When words of love I hear...

When words of love is no more needed.
And only sounds of laugh are heard.
You will not be my happy widow.
I never heard of love a word.

To feel a happy penetration.
with taste of honey on my lips
- it is of gloomy dreams' creation,
wich come to me when morning weeps.

There is no chance to feel this sorrow.
You are so far, that I'm alone.
And I shall need no more tomorrow,
when all my dreams with you are gone.

I always write the current letter,
when on my way from work to home.
To live with love is hardley better,
than  to feel joy, when I'm alone...

Good try. Worth of some grammar review

Sagittarius   02.05.2021 12:20     Заявить о нарушении
Яндекс переводчик подкачал.
С поклоном,

Андрей Чекмарев   02.05.2021 16:40   Заявить о нарушении
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