The riot of roots
Thuringia, I hold in mind your furnaces
Where dreams of twenty centuries
Had been burnt up
Cultural redivision of the straightening world
The 21st century begins to tighten its non-medieval nuts. In the whirlwind of planetary crowding social and spiritual elements, their ominous rattle can not be heard right away.. Confessional Revival and Restoration, religious and cultural globalism, appearing as multiculturalism and new age, and simple tribalism of different levels and forms - all this, united by the word indigenization, is a kind of cultural redistribution of the world and a return to the old, ancient and pre-ancient religious and cultural identities that came out after a series of failed projects of Western humanism, from XVI–XX to the international communist movement of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Liberalism still entertains itself with the illusion that its business has a perspective, but it is already clear that the main bearer and promoter of liberalism - Western, Anglo-Saxon, Mentality - with its aggressive nature, mainly aimed at conquering things and space, from the inside and fundamentally undermines the very idea of liberalism as real freedom. The one-sided movement of freedom on Earth as freedom for the caste of the elect, for the West, and the forcible conversion to freedom of the rest of the earthlings resembles one of those routine outbreaks of infections that stop or become exhausted on their own or, nevertheless, make a man brace up to defend himself. Now the non-Western world is beginning to straighten to self-defense. And I, a Russian intellectual, whose consciousness was formed in great reverence for the western roots of Russian culture, begin to feel more acutely the new, all-earthly, unspoken unity of peoples who want to defend their identity before the West..
Riot of the cellar of culture. Russian Orthodox Church, Death of Gods-Street Version
«Love, or, love…..»
The West, of course, also defends its identity. For the uprising of the masses, which was discussed a hundred years ago, gave rise to that in the atmosphere of which we live today - the riot of the roots. This is a spontaneous social movement, or rather, self-movement, in order to emphasize how instinctive and beginningless it is, showing that it is a continuation of the movement of nature in man, the transition of the fatal forces of matter into a pre-conscious social form.. This ocean is now knocking on all civilizational walls and partitions, threatening to destroy all forms and superstructures over the chaos that culture has created. That what used to be in the darkness, staying under the culture and nourishing it, connecting the man with the millennium past, wants to come up, take the upper hand and to rule. The cellar underground of culture has rebelled, for which there is no difference between the roots and the fruits: the roots themselves consider to be the fruits. This is a spontaneous continuation of the “cultural revolution” of the last two hundred years, the birth of what seemed long buried under the layers of time; and as an unconscious, this root principle, indiscriminately, makes its own moves in all directions, manifesting itself unexpectedly in our life, replenishing ourselves with different, sometimes conflicting and opposing social forces.
For example, in the Russian Orthodox Church, it appears as a simple reaction to external suppression. The church merges with secular power in the twentieth century and merges with the rite, more firmly associated with the most ancient forms of worship of icons, relics and other shrines, re-fixing the religious feeling of the flock on the simplest, verified for a long time, “eternal” procedures for securing blind faith, not
illuminated by the sun of free research, leading to the incomparably richer and more fraught with the growth of human consciousness communion of God. The church is still, like a hundred years ago, in a dying Russian empire, held itself aloof from mental development and wants only to "keep what it has." Like the terrible character from Umberto Eco’s novel “The Name of the Rose”, the ominous blind man Jorge from Burgos, she believes that everything has already been said and written and there is nothing to add. Therefore, secular culture is invariably hostile to it, above all its verbal core, fiction, and the deeper the writer, the more he is an enemy of the Church, exposed as Tolstoy, or hidden as Dostoevsky.. The torment of the modern church soul, torn between the subjective desire to recognize the dignity of a work of art and its “objective necessity” to be rejected, can be observed from the book about the novel “The Master and Margarita”, written several years ago by the famous Moscow professor of theological academy ..! … This is a return to the roots in the Church.
A different return to the roots, to the roots of the times of fore-religions and even pre-religious eras can be seen in the global urban multicultural neopaganism or street esotericism of the new age, where in the earthly spiritual brew there is the final death of the gods, their democratic equalization, mixing and annihilation. All the deities of all pantheons tremble in the wind of time like multi-colored rags-tags, behind which there is nothing but emptiness. There is no mercy for anyone, not even the greatest monotheistic names. It recalls the wonderful Latin end of the “Name of the Rose”, imbued with a sense of this critical state of our spiritual world: “Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus.” That is "The ancient rose remains by its name, naked names are all that we have."
