Декабрь в Петербурге

Вновь ветер лижет улиц стылость,
Где нет сугробов, луж стеклянных…
Сплошная голая унылость
Декабрьских будней безымянных…

Зима всё шубы примеряет
В Устюге или в Красноярске…
Прохожий шаг свой ускоряет,
Глотая смог в постылой маске…

А Медный всадник в неба просинь
Десницу стыло простирает.
В свинцовых тучах бродит Осень,
И дух Петра над всем витает…

We heard this request, dear VALERY - in the Heavenly office, what the SPIRIT of PETER told us-and sent clouds with its precipitation...SNOW: "endless and white"!

The winter fashionista drove her snow - white Bugatti Veyron along the wet avenues of the NORTHERN CAPITAL,
Supercar, (with a 16.4 engine with a volume of 7993 cm3 developing a power of 1001 horsepower, which allows the car to accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour in 2.5 seconds,reach maximum speed of 407km/ h).

Something did not like IT, on "naked" wheels, on slippery roads. I got up in the tire shop to "change shoes", moving the CYCLONE on my SHOULDERS, walking around the sweet corners of my sweet city on the NEVA! Purring that wondrous smash hit by Salvatore ADAMO, where ... "Sadness about you ... IT ... is endless and white"!!!

"This too will PASS," said SOLOMON... brushing snow from his chariot with a broom...

Sincerely, with a smile started slush December!!! VNL

Надежда Зернова   12.12.2020 18:37     Заявить о нарушении
"Potius sew, quam nunquam"("Better late than never")!
Finally, this winter fashionista in a fashionable short fur coat looked in St. Petersburg!
The wheels of my swallow rustled with thorns on the frosty snow, reminding me of the song " and they carry me away, and they carry me away into the ringing light distance...". And the world became more light, clear and ringing, asking for a line of light verse on the snow-white sheet of my lyric notebook…

Thank you, dear Nadezhda, for your subtle connections with the Heavenly office and the smiling, winter-bright lines of the review!!

With sincere gratitude and the warmth of an enlightened soul, Valery.

Валерий Старостин   12.12.2020 23:48   Заявить о нарушении
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