Станс У настоящей радости...

У настоящей радости нет мелочей.
Есть в каждой мелочи своя земная радость.
Талант, перо, струна души, искра очей -
Из мелочи рождают творческую благость.

"True joy is shared joy" was the opinion of Antoine de Saint-Exupery and it has been proven for centuries!
In King SOLOMON we read in the PARABLE:
"Wake up, for the beggar is the one who is not aware of himself. For you are divine. Do not compare and do not separate. thank you for everything. Pray in joy – and misfortune will pass you by. Pray, but don't bargain with God. and know that praise is the best prayer, and happiness is the best food for the soul."

Water gains miraculous power only when it is a gift of the heart. the cares that surround the patient, the forgiveness of guilt, are beautiful when a smile lights up...what connects us!!!
Evening, glory, festive mood, celebration, anniversary, celebration, jubilation, carnival, euphoria, festivities, name days, celebration!!!
and it's beautiful, our dear lg, that joy is real!!!
sincerely, with a weekend smile! Hoffnung

Надежда Зернова   19.12.2020 22:45     Заявить о нарушении
"Only a creative person can turn a small thing into perfection".
(Black Aquarius)
" Attention to detail creates perfection, but perfection is no longer a trifle."
(Michelangelo Buonarroti)

I rejoice in your understanding of the author's thoughts, wise and smiling lines of your soul!! Thank you for such a sincere review, dear Nadezhda!!!

With a grateful smile and the warmth of a creative soul, Valery
(Black Aquarius).

Валерий Старостин   20.12.2020 20:02   Заявить о нарушении