The rose must be given a new name, a new word must be found for the Divine/Deity, and then the names of culture will acquire content and get clad in meanings. The Human Spirit seeks the common basis of all beliefs, that the Foregod, who, having answered all the expectations of mankind, could become for us the Super God, that common Window of the Spirit into the world, which all living elements of all beliefs would acknowledge as their own. The street intuitively babbles “love, love,” but from the babble to the spiritual step of mankind to the transformation of the spirit, there may be a span of thousand years ……
EU as a subject of self-identification. Russians can be eaten up and Jews can be burnt
My contemplations have somewhat\t distracted me from the immediate subject of conversation - the manifestation of Western identity. I would like to dwell on those things that now unconsciously emerges to the near-political surface of life.
For example, what is the EU as a subject of indigenization and tribalism? This is not the European community's experience of the Basque dispute with the Spanish government or Ulster with London, the scale is different. No, this is primarily the Europeans' experience of their community in the face of the world around, which is changing not in European but in its own way. The maximum political unification, the know-how of an unconventional union, here successfully coincided with a psychological return to the roots of “Westernism”. This growing sense of Europeanism as Westernism makes its bearers, half a century after the end of World War II, forget the experiences of the era when the peoples of Europe were torn and divided into camps by the Nazi massacre and its consequences. Nowadays, a new sense of common Europe is protesting against this division, and that is why Mikhail Gorbachev’s dream of sharing a European house with us is unrealizable, because we, Russia, are undesirable in Europe, carriers of enhanced memory of the Second World War, which for obvious reasons is stronger than all possible international associations. We are the part of Europe that Europe sacrifices to its pro-Western unity.
Therefore, those humanistic conclusions that the European intellectuals tried to draw from the Second World War and which at first sounded to us as conclusions of world significance that should change the consciousness of the planet! Indeed, listen to the powerful subject matter – the world before and after gas chambers !- these conclusions turned out to be only local, intra-European results. But it took the fall of the Berlin Wall for us to realize this.
It turned out that “the world after Auschwitz”, “theology after Auschwitz” and everything else “after Auschwitz” is their world and their theology, European, Western European, but not ours. For us, strangers, there is no world after Auschwitz, for us there is no "this must not be repeated”, this is for them, within Europe, “must not be repeated,” in this world the German should not seek for eating the French anymore, but there is nothing wrong in keep trying to dine on the Russian, why not? And it is still possible to keep burning Jews in gas chambers. This tribalistic-cannibalistic dream of progressive mankind, throwing off the hangover of World War II - the tribal cannibalism of the future - is temporally underground, but it lives and grows stronger, rest assured. After all, some guys are already yelling that there has been no Holocaust, that this is a Jewish invention. But after a while this yelling will be heard throughout Europe, that's for sure. Why so? Well, because Jews no more than Russians belong to the West, they are the same strangers, although some of them managed to assimilate in America. If the western mas consciousness is able to ascribe the lion's share of the victory over Hitler to Anglo-Saxons practically nullifying Russia's participation (America and Britain defeated Hitler-Stalin! Well, Stalin was not immediately defeated, at first he were neutralized - by the Cold War; the final and irrevocable victory over Stalin in their Anglo-Saxon self-affirmation came in 1989, when the Berlin Wall collapsed - hence their euphoria of the last twenty years and self-assessment as the highest and progressive under the sun. This is what makes the subtle difference in our feelings: for us, Stalin's time ended in 61, when, by the way, a specific Berlin wall was erected, for them in 89), then why can't the Holocaust be declared a myth? At least, on the territory of the European Union, God himself tells the emerging new identity to forget the dark spots of history that poison the bright consciousness of a new flourishing society. The terrible barracks of Auschwitz and other concentration camps have a depressing effect on the psyche of innocent generations who do not at all strive to share a certain abstract guilt with abstract distant ancestors. Who needs this ?! For the ethnic dance of root cultures, beginning their epoch-making self-affirmation, all this historical rubbish is useless. What is the use of a certain truth, if it is really the truth – but just the truth of yesterday? There is no past. There is only the eternal present. We live here and now. We know that we are Europeans, people of the West, these are our roots. Our unity in the EU is not ideological, it is not a roof for different peoples, Angles, Franks, Germans, and others, invented by humanist philosophers and built on the top; this is the ancient platform provided by Mother Nature itself, on which our peoples stand ... So the uprising of the roots meets with the relaxation of the postmodern, and their natural fusion does not required, moreover, the memory of the suffering, pain, guilt and conscience of the past even interferes with the whole complex of the unnatural that we call the conscious history of mankind.
