It is
"You own what's yours - it's fair;
If not it isn't yours to touch,
To take, to love, to share."
To those who wish successful lives
They give some simple orders:
"Just know your limits, draw your lines
And keep in mind the borders."
I fully understand their need
For labeling and dividing
All things and sights, and more, indeed,
All ways of human guiding.
The only thing that can be heard,
Not understood is this:
Why do they think, this timeless bird,
This temple of spirit, clay and dirt,
This endless wonder full of worlds,
That strips me of my lines and words,
It isn't mine?
It is.
Свидетельство о публикации №120112400877
P.S. Hope I understood your point correctly :)
Максим Левадский 31.10.2024 00:44 Заявить о нарушении
Yes, our spirit, our identity, our perception of all the inner and the outer worlds, and our reality itself too (for it's always a subjective one) are only ours to feel, to discover, to understand and to claim... And "to embrace who we truly are" is a crucial task, I'm sure...
Thank you very much for the deep understanding and for such a wonderful response, for finding the right words for the right thoughts, it really means a lot to me...
Инна Дайгина 31.10.2024 02:21 Заявить о нарушении