День Благодарения личное поздравление от Байдена

26 November 19:22

Уважаемые коллеги!
Сегодня, 26 ноября, США празднуют День Благодарения (Thanksgiving Day), который по традиции отмечается в четвёртый четверг Ноября. Этот день, изначально, был праздником выражения благодарности и признательности Богу, равно как семье и друзьям за материальное благосостояние и доброе отношение. В наши дни,в США и Канаде этот праздник в значительной степени утратил религиозное значение и стал гражданским, общепринятым и общенародным..
Я имею честь получить поздравления с Днём Благодарения лично от избранного президента Америки Джо Байдена – трогательное, душевное письмо, которым я хочу поделиться со всеми коллегами...
 А вот лично от президента России Владимира Путина я никогда не получал поздравительных писем....

Алексей (Alex),

Thanksgiving is a special time in America. A time to reflect on what the year has brought, and to think about what lies ahead.
The first national day of Thanksgiving, authorized by the Continental Congress, took place on December 18th, 1777. It was celebrated by General George Washington and his troops at Gulph Mills on the way to Valley Forge. It took place under harsh conditions and deprivations -- lacking food, clothing, shelter. They were preparing to ride out a long hard winter.
Today, you can find a plaque in Gulph Mills marking that moment.
It reads in part -- “This Thanksgiving in spite of the suffering-showed the reverence and character that was forging the soul of a nation.”
Forging the soul of a nation.
Faith, courage, sacrifice, service to country, service to each other, and gratitude even in the face of suffering, have long been part of what Thanksgiving means in America.
Looking back over our history you’ll see that it’s been in the most difficult of circumstances that the soul of our nation has been forged.
Now, we find ourselves again facing a long, hard winter.
We have fought a nearly year-long battle with a virus in this nation.
It’s brought us pain and loss and frustration, and it has cost so many lives.
260,000 Americans -- and counting.
It has divided us. Angered us. And set us against one another.
I know the country has grown weary of the fight.
But we need to remember we’re at a war with a virus -- not with each other.
This is the moment where we need to steel our spines, redouble our efforts, and recommit ourselves to the fight.
Let’s remember -- we are all in this together.
For so many of us, it’s hard to hear that this fight isn’t over, that we still have months of this battle ahead of us.
And for those who have lost loved ones, I know this time of year is especially difficult. Believe me, I know. I remember that first Thanksgiving.
The empty chair, the silence. It takes your breath away.

It’s hard to care. It’s hard to give thanks. It’s hard to look forward.
And it’s so hard to hope.
I understand.
I will be thinking and praying for each and every one of you at our Thanksgiving table because we’ve been there.
This year, we’re asking Americans to forego many of the traditions that have long made this holiday such a special one.

For our family, we’ve had a 40 plus year tradition of traveling over Thanksgiving, a tradition we’ve kept every year save one -- the year after our son Beau died.
But this year, we’ll be staying home.
We have always had big family gatherings at Thanksgiving. Kids, grandkids, aunts, uncles, and more.
For the Bidens, the days around Thanksgiving have always been a time to remember all we had to be grateful for, and a time to welcome the Christmas Season.
But this year, because we care so much for each other, we’re going to be having separate Thanksgivings.
For Jill and I, we’ll be at home in Delaware with our daughter and son-in-law.
So, I know. I know how hard it is to forego family traditions, but it is so very important.


On this Thanksgiving, and in anticipation of all the Thanksgivings to come, let us dream again. Let us commit ourselves to thinking not only of ourselves but of others.
For if we care for one another -- if we open our arms rather than brandish our fists -- we can, with God’s help, heal.
And if we do, and I am sure we can, we can proclaim with the Psalmist who wrote: “The Lord is my strength and my shield...and with my song I give thanks to him.”

And I give thanks now: for you and for the trust you have placed in me.
From the Biden family to yours, wherever and however you may be celebrating, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

God bless you,

Joe Biden


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