The whole world is the Moon for the West. Russia is unique.
So far, Jews, rich and alert, having a powerful lobby in the States, have managed to hold Europe by the throat so that it does not forget the Holocaust. But will it always be like this?
We Russians are more passive, we are too lazy to prove the obvious, for example, that the victory over Hitler was obtained mainly by shedding our blood.. But we will not betray our memory for the sake of any “cultural consensus” .
In the West, restructuring of historical psychology is in full swing, contrary to the facts (how can help recalling Orwell?), the West with all its instincts wants the victory over Hitler to be considered exclusively allies', Anglo-Saxon, American, because then its western harmony is restored: among themselves it’s our war between us we aged it and we made peace ourselves. And what does Russia have to do with it ?! Well, it accidentally got into the orbit of Western affairs, has suffered much enough, but what do we care about it? These are its own problems. Let it be grateful to us, the West, . that it had not been left without our support (we will keep silent about its size), did not let Hitler devour it ...…
All the wars of the West, even the two world wars, were not wars of the West in the world, but of the world in the West, that is, Other peoples and countries, including Russia, were involved as needed, in these games for the sake of additional forces and resources but the West had never considered them equal partners. The whole world outside the West for the West has always been and remains only the source of raw materials, the Moon, on which it is worth landing only for the sake of minerals, and if there are some people living there near the mineral deposits they do not matter, they are only an appendage of this raw material, nothing more.. Such an appendage to mineral wealth has always been represented also by us, nasty Russians, stubbornly unwilling to "get civilized" in any way, by obeying Western missionaries, starting with Jarl Birger and ending with Hitler. No country or civilization in the world has withstood as many blows from the West as Russia. For this alone, it is already unique. The choice of Alexander Nevsky can be easily explained: having submitted to the East, one could keep its integrity, but it was impossible to keep it submitting to the West. This is the spirit of Western "freedom."
Applicants for Euroethnos. Germans - Western Europe. German time will come.
An outburst of a newly perceived identity knocks in the subconscious, and people who yesterday lived in harmony with their neighbors suddenly begin to hate them. Some, especially the Eastern neophytes in the camp of Europe, cannot wait to knock down all the monuments about our victory over the Nazis. Until recently, all this had seemed incomprehensible and absurd to me, but today it appears understandable, although still absurd ...
Why are the Balts, Ukrainian Westerners, and even Poles, and even Georgians are so eager to do this, while the Germans, whose territory hosts the greatest number of these monuments, does not seem to want it? Is it really because they are so noble and civilized? Or because they repented for the sins of their Nazi fathers and realized everything?
By the way, some very zealous liberal-progressives keep reminding us of those and chanting: "Repent!" After all, the Germans, they say, banned the Nazi party, and you ?.. Oh, how cute and touching they are, these Germans! ..
Stop clucking, politicians, don't get ahead of progress! Wait a little –whatever nice Germans have forbidden they can later allow at their own discretion …
The point here is different. The peoples living near the civilizational rift, like the Balts, or on the rift itself, like the Westerners, are experiencing an identity crisis more acutely and with renewed vigor want to emphasize their belonging to the chosen civilization, that is, in this case, to Western Europe. All of these peoples were part of both the Russian and Soviet empires, and now, in order to feel like full-fledged Europeans and to avoid inferiority complex, they need to emphasize precisely their non-Russianness and even anti-Russianness. But since it is now not entirely accepted and not very politically correct to directly assert such unfriendly feelings, a battered anti-Soviet card is being played, which is very convenient, moreover, in order to make the Russians not turn up their noses and not be very proud of freedom from communism and economic recovery.
Why, however, did the Estonians and Georgians begin to demolish the monuments of victory - and their victory too - over Hitler? Because these are monuments to the victory over the West, which these peoples now choose as their place of residence. Ethnic groups can just as well neglect the shed blood of their individuals, if the changes for which they are doing it promise them prosperity. They banish the memory of the weaknesses and dark spots of this newly elected civilization, they want to belong not only to a strong, but also to an infallible community.
