The raod

Inspired by Viktor Frankl and his book Man's Search for Meaning

We are searching for secret meanings,
We are trying to fill desolation,
With some rubbish mixing the feelings
And cannot determine orientation.

We believe that we won’t get better.
And we ask every night our questions,
Sleepless, we are writing the letter
To someone who will save us from pressure.

But the secret of meaning is simple –
You just should find the road
And your act transfers into twinkle
And your love transforms into boat.

Stop the searching inside your mind
Touch the world by your hart very fluid
Everything is with you from behind
There are only three things, you can do it:

Commit acts or making creations,
Join the nature or worry about
And if suddenly emerges a situation
Just adapt and accept all around.

It is possible to master the road,
But only walker the road will master.
And remember that love is your boat
Time is always wiser and faster

Every step on the way is your courage
And the meaning is hidden in action.
Leave the asking - your worthless luggage
Only way will answer the questions!

                September, 2020
