
If you ask me: who am I?
I can answer: I’m like Bilbo,
Who is chubby, not spring chicken,
Not super-hero, saying: oh-la-la
To his troubles. It’s not me.
You continue to ask me:
Why you have gone to strange China?
What was the reason - not to be
In your comfort life? But why?
Are you brave and not afraid of failure?
I can answer: No, I am like baby,
Who goes ahead even though she is shy.
You can say to me: You are like a fool.
Yes, I continue: as a small stupid raven,
Going to another place without a doubt,
Lost the instinct of self-preservation, doesn’t be full.
So, okay, you ask again:
Maybe you had a sparkling treasure,
Which gave a goal and path begun to be a pleasure?
What was a sense of a long-term way?
I keep silent: all my life
Is an adventure, a challenge, a treasure,
Even though I don’t have leisure,
I have the biggest Sense and Love…
You can give me a screw-loose sign,
You can laugh and be ironic.
All of all I’ve long year known:
Let it be… And smile. Be smiled!