And since the history does not know infallible and unsullied societies, the new applicants for a historical homeland, upstart peoples in the new Europe, have to paint a fantastic picture of the history of the "Promised Land" mixed in the distortions of reality, infecting the moral air and insulting the historical consciousness of mankind with a spirit of lies.
The Germans, on the other hand, do not need to emphasize their belonging to Western Europe, they themselves are Western Europe, and can afford to calmly endure the monuments to the Soviet liberators from fascism, admitting the relative correctness for the time being (not absolutely, , as it turned out, this, as The Germans, on the other hand, do not need to emphasize their belonging to Western Europe, they themselves are Western Europe, and can afford to calmly endure the monuments to the Soviet liberators from fascism, admitting the relative correctness for the time being (absolute, as it turned out, no - this, as communist teachers taught us, alas, is abstract humanism) the presence of these monuments on their ground. The German time will come and they will disappear. But non-German Europeans themselves are still afraid of the German time. Because before starting to devour the surrounding outer space again, the Germans, in their simplicity, will forget for a minute that “this must not happen again” and, like their famous leader Adolf (Ataulf), will have a snack before hitting the road and Mother Europe.
Hitler is the soul of the West
Actually, until recently, the word "Hitler" had been for me, all my life, since childhood, in its own way, symbolic, unambiguous. Some kind of border that cannot be crossed .. The limiting border between civilization and absolute evil, a negative imperative of culture. Where hitler is, there is a triumph of hatred, decay, end, denial of life. There is no human in the man, no Christianity, no reverence for light. Where Hitler is, there is a triumph of hatred, decay, end, denial of life. There is no human in the man there. There is a triumph of cave instincts, a return of a person to a savage state, there is an extreme degree of godlessness. Therefore, cannibalism is permissible and encouraged there.
I absolutized Hitler as evil, because for us, Russians, and for the majority of Soviet people, he was an absolute evil, a merciless destroyer of life. But I naively thought that for other peoples who fought against him, he was the same negative absolute: after all, everyone knew about the gas chambers were not only Jews were sent!
But it turned out that the gas chamber for the Western Aryans is not at all as scary and symbolic as it is for us. Because it basically did not threaten them. Besides, the destruction of non-Western people from the Natural viewpoint is nothing terrible and, most importantly, incomprehensible, for the Western Homo sapiens does not represent: social Darwinism, gentlemen, and no snot! The food chain must work. All the more so that, we, Western people, will try to always be at the top of this chain !..
But here's the trouble: the identity is something broad, it is impossible to distinguish under the vile sign where is a hitler and where is a rus'. (Or is it a new fascist community – hitler-rus'? The simple horizontal line of the ethnos returning to the monkey roots merges with the bottom of the vertical, the dark and dissatisfied part of society. Here is the Bermuda crossroads for the birth of the poisonous grain of fascism.) Is it really impossible to find anything more interesting in the Slavic pantheon than this vile Aryan Kolovrat rolling with knives of a meat grinder??
But teenagers will not answer this question. They don't give a damn for any sort of Slavic revival They do not reflect, they obey the impulse and adopt the first thing that catches their eye. They want strength, and there is a swastika at hand, so familiar from films about the war. Sign of strength!
The German fascist soldiery must have made a deep impression on several of our male generations. The blatant impudent force is always remembered. In childhood, almost all of us appreciated and even admired the organization, technique and discipline of the Nazis. I have even known adults from among the university teachers of philosophy, people who all their lives at heart remained passionate admirers of the Hitlerite war machine. Of course, you will say, the kinship of psychologies and systems, and so on, but still, it's a pity that even at this relatively early stage of post-war history, the historical memory of even our people was colored in a similar distorted way, inspired by the "beauty and strength" of Hitlerism. Not to mention the memory of others, for example, the French, who, by virtue of their tirelessly cheerful temperament, are inclined to present all wars as adventuress of tipsy musketeers? ..
