The Spell Is Broke, The Charm is Flown! by Byron

Проклятье прочь, исчезли чары!

Проклятье прочь, исчезли чары,
Вся лихорадка жизни – явь,
Улыбки – ложь, нам будет карой
Бред в мыслях, истину изъяв.

Как проблеск, между серых мыслей,
Нам осознанье жизни бед.
И тот – мудрец, чья жизнь повисла,
Как на кресте, приняв обет.

The Spell Is Broke, The Charm is Flown! -
(by Lord Byron)

The spell is broke, the charm is flown!
Thus is with life's fitful fever:
We madly smile when we should groan;
Delirium is our best deceiver.

Each lucid interval of thought
Recalls the woes of Nature's charter;
And he that acts as wise men ought,
But lives, as saints have died, a martyr.
