French surname genetic connections to me
French surname genetic connections to me
Start Point
a post
"Mansfield Woodhouse Living History"
(Mansfield Wood House, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England, UK)
web page
06 December 2020
" Lucy Swinn nee French born this day 100 year's ago on Common Lane now known as Vale Road.
Happy 100th birthday to the best mum anyone could ever have you are an inspiration..."
Mrs Lucy Swinn nee French
born 6th December 1920
living on Vale Road (ex Common Lane road) in Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, UK
is celebrating her 100th Birthday.
The photo with a lovely nice Lady
and a special Birthday Card from Her Majesty The Queen of England.
Here is a photo of the Queen of England too,
some, a really nice lovely photo.
This was a start, a point. I do remember this surname "French" in my genetic tests results as some connection to my Genetic Cousins.
I looked this surname "French" in my genetic tests for my father and me
So, i checked it:
Family Finder - Matches FTDNA
for Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (me, living in Nottinghamshire, UK since 12th Feb 1998 till now)
Search surname:
4 genetic cousins "French" in FF FTDNA, all males:
4th cousin-Remote Cousin x1 ,
- male, shared 31 cM - Longest 12 cm, Ancestry: ... French ..
5th cousin-Remote Cousin x3 ,
- male, shared 36 cM - Longest 8 cm, Ancestry: ... French ..
- male, shared 32 cM - Longest 9 cm, Ancestry: ... French ..
- male, shared 31 cM - Longest 10 cm, Ancestry: ... French ..
4 males now in FF FTDNA with their ancestors geneology
connected to a surname "French"
I checked some web sides
There was much more but as a rules changed
it was the obligation to say "yes" to present your DNA kit
to compare via database again,
some people checked their profiles to update
as to agree again to be a vusual to compare
some had a loss of interest or busy,
so, some shortage datas
So, just 4 people, 4 makes connected to "French" surname
in FTDNA (now)
I checked Genevase where i saw "French" - i could not find
So, i decided while i am alive to fix the genetic results
as connections
For me, as a member of FTDNA genetic company ,
their client
Family Tree DNA
For user
Eanna Balzina-Balzina (maiden Inna Aleksandrovna Balzina) (Balzina)
a female
mtDNA H, H5a, H5a2, H5a2a
born 8th July 1961, Khabarovsk, Russia
lived Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Russia, Latvia, United Kingdom (Nottinghamshire)
Blood Group 3rd Positive, B+ , ABO Blood Type, B101 & O101,
RHfactor SNP (i4001527)
the deletion of hi RHO gene
Height 162 cm = 5 ft 4 inc
kit T778696 in
Genetic testing
by WorldwideDNA, Genebase, FTDNA, FF FTDNA, 23andMe,
by GPS DNA by HomeDNA
Genetic profile in
FTDNA, 23andMe, Genebase,, ...
For Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, female:
Mother's mtDNA H, H5a, H5a2, H5a2a
Mother's Blood Group 1st Positive , O+
Father Balzin
Father's mt DNA H, H5, H5e1
Father's YDNA E, E1b1b1a1b1a (+v13)
Father's Blood Group 3d Negative , B-
Family Tree DNA
For user
Eanna Balzina-Balzina (maiden Inna Aleksandrovna Balzina) (Balzina)
a female,
Family Finder - Matches FTDNA
Search surname:
4 genetic cousins "French" in FF FTDNA, all males:
4th cousin-Remote Cousin x1 ,
- male, shared 31 cM - Longest 12 cm, Ancestry: ... French ..
5th cousin-Remote Cousin x3 ,
- male, shared 36 cM - Longest 8 cm, Ancestry: ... French ..
- male, shared 32 cM - Longest 9 cm, Ancestry: ... French ..
- male, shared 31 cM - Longest 10 cm, Ancestry: ... French ..
Written by Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (maiden name Balzina, father Balzin)
"French surname genetic connections to me"
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