So our adolescents' return to their roots is by no means a literary and theatrical return to Perun with Yarilo.. No, here everything is simpler, more spontaneous and ugly here.. Teenagers here act as unconscious probes, suckers of a power- seeking ethnos. The blood of fathers and grandfathers is the past, it has been drunk and eaten. But the swastika is a sign for all times, a sign of the Great Ethnic Teacher of all peoples, reminding of how to gain strength and take up arms against foreigners in an exemplary manner and how to eat them up.
So who is Hitler in the subconscious of humanity? In modern terms, he is an ethnocultural hero, the genius of Europe of the New Middle Ages, the first prophet of the era of the roots] riot. For the Germanic collective unconscious, he is the same Moses, leading his newly divinely chosen people. That is why the Jews were sentenced to extermination because there cannot be two chosen peoples on Earth ... By his actions, he laid the foundation for the conscious indigenization and tribalism of Europe and the whole world. He showed how to free space from "unnecessary" tribes. His native Europe was horrified at first by his deeds, it was said in it by the remnants of the humanism of past centuries. She did not yet understand that Hitler was the forerunner of her fate, the spirit of Doom, a rehearsal of the all-Western Ragnarok. Well, where is Europe without Hitler? Hitler is the soul of the West.
But the West itself does not yet recognize its soul and is afraid of the shadow cast by it.
They do not let us forget Drang nach Osten
However, we, the Russians, the victors, forgave - as far as possible - the Germans for Hitler, we did not bear the real grudge against them for their former obsession with their fuhrer. Who has escaped similar things? We were also obsessed both with Lenin and Stalin. And we would never reproach the Germans with a word, gesture, or spirit – let bygones ... - and would hardly even remember that they are Western people, if ... not the transatlantic heirs of Drang nach Osten, glorious smiling Americans. Yes, it is they, the soldiers of the dollar, who are trying to remind us what the West is. Through their huge and generous grin we begin to discern the possessed Adolf dormant in the heart of the West and feel that the German time will come back. For the vibrations of the communicating vessels of the Anglo-Saxoaryan soul know everything is good in its time
Why could not fascism be defined? Reverse perspective
When, in the mid-70s, I wrote in my diary that the world was heading towards fascism, I had no idea that my prophecy would be confirmed so quickly.
The world has basically come to fascism. Let us not be deceived by the hypocritical bluff of liberalism, which tries to pretend that it is our noble and humane savior from fascism. The multiplying demands of "political correctness" and the furious involvement of the population in their execution expose the unhealthy fever of the "progressive forces" of the Western public, which is trying to cover up the tragic state of affairs with this pale pink "etiquette". And it consists in the fact that all racial, national, religious and cultural incompatibilities, grievances, idiosyncrasies and bitterness are not overcome by any legal field, but are only driven deep into the depths, swelling and ripening with a potential explosion and blood, creating a breeding ground for the brown element.
After the first negative reaction to fascism in the 1039-45, the Western world smoothly drifted and actually plunged into the psychology of a defeated monster. Bit by bit, it is exploring the territory of the unconscious, preparing a platform for the leap into the consciousness of humanity. Hitler was defeated physically, but, having metaphysically poisoned those who remained, he stayed as a psychic winner ...The go-ahead has not yet been given for his Coming Heir, but everything is almost ready to welcome the guest ...
The word "fascism" ceases to be abusive. The physiognomy and methods of struggle between "fascists" and "anti-fascists" are already indistinguishable, the moral smell is the same. That is why in the nineties our parliamentarians were not able to give a definition of fascism. And really, what is the use of identifying the poison in the air that everyone breathes? It is necessary to purify the air, heal people. But how to draw the line between the hopelessly poisoned and the one who can still be saved? Based on the amount of cruelty shown? But "cruelty" is a worthless criterion, even psychologists will confirm that it is simply, alas, a parameter of our biological nature. The rest of the "criteria" are even worse: the reasons are bogged down in the difference of cultural roots, making their way out with the cry of "blood and soil." It is impossible to define "fascism" and outlaw it because this conventional name is given to some elemental forces, the movement of nature in man. Fascism is an unconscious ethnic energy, during the medieval ethnogenesis described by Gumilev, which moved the history of the human population. Vikings, Goths, Genghis Khans, Tamerlans - all this was still purely social, collectivist, mass, swarm history, and in this sense - prehuman. Ideas about an individual person, individuality, personality were absent or were in the bud. This underdevelopment of ideas about an individual person, or underdevelopment of individual self-awareness, is a moral blindness in which could befall not only ordinary people, but also their religious pastors and stay for centuries, if their cult did not rise above collective horizons.
