Экспромт на На катке Яны Пилипюк

Побывал я будто в раю
Стихов ваших от
Близко к, уже стоя
Смерти, приближающейся своей
Не надо куражить уж
Пошатывается уже
А може лукавлю я
Моё здоровье
But - "i love you"
So ought, and i did, i had pronounced those words to her
To my, seemingly that, beloved, that had gradually rejected me
That girl, who couldn't, i think sooner
Had to have any intention or a pathetic wish
For her soul moves, or any other her psycho mind reelings
To pay me attention somehow back, in reward
With at least somewhat reaction, in aftermath, any
She might and could have done it!
By e.g. answering in a fu.king sympathetic lie love letter!
But she did not, as if she had tightly been husband busy
She did not, i cried and was grave
Re - as it, sorrowfully, happend - act!
Simply had spitted
At my sincere, kind lover feelings
