garbage and trash

trash and garbage and a lot
of both we're  to cohabitate
within our life-time-spot.
now we can't get rid of that.

garbage is forsaken, left alone,
suffer consequent decay stage.
like a role of play no one know.
it's okay, sons'll have some wage.

trash is utterly other kind
of the nature entity.
it's the result of state of mind
when one falls of a deity.

fellow heroes of mine of old
days often said their banner is
'i hold my demons inside blood'.
worms gobble 'em as soon as boat leaves...

they were strong men and fortuned
from the very start, victorious
one by one gone away tortured -
comprehend: trash is poisonous.

demons never sleeps force us to
produce and consume some trash:
dirty discourse and lusty
whishes, anger, greed and such mash.

trash is peformed by actors,
or as well produced by mashines.
tainted soul outburst vibrations
wasted vitality trash is.


Svetla Ya

Светлана Самедова   12.11.2020 18:12     Заявить о нарушении