Blind ethnic energy, which for thousands of years had avoided being called blind and which for a long time had been running the historical show, creating problems for a genuine deep religious consciousness and personality who is breaking into the world, in recent centuries, in the light of deepening reason, has lost the right to independently create history. The growth of a self-organized society began, based on the conquests of personal consciousness. But the twentieth century upset the applecart, its planetary sensual explosion threw us back, the thunderstorm of passions was followed by a cooling of the mind. Blind energies take revenge, they are invaluable for the leaders of the herd and are murderous for the higher life of man, for the fulfillment of our creative destiny in the universe.
The man in order to remain himself and have a human perspective, must be internally open to the spiritual world of humanity, freely connected with it, and externally - independent, freely defining himself in relation to society.
Fascism, on the other hand, is a reverse perspective, it is, first of all, internal isolation, spiritual focus on oneself, on one's local, national-cultural, tribal, narrow ethnic and blind rejection of the universal as well as the indispensable external rigid constraint of a person by a social structure ...
Hitler must be read
Once upon a time, fifteen or twenty years ago, having learned that it was possible to buy Mein Kampf, I was unwilling to spend a large sum for it, consoling myself with the fact that the practical results of this book were notorious throughout the world, so why should I read this and poison myself with such filth?.. Now I have changed my opinion. Hitler, gentlemen, must be read and re-read in order to better understand what to expect from the West, and indeed from the uprising of earthly roots.
A little about the leaders
Under the influence of the politician's demand for a "ban on Stalin" similar to the "ban on Hitler", there was talk from the West that Hitler and Stalin were almost the same thing.
Sheer nonsense. Yes, the systems were totalitarian, the attitude towards man in both was extremely vile, here and there was absolute domination of the state over the person. But that's where the similarities end. For both the origins and meaning of these cases of totalitarianism, and the persons who were at the head, had nothing in common with each other. But now I'm not talking about systems, there is already a lot of information about them. I will only briefly dwell on the leaders.
Stalin is a typical tyrant. A major historical figure who headed the state and so on, but he is just a part of Lenin and no equal to Hitler, who is epoch-making and comparable to Lenin himself.
Lenin is the last, extreme stage of Western materialistic humanism, this is the finale of Luther, Robespierre and Marx, the end taken by everyone as the beginning.
Hitler, alas, on the contrary, is the beginning, taken by the Europeans for the end. "The world after Auschwitz" meant the end of the era of nationalism because Hitler implemented its monstrous hypertrophy. But, as it turns out, the era of Hitler, that is, the uprising and a new flowering of the tribal spirit on Earth is just beginning ...
Postmodernist Petronius will help us
Postmodernism, the end of history and the death of God - all of this, like the theology after Auschwitz, is also just intra-Western issues. Ragnarok is inevitable. From now on, the West will be torn apart by two opposite elements. Civilization, or the element of Petronius, is the bliss of life here and now in the perspective of veins severed in a bath; the second is external, let's call it the element of Faust-Hitler, this is an aggressive aspiration to the outside world, processing and devouring of peoples, substances, space.
The West is deadly dangerous to the rest of the world. Struggle against it is tantamount to fighting Death, armed with intellect. If the West also gains physical immortality before us, then it will become invincible, bringing about the triumph of the Immortal Intellectual Death …
But we hope that the inner-western Petronius, with his craving for relaxation and lotus, will be our objective ally and will undermine his world from the inside.
