
Verse 1.

In the old days
The burden drifts
The waves are going crazy
The world is huge
And mysterious
In its orbit!
In the living world
Where shadows are not clear
They walk in the distance
But all this time
The sea is floating!
A giant in the distance!
Eternal waves!
Shakes the World!


From snow and ice !,
And