Умерла игрушка The Toy has Died

Осень. Хмурый вечер
Ветхой деревушки
Слёзкою отмечен:
Умерла игрушка.

Мне дарила мама
Зайца и мартышку,
Но любимый самый –
Тёмно-бурый мишка.

С ним в саду играли
На рассвете летом.
Детство без печали –
Добрый мишка, где ты?

Только лист, качаясь,
Падает к опушке.
В вечности растаяв,
Умерла игрушка.

7-8 мая, 2016 г.

The Toy has Died

It is fall. Dark evening
Of the countryside
Is marked with the grieving.
See: the toy has died.

My mom gave me presents:
A monkey and a hare.
My beloved and pleasant
Is a dark-brown bear.

In the summer morrow
We played in the garden air.
Childhood… No sorrow.
Where are you, kind bear?

And the leaf a-swinging,
Falls to the woods’ extreme side.
Having waned in oblivion,
See: the toy has died.

May 7 – 8, 2016