Vertical battle. Armageddon - fight with the Fool
In addition to the millennial "blood and soil" that gives fascism a romantic color of intimate proximity to nature, there are less beautiful things in modern brown psychology that have ancient origins in the darkness of creation, but have received a new impetus from the class wars of the last two centuries. I am talking about an ape coming out into the world, about a dark part of the population, about mass ignorance and illiteracy, who in a democratic era gain the right to vote and act on an equal basis with others. The fool and the savage are legalized and receive political status, claiming positions of power in society. Thus, the civilized society itself is polarized along the mental and moral vertical: from above - the bright part of humanity, the intellectual and spiritual * elite, in which the highest human goals are supported and improved; below - the broad masses of dark mankind, living mainly animal life. These two poles are fighting for influence on the middle, mixed, and most socialized in the civil sense, part of society, in which historical changes are taking place. Both poles are desocialized because the values of the elite are superior to the civic values, and the values of the people leading animal-like life are below them. The middle part of society, where all social regulators are located, strives to democratically provide the poles with equal external opportunities to participate in expanding themselves. We witness an external meeting of consciousness with unconsciousness; the strength of the first is in light, the advantage of the second is quantity Since the elite ** does not strive for power and is quantitatively small, the middle part, and especially the power structures, are always threatened by the flooding of the dark masses and the lowering of the intellectual and moral level. At best, the middle part is subject to a forced fusion of the idealism of the elite and the materialism of the dark mass, but the tension between them remains. It reflects the last polarization and final battle of humanity: between the mental top and bottom
After global ethnic and neo-religious wars, on the way to the One God of the future, there will remain this very last, fatal, due to the initial structural blindness of nature, the gap in humanity: the Clever and the Fool. The fool is everything that could not overcome the gravitations of nature, everything that asserts itself only as its part and continuation. The fool has his own instinct and strives for his international, the browns of all countries feel their kinship and experience a common hatred for the light of reason. Now the World Fool is getting active, democracy favors him, he achieves maximum power because he knows that the majority is on his side. The danger of the West, which I spoke about above, is also increasing because the West, especially America, knows how to get along excellently with the Fool, attracting him to its side with materialism and high social mobility. Being granted rights and technologies, the Fool is incredibly strong and "at the end of time" will certainly declare its right to earthly dominance, putting the species of homo sapiens before the prospect of extinction. Someday, humanity will need all its energy to protect our luminous essence in order to withstand this real Armageddon - a mortal battle with the Fool.
God will appear in the radiance of the intellect
An alternative to global fascism is a world religious synthesis. For all local confessional revivals are just sluggish, blurred, unconscious forms of the same fascism, that is, half-blind, self-contained collectivism, in the extreme version called fundamentalism.. Before the light of the One God to come, all current churches are just sects and a continuation of earthly strife and slaughter.. They strive to sublimate ethnic energy, but due to their collectivist nature, they are not able to weaken, let alone overcome its antipersonal orientation; so they find themselves in a paradoxical position of a force that wants to purify and transform a person and at the same time condone his absorption and suppression by the socium Therefore, persistent loyalty to the old, renovation and restoration of ancient confessional structures cannot achieve anything worth achieving; it is necessary to get rid of them, to go beyond these social constraints of the spirit. а.
To defeat world fascism today is to change the soul of the world, to change everyone internally. Countries' governments and elites must use all modern communication power to make mutual cultural discovery as attainable as possible. Each culture must religiously open up and justify the religious foundations of all other cultures, that is, create in its consciousness a language of positive description of other religions and cultures. This path is an alternative to both the chaotic confusion of the gods and their blind traditional massacre.
The first Russian attempt on this path was the experience of the great Christian champion of thought, Alexander Men, who was murdered near Moscow twenty years ago, at the height of our last revolution. This death now acquires a symbolic meaning, as if confirming that the new Russia, wishing to change socially, did not want to change spiritually towards the times, but preferred a spiritual return to the past, where the heroic anti-communist, but the spiritual reactionary Solzhenitsyn, called everybody to turn. Now this writer is being studied at high school, which means that Russia can sleep peacefully for another thousand years. …
But, alas, time will not allow Mother Russia to bask in this spiritual and mental relaxation. The future is impossible without intellectual effort, without enhancing intelligence itself. Physics and technology have swallowed up the mind of mankind, it is sorely lacking just in the humanities, in human self-knowledge. Earthlings should invest the lion's share of their budgets in education. Only from educated, intellectually plowed souls of humanity will the necessary religious synthesis grow. For the uneducated population will not be able to see the One God through the difference of cultures. Uneducated population is only able to keep the dead gods of the past and germinate fascist seeds, preparing the next dances of death.
*One should not, as the church does, reduce the meaning of the word "spiritual" only to its narrowly religious meaning "churchly moral".
The word "spirit" from which it comes is in one ascending order: reason - mind - spirit. Reason is a simple logical reason, separate from feeling; mind is the union of reason and feeling; spirit is the union of reason and the moral sphere that grows out of feeling. These are three states of our consciousness, reflecting different stages of its development. As you can see, the spirit really includes all the previous steps, which potentially contain all the subsequent ones.
