Сонет 87 В душе две песни
А сердце бьётся, пробиваясь сквозь метели.
Вы получили - мой сердечный друг -
Всё то, что сами так неистово хотели.
В капризах обнажаясь, сердца боль
Из нежных уст своих в мои уста вложили,
Уверив в том, что это есть любовь,
Хотя навряд ли Вы воистину любили.
Вы лишь играли чувствами в любовь,
Невольно распаляя в нас обоих муки…
Оставив мне завьюженную кровь,
Себе взяв холод от метелящей разлуки
Лишь соловей грустит о Вас, моя подруга,
Да воет, заметая боль, глухая вьюга.
Свидетельство о публикации №120122107759
Blissfully bright, to the point of frenzy.
There are kisses-like snow cold.
There are kisses - as an insult.
Oh, kisses-forcibly given,
Oh, kisses — in the name of vengeance!
What a burning, what a strange,
With their outburst of happiness and disgust!
Run, then, with the thrill of frenzy,
There is no measure of my dreams, and there is no name.
I am strong-by the will of my love,
I am strong with audacity — indignation!"
Poems about love by Konstantin Balmont leave a sweet aftertaste...
he saw the Meaning of life in the comprehension of the human essence and love. And even the poet will mark the end of his life with the poem " Love!»
"Love!" - the rustling birches sing,
When their earrings bloomed.
"Love!" sings the lilac in the colored dust.
"Love! Love! " the roses sing, flaming.
Fear lovelessness. And run.
Of dispassion. Your noon is suddenly far away.
Your dawn of the current of the dawn was burned.
Love love. Love the fire and dreams.
Who did not love, did not fulfill the law,
By which constellations move in the world,
Which is so beautiful sky.
He hears a dead ring at every hour.
There's no way he can escape retribution.
Who loves, happy. Let him at least be crucified."And that's fine! Know, we are the first victims of these glorious LOVE SONGS!! Dear VALERY!
Надежда Зернова 23.12.2020 01:01 Заявить о нарушении
"What happened to me? I'm all singing.
Twist the thoughts in the subtle structure of the sonnet.
I caress this and that with a sharp eye.
I accept all Eternity as mine.
From black blocks I forge white.
And the story of feeling is dressed in steel and light.
In everything I feel only summer,
Winds of intoxicating warm spray.
Oh, what's wrong with me? I am happy it is not clear.
After all, I know pain as well as anyone.
I walk barefoot on the Windows. And in the dew
I seek with my soul what is irrevocable.
I know: this is the Sun fragrant
It sings in me. I'm all in his glory."
Thank you, dear Nadezhda, for the warm and sincere review, filled with the lines of the singer of Love-the great Balmont!!!
With heartfelt gratitude, with sincere gratitude and warmth of soul,
Валерий Старостин 23.12.2020 22:44 Заявить о нарушении