The Ballad of the Judgment Day

The promises of God have been accomplished.
The Hour has struck, as this has been foretold.
Throughout the history of men this day has been
But now the time has come.
And all the omens of this al-sa’ah
Have been revealed in their divine fullness.
There have been harsh contentions on our Earth,
And immorality and knaveries have held sway,
God-awful fornications ‘mid the humans
Have brought to pass innumerable sorrows.
And then Dajjals together with the liars
And traitors have begun to preach the words of Death,
Appearing to be of righteous, true descent.
They have rejected Sunnah, words of love
And peace; compassion has been trampled.
The source of righteousness, the Qur’an, has been lost.
The sanctities of old have been defied,
The reverence has disappeared.
The Holy Covenant with Allah has been broken.

1. The Trumpet (Soor).

I view the signs of the Holy Time,
The sounds of the Soor will be harkened soon,
And I will be astonished and die to resurrect again
Together with the kindred of all men
To give report to Allah, King of Time.
A Musaafir of faith, I craved for verity,
I worshiped Jesus (Glorified is He!)
And Mother Mary (Peace be unto her!)
To the multitudes of saints I prayed in tears
To intercede for me on the Last Day.
I raised my voice before the painted idols
A-hoping to receive the sense of grace.
Yet I was shrouded in many godlike doctrines,
Which lead the souls of men to sorrow, grief and death…
Great Allah had enlightened me with wisdom of Iman,
He led me out of the dusk of dying gods…
Then I recited shahada with mine own lips,
With all my spirit did I testify
Of the mighty overlord and Prince of this Divine Day.
See Israfil (peace be upon Him!)
Come down from the heights of heaven.
He blows his holy Trumpet Soor…
And all the living beings are stunned to death
To open their eyes some time in forty…

2. The Ma’ad

See Israfil (alaihis salam) blow his horn Soor
a second time!
And men and women jump out of their graves,
Naked, barefoot and uncircumcised.
The Lord repeats the original creation
Of all the men, both righteous and wicked.
They have appeared before Exalted Allah
To be condemned or saved forevermore,
To go to Heaven or to Jahannam…

3. The Mahshar Al Qiy’amah

The Holy Square of Mahshar accepted everyone,
See, all are present here on this day:
Great mighty kings and emperors of Rome,
And pharaohs, lugals
And tyrants, pontiffs, saints
And patriarchs of churches, poets,
Singers… and ordinary people of the world.
In many forms all of them have arrived:
A money-grubber, sliding on his head,
He hated and rejected mighty Allah.
He was my friend in our mortal life…
But when I had adopted the faith of Christ,
He suddenly avoided me at once.
Here is a group of wise men of the world:
Their tongues are hanging down like lashes, to their chests.
And they are all a dignified people,
Professors, preachers of churches, lecturers…
They did not serve the ideals, they did preach…
See the storm clouds of the men of power
With their legs and hands cut off forevermore.
And all of them are tyrants, power-hungry people,
Who shed the blood of men and mocked
at their neighbors.
I recognize nearly all of them,
But I’ll abstain from calling their names.
The kings and queens of arrogance
Are coming clad in overcoats of tar;
They showed the heights of conceit.
See, all those men have died in their iniquities,
And they have failed to repent and be forgiven.
The time has come for them to get what they deserved…
This very morning all of them are equal,
They will be judged according to their deeds…
The Gathering Place is filled with bitter sadness,
And all of them desire to return
To their tombs to lie there again…
I am among believers of Allah,
Clad in the shining white garments,
Approaching the scale of Mizan.

4. The Mizan

And now the Hour of Justice
Has come to all to be accomplished.
Behold the Holy Weighing Scale
And Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim),
Praying to the Master of the Worlds.
He is our truest intercessor
On this great, fearful Day of Judgment.
And he is praying, «My Almighty Lord!
Thou art as great as no one on Earth!
On this Day thine unimaginable power
Shines ten thousand times brighter than the Sun!
O God, augment the righteous deeds
Of those men, who speak the shahada,
Who served thy will with diligence and faith».
He is also here, near the Books of Deeds,
Calling to Allah, «O God of my Ummah!
Be merciful towards the men of mine,
For they’ve been practicing thy true religion
And they desire to enter thy bright realm»!
The men and women got their holy books,
And I received mine own Book of Deeds,
And I do hope in awe to enter
The sweet groves of Paradise of Allah.

5. Al-Hisab

We now have to answer before God
For our own sins and small wrongdoings.
And he is only merciful to those,
Who lived according to the faith,
Which Muhammad (peace be upon Him!)
Had brought to the planet Earth…
Millennia are passing while the men
Are holding their answer ‘fore great Allah…

6. Sirat

The fiery Gehenna in its wickedness
Is boiling, hissing and sending splashes of Hell.
Its scarlet flames, burning with great wrath,
Desire to absorb each human soul
And not let salvation come about.
Over Hell the Bridge Sirat is built
Thin like a hair and sharp like a sword blade.
And all will have to go through this final test
To reach the sweet groves of the desired Jannah…
See Muhammad (peace be upon His name!)
Saying the prayers to the Master of al-sa’ah,
«My Lord! Thou art Beneficent
And Merciful to righteous men and women!
Save my community, my Ummah, from unhappy death»!
And all the prophets are around Him, praying,
«O Allah, save the Ummah
Of our last Prophet, Muhammad»!
See, the Good Hour has struck,
And all the men, who’ve ever lived on Earth,
Began their ascent to reach salvation
Or to fall down and be condemned forever.
The hypocrites are falling to wicked Hell,
With wails of fear, moans, tears and sorrow,
A-whirling in the air, like leaves in fall.
Their eyes are bulging with the abhor of their
For no forgiveness has been granted to them.
I made my step to Bridge of Jahannam,
My heels began to bleed with dreadful pain.
I grant my du’a to Him, the Lord of Angels,
Genuflecting ‘fore my God in Heaven.
And having made more steps towards the skies,
I saw the dazzling light of Paradise;
It shines brighter than the Sun!
Its splendor is insuperable!
O Allah! Let me reach that blessed place!
The way is going on… I hope in grace.

September – October, 2016

Dhul-Qa’dah, 1437 – Muharram,
1438 AH
