Alexander Blok - When you are crushed...
By men, or troubles, or by grief;
When under heavy plates of sorrow
All that you loved is fast asleep;
When down the city desert, hollow,
Despondent and immensely sick,
You drag yourself towards a home
And hoar is heavy on your cheek,
Then - for a moment, stop and listen
To stillness of the frosty night.
You‘ll then perceive another living
You cannot see in daily light;
You’ll see anew the distance glowing,
The night awaiting for the dawn,
The puffs of smoke still barely showing
O’er garden whitened and forlorn,
And sky – the book between the ages;
You’ll find in your ruined soul
Again your mother’s image bending,
And in this sacred stillness learn -
The decorations on the lantern,
The frost-coagulated blood,
Extinguished love - all will re-kindle
In your tired and grateful heart,
And you will bless all things imperfect,
And you will know that life's much more
Than quantum satis* men aspire,
And world is perfect, as before.
* * *
Александр Блок
Когда ты загнан и забит
*quantum satis - (лат) достаточное количество воли - ницшеанский принцип (ВП)
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