Гимн Индии. Вступление в поэму Ромы и Махмуд Гаджо
Centre of Earth and Soul of Humans,
Ancient tales and fate of people -
All are the legacy of Yours!
The Ice K;la, ancient epoch,
Reached peaks of the high mountains,
And created ways and roads;
All the roads led to India.
Tribes of Arians, our ancestors,
Here were hold by mountains,
And behind of Himalayas
Found shelter under heaven.
You are the Mother of all people
After their coming out to the World
Called then by many names,
But were leaves of Your stem.
Some of them were close, some - more far,
Some of children were like orphans,
You brought up all of them thoroughly,
All they learned from you Sanskrit.
But those who had been heated by You
Came back to You as plunderers.
And tall all from the great World
For you to belong to them.
Iranians, Turkics, even Genghis Khan,
Tried to chop you with swords and fire,
Even Alexander yearn to conquer You
And who only did not trample your land ?
But your grace is standing forever
None can overthrow your heritage,
Englishmen, Scythians, Iranians or Greeks, -
Who were also among your children.
We, the Romani, children of your blood,
From your breasts took away long ago -
We are parcels from your dales and mountains,
With the wind now are gone throughout.
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