An old warrior s song

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Oh take me to the Kingdom of waves,
To the freedom of the cold windy sea
I despise the richness of the graves,
I want to die in the battle field free.
My body is as strong as a herring torket
I can help a lot in the fierce fight,
Even when it has Ragnaroked
I will have to complete Odin’s might.
I am aged but my sword is so fast;
And my hand is so deadly, so sure;
And I need some fresh air at last –
Life ashore is so hard to endure.
Oh take me to the Kingdom of waves,
To the freedom of the cold windy sea
I despise the richness of the graves,
I want to die in the battle field free.

You have done a great work. Proceed creating. Do not quit. The crux of the matter is just your wish. You are an interesting poet , i am not overrating.

Лита Алексеева   01.11.2020 16:59     Заявить о нарушении