Zen Physics

We are weak, too weak in this world
where power rules.
We are thin reeds.
Our roots are in the water.
Our wings withered and flew away.
There're stout oak trees in the wood nearby.
We are as far away from them as they are from us.
Our worlds almost do not intersect.
They say the best cure for fatigue is to cry out and fall asleep.
Perhaps that's a good remedy.
But I'd like to add we shouldn't play the role of a strong woman or man,
for strength and weakness, like yin and yang, change places.
Strong interaction takes its toll:
the rainbow merges into white rays.
Weak interaction are permeable and fragrant
only the smell of that we're not able to perceive.
Just to remind you: that's about quarks.
Just try to catch a neutrino.
How much effort is needed?
So what's the power, dear sister?
Wipe away tears, don't cry!
Without weakness there is no strength.