The Church is absolutely right when it criticizes a person who is limited only by the reason but it is wrong when it identifies the reason with the mind, which is broader and deeper than the mind, and therefore is periodically forced to recognize the achievements of the mind, for example, scientific; finally, the church is absolutely wrong when it narrows the concept of spirit to an abstract religious one, tearing it away from the mind and reason and making it its own "internal patrimony." Thus, it encroaches on the highest human freedom, breaking the unity of our inner nature, declaring one of the torn parts (reason-mind) fallen, and expropriating the second (spirit) in favor of the church god and then claiming the role of a mediator who helps to re-sew both parts of the soul – - "to save it" - already on its own terms.
Let us briefly repeat the above, but with some clarifications..
A man-reason, not yet free in himself, with an undeveloped and unaccepted to active life sphere of inner feeling, not in control of his reason, but subordinate to it is always understandably an object of the church's pursuit of salvation.
Man-mind, much more free in himself, relying in his activity and on the sphere of feelings and already understanding the relativity of the auxiliary role of reason, but having not yet achieved full control of his abilities and self-government of the inner world, requires church attention only partially and for the time being
A man-spirit can never be an object of church activity, for he is integral, self-governing and absolutely independent.
As we can see, this threefold division of society in terms of the quality of consciousness fully coincides with the above-mentioned polarization along the mental and moral vertically is also stratified in accordance with the state of individual consciousness.
The man-reason is the main flock of the church, the flock, the "servants of God.".
The man-mind is an average socialized humanity, sometimes still listening to the church by tradition, but gradually getting rid of its influence.
The man-spirit is the most internally free part of society, the "sons of God", the spiritual elite from which the lambs are recruited to be crucified.
As we can see, this threefold division of society in terms of the quality of consciousness fully coincides with the above-mentioned polarization along the mental and moral vertical.
** What elite am I talking about and why does it not strive for power? By "elite" here we mean a certain thin layer of the population, which intellectually and spiritually occupies the very top in society, but this does not mean that people of this stratum will certainly be high on the social totem pole. No, we are talking only about internal superiority, about the invisible top of society.
For example, Jesus of Nazareth was a man of such an elite, although he took the last place on the social ladder: a beggar, a vagabond. It cam be argued that he was executed for not living up to social expectations by refusing to rise to the highest level of the social hierarchy and become a king;; he chose to remain elite in its purest form.
Or Gautama, who later became Buddha. Desiring to know the world and make his own conclusion about it, he abandons the royal title inherited from his ancestors as a social shell that interferes with thinking, and also becomes a vagabond.
These two highest representatives of the human species have given us the ultimate, vividly hyperbolized example of how a person should defend his essence and seek the truth. These supreme aspirations have nothing to do with the clamor of the masses climbing the social tower of Babel in the hope of success and material gain. This climbing is an expression of the desire for power, because for the lower classes, being at the top means having power. For them, God himself is the subject with the maximum power, otherwise he is not God. They are ready to endure the execution of a penniless, "weak-willed" Christ only on the condition that in the end he appears as Pantokrator with a sword in his hand and "will show everyone."
Therefore, the lower-class masses will never understand the elite, which does not strive for social power, and will always suspect it of insidious, because the “secret”, aspirations for what they themselves are clearly striving for. But what is ascending for the masses is descending for the elite, because the values open to the elite on the spiritual scale are higher than the values of the highest social place.
Nevertheless, as I said, the poles are fighting for influence on the middle section of society. But since the conflicting sides are on different planes, the struggle is asymmetric: where the mass destroys, the elite builds; where the masses lie, the elite speaks the truth; where the masses despair, the elite inspire hope. But the elite is almost invisible to external sight, for even “ God has not yet been seen by anyone ”.. Therefore, society in its middle part and in general is mainly occupied by the masses and the elite does not notice, nevertheless, withstanding the pressure of the masses and surviving as a human community precisely at the expense of the "salt of the earth", which is carried by the same invisible elite. I also belong to it when I address these words to you;; you, my attentive reader, also belong to it, when you do not regret the time to listen to what I am telling you..
Translated by Inna Pertsovskaya
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