Love letters

It's a great time
to turn
on your favorite music, your
favorite pianist, on the Internet!
Terrible time of the pandemic
that you can't go to
the concert of your favorite pianist!
But still, how good it
is to return home from the street,
and have the opportunity to
turn on the Internet,
and hear and see your
favorite pianist!
Today, Maestro Harry
performed "Love letters",
and after all, everyone who
listens at their
small screen takes
it as a letter to themselves!
everyone hopes to
be loved!
how wonderful that there is music!
Music takes us
to happy moments!
I smile,
When Maestro Harry
smiles at us, the audience, from
the screen,
I love the beautiful sound of the piano,
and this is my little joy
for every day!
Thank you Maestro Harry!
