Ordinary Lives

"You are not Romeo and I am not Juliet,
All your desires are from this world!
You, once who said you would never forget
Always could replace me instead."

She was upset saying cold words,
All of her Love were destroyed.
No, not at once, that's the worst!
Love died so painfully, always by him being ignored.

Every time there wasa Hope,
But broken Trust killed once its voice!
She felt so empty inside though,
After a while it felt bright.

"You never cared from deep down,
Never gave fully your heart!
You wanted Love but without
Any devotion, with no dedication inside!"

He looked at her with rejection,
Never admitting his fault,
He was the Center of Creation!
How could Ego let him melt!..

"I never blame you for being cold,
Keeping me far from your soul.
But this you shoukd just behold,
That if you if you were Romeo, I would be Juliet, no doubt!"

Strange conversations with no end,
Only their hearts felt more tired.
Love never visits hearts that are locked,
Hope never stays when Faith is rejected!

Don't be just ordinary persons,
Live outstanding your lives!
Have a great dream, a big purpose,
Love from the depth of your hearts!

Do something fully determined,
Give yourself whole to what you're doing!
Never surrender to pleasures that are instant,
Don't be like everyone, don't!

October12, 2020
Annie Moonlight

Конечно, встретить человека — это подарок судьбы.
;Но люди не встречаются —
;они обретают друг друга.
Обретают мало-помалу, как потерявшийся в детстве ребенок по одному отыскивает разбросанных по свету родных…

Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери
@Психология жизни2


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