Oh my God,
Where is the world
I live,
And I develop
Places and moments
When you,
You sit
On the river bank
And they blow
Cool winds
And in my head
Thoughts and words
They pour ideas!
Write something!
Good to create your own!
2x Chorus
My fantasy!
Cooking with thoughts!
Create ideas!
Your creation!
Which is more!
Nobody can!
After Chorus
My fantasy!
Brews ideas!
Create !,
Write !,
What he wants!
To tell!,
My soul!,
What a world!
Lives in me!
2 Post Chorus
The world is interesting!
Evolving !,
Breathes around !,
And unknown!
What story!,
Frolics there !,
What a fantasy!
3 Post Chorus
I'm dreaming!,
Much to write,
And the world is huge!
I create!
Coming up!
Life around !,
And I see !,
Bad news!
They go and speak!
4 Post Chorus
My fantasy!
I came up with!
But similar!
With our situation!
Which happens!
On our Earth !,
Now and sometime !,
5 After Chorus 3 times
My fantasy!
My created world!
Similar to mine !,
Invented !,
Inside my soul !,
With my head!
Verse 2.
I remember,
When I was,
I was,
8 years,
I played with my thoughts
I do not hide
Like everyone!
He played of us!
Into your fingers!
But I could portray!
In your head !,
Your invented!
But good!
Heroes! Special!,
In a good fight !,
And so it began!
My head is thinking !,
Endlessly! By creating !,
Your world in the background!
His own!
2 times Chorus and so on.
Verse 3.
My world,
Like mine
Life around
He painted himself
As once upon a time
I thought,
That the world is kind
And the animals
One evil
Which is simple
So they kill
People around !,
But I found out!
It is not so!,
And what's in everything!
The man is to blame!
2 times Chorus and so on.
Verse 4.
When you,
You live
In the world!,
Studying !,
The whole balance,
And your world!
Your words!
And your heroes!
You enter !,
You create !,
After all, this!
Your soul!
In the name of good !,
After all, the world!
It can be different!
When you create!
It's in your head!
2 times Chorus and so on.
Verse 5.
Peace from heaven
Their heroes
Warriors, wars and battles
That you make up
You create
And then,
Do you realize
What is it all
Not that,
What did you want,
Come up with to write,
What will become
Peace of good
Of new events
And great stories
Your World,
Which are you
I came up with it!
2 times Chorus and so on.
Verse 6.
I want it so
And perform
And therefore,
I am a lot,
And I want
Create a world
Who is himself
Will develop
After all, the worlds
So many around
After all, Infinity
The worlds are simple
Rolls over
Like the world
Which the,
Surprises with her!
History of the World !,
All that was !,
Created by the Creator of Heaven!
2 times Chorus and so on.
Verse 7.
Cosmic world
He is limitless
Like thoughts
Mine in mine
Where is beautiful
A world in the distance
Which is full
And interesting events,
You describe
And you write
To express
Though with an invented
Peace in yours!
Head !,
Where the world is limitless!
Like our Cosmos!
Shiny Cloak !,
That sparkles in the distance!
2 times Chorus and so on.
Verse 8.
The world is bombing
And the war
And events,
The whole world,
Which is full
And events
In different,
Corners of the world
All over the Earth!
Where do they fight!
Great stories !,
Different worlds!
Tribes !,
And peoples!
Which are meaningless!
Are at war and about it!
I'm writing!
2 times Chorus and so on.
Verse 9.
I see,
The world is in chaos
And I am this,
I display
In their letters,
Where there is,
And my look
And my opinion
About events
That you want
Explain, calm down!
Until the world!
Report !,
What chaos, noise!
Strife inside destroys!
Everything and everyone in its path!
Like war!
I am writing!
2 times Chorus and so on.
Verse 10.
Our complete,
Chaos and discord
And politota,
And criticism,
Destroys the world
And here we are,
Let's destroy again
Thanks to myself,
And the greats write!
About Wars, about mistakes!
And about sins!
And none of them!
Didn't listen, but now!
You hear !,
Truly Great!
People who!,
War was predicted!
Great Discord of People !,
And All Being!
2 times Chorus and so on.
Verse 11.
The world is sick
By affairs,
And they don't understand
And they don't hear
Nobody and nothing
They only,
And they think
About yourself loved ones
And we will not study
Let's not see!
On beautiful!
Created world !,
Father of heaven!
His Imagination!
Fantasy, but she!
Beautiful !,
More than ever!,
Like a soul!
Our beloved!
Heavenly Father!
2 times Chorus and so on.
Verse 12.
Develops the world
Come up with,
Something good,
Not bad
It's ruining the world
Primordial times
When was
The world is visible
But he's fast,
Because of,
Of the follies of people
But ours,
Heavenly Father,
For this it is,
To be
With us here,
After all, Fantasy,
But for us,
Real love,
That I shared
And share the Lord!
Like good people!
With him! We love!,
The Most Beautiful!
Wonderful Fantasy !,
Heaven! And therefore!,
My fantasy!,
Colors the world!
In beautiful color !,
Goodness, heroism!
And the love of all being!
And eternal Look!
For all! It!,
My fantasy!
My lovely!
In my!,
Head and soul! Forever and ever!
4 times Chorus and so on.
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