A Charge-sheet, or Anti-Vodka by Vladimir Vysotsky

A translation of the Russian song Милицейский протокол, или Антиалкогольная into English without commentaries

We’ve drunk not much, to say you truth.
Sergey, confirm it’s not abuse.
If vodka was produced well,
We would be sober. What’s a hell!
The second bottle gave us joy.
We drank it in a park. Ahoy!
We emptied other bottles too
But where? I forgot the blue.
I’ve drunk but I did eat no food
And I was sober—it’s my mood.
When the police entered the scene,
We each have drunk no more than queen.
The third man drank against his will.
We forced him. Sorry for this skill.
We broke his glasses, drinking wine.
The mix enforced our quick decline.
A man said us: «Be calm, you fools,
And go away». I had good schools,
I was agreeing to go away:
I beat him in a proper way.
But if I did abuse or curse,
I ask you make me even worse.
I fell into the earth distracting,
I cried because of stupefacting.
Let me say few words by heart.
What do we know from the art?
That life will punish us itself.
Sergey, confirm, if’s for yourself.
Sergey will say when he awakes
That life will punish for mistakes.
So, please, release us for your sake:
Why you spend time for our break?
Don’t worry that Sergey keeps smile
And nods assent despite the file.
He understands all facts and things.
He simply feels himself the Kings.
Release us, dear people, please:
We have no money to pay fees,
Our children cry, our home is far
But, yet, the subway’s closed so far.
It’s nice that we have here esteem:
We are transported — what a dream!
The sergeant will awake us both
Instead of cocks who cry so loath.
When we awake, he’ll say goodbye.
I’ve kept few money—beer we'll buy.
But our life is so deprived…
Sergey, asleep to be revived!
