Curse words


(Swear words and Swear words are not the same thing, swear words are important, but dirty dirty and just not pleasant)

Verse 1.

My friend,
Please hold on
Do not get mad,
Keep your words
Not good
For goodness!
Will not bring!
Exact business!
You will not complete!
Not fair!,
Not for yourself!
Not for others!


Curse words!,
Dirty Wave !,
Attacks !,
Destroys everything!
Life and words!
And your gate!
Patience !,
Not good words!
But if not!
Expectations !,
Shout it out!
What are you tired!

After Chorus 5 times

Curse words!,
The ever-dirty wave!
Attacks, destroys!
Lives and words!

Verse 2.

Keep the stench
And the truth
With me,
And whatever,
She was not,
Hold yourself
In hand,
Don't let
To rule,
And make me angry
Your feelings
And Emotions,
Inside you,
Hold yourself!
In hand!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 3.

I cant,
More so
And How,
I can,
Not people
If i want
Be in love,
Ordinary people
Good words,
Not dirty
Water flow,
And the rivers
From your soul !,
Speak out only!
Don't be mother!
That's all!

2 times Chorus and so on.

Verse 4.

Can you
Hold back,
Your Words,
On the stream
And if,
Do you want
To say something
Quietly, silently
In my room
Without causing,
No harm!
And pains on the way!
Just let go!
This world!,
And find love!
Where will you show!
Your purity of words!
Honor to your soul !,
For all ages !,
Do not swear!,
Just let go!
Live on!
You missed yours!
Love forever!,
This is your trouble!
And no more!
After all, your words!
They said everything for you!
I warned Keep Yourself!
Now correct Yourself!

4 times Chorus and so on.
