dissonantly have risen.
- I did not sleep, I did not sleep, - cadet Draznetsov what for justified. It been rumpled on person and tousled on hair. chief of school to it not believed.
Is a lesson or a quiet time? - He asked. Булыга reddened. sleepy look was replaced with spiteful. chief hasty left. From slapped door tasty smells of buffet have reached. Smelt as pies with jam, cigarettes of "Morflot" and cutlets in test. Lozhkin convulsively counted copper coins.
- Anything till a dinner two and a half pair, - consoled its Kvass. In recalculation for a while it made two hundred twenty five minutes without changes.
The end
© Copyright: Anatoly Yeremeyev, 2020
certificate on publication №120100507928
Свидетельство о публикации №120122605150