Pakeeza Rizvi. Thoughts on Wisdom of Islam

It is with great pride that I have the honor to write the foreword
for this sequence.
Ah! What an ecstatic feel I got while reading these fascinating
verses my soul drenched in the cascade of divine incense and my
heart saturated from the droplet of love.
Really! It was a beautiful journey towards the divine valley. Each
and every word deeply ingratiated in me, inspired me and invited me
to read them again and again
Kudos must go to the efforts of the author who elegantly wrote
these adorable verses how humbly he praised to the lord:
«O Allah like spirits of humans did in the days of old,
I will fall down to the fountain of your gracious mercy
and I will unite with you,
O pure wellhead of every happiness of hearts of men,
Hark! The azan is heard, and I kneel down Allah
accept my humble salat, don’t reject my heart».
On the prayer’s mat he spread his hand he craves for his lord’s
mercy and he became the beggar of his glance. No doubt it’s a decorum
of obeisance that a lover kneel down and bow his head for thy one, the
greater the above. In this way a lover gets the acceptance of his beloved.
In this way a humble slave achieves his lord’s grace as he wrote:
«Pray for me, O Imam, pray
Grant the drop of the holy dew,
The beneficent holds mighty sway,
He is benign to me and you».
Desirous of the divine guidance and blessings He does not want
to leave the graceful fringe of his lord. He accepts his weakness in
front of him.
He knows that if the lord leaves him he will surely go astray.
As he confessed beautifully:
«Don’t let me go astray
In my weakness
Bless me as a wise ruler
Of the holy family of Heavens!»
My salute to the author! How profoundly he captured the
manifestation of the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon Him) in the verse
«A Speculation of the Descent of Jesus Christ at the Umayyad Eastern
Minaret». He wrote about the Prophet’s arrival, the death of dajjal
and through that he concludes the victory of divine entity… I have no
words for the wonderful expressions in this verse. These words show
the respect of prophecy in his heart.
Oh! When we are talking about prophecy, how can I forget to
discuss about this delectable verse he wrote for the king of hearts
Hazrat Mohammad (peace be upon Him) the last and beloved Prophet
of Allah.
How beautifully he admired:
«O Prophet of the East,
Thy words will ne’er be gone!
I am a drop amid the stream of life,
Thou art the ocean of knowledge of Islam,
Chosen to be the Messenger of Salam».
From the inception to the end I am astonished to see such an
admirable work. Here the author chose the way of Islam in order to
drop the readers at the destiny of love. I enjoy this tremendous creation
and it is a pleasure for me to invite the readers to enjoy these adorable
I promise you that it will be a joyous journey that you will
experience while reading this sequence.

Pakeeza Rizvi,
a poet from Karachi, Pakistan
