Everything has an end

Night. It’s rainy outside.
But I am still here.
Don’t want to meet side by side
With my own fear.

But it's closer than I can feel.
Sense its breath.
Something freezing cold like a steel,
Could it be Death?

We sit down at face to face
And cup of tea.
It is our own mental space
Deeper than you can see.

And we talk about nothing at all,
I could ever know;
How people built a huge wall
To get out of “Snow”.

The only thing I know about, in fact,
Is everything has an end.
Doesn't matter how long will you act,
Eventually you will bend.

When the Death will show me my coffin,
And run out of tea in cups,
Then I will offer to drink some coffee.
Play for time is one of my trumps.

After all it was, Death take off a hood
And whisper: I am your fear.
I say thank you for everything, but
I’m leaving here!

В виде песни:
The only thing I know about, in fact,
Is everything has an end.
Doesn't matter how long will you act,
Eventually you will bend.

Night. It’s rainy outside.
But I am still here.
Don’t want to meet side by side
With my own fear.

But it's closer than I can feel.
Sense its breath.
Something freezing cold like a steel,
Could it be Death?

Chorus (x2):
The only thing I know about, in fact,
Is everything has an end.
Doesn't matter how long will you act,
Eventually you will bend.

We sit down at face to face
And cup of tea.
It is our own mental space
Deeper than you can see.

And we talk about nothing at all,
I could ever know;
How people built a huge wall
To get out of “Snow”.

Chorus (x2):
The only thing I know about, in fact,
Is everything has an end.
Doesn't matter how long will you act,
Eventually you will bend.

When the Death will show me my coffin,
And run out of tea in cups,
Then I will offer to drink some coffee.
Play for time is one of my trumps.

After all it was, Death take off a hood
And whisper: I am your fear.
I say thank you for everything, but
I’m leaving here!

Chorus (x2):
The only thing I know about, in fact,
Is everything has an end.
Doesn't matter how long will you act,
Eventually you will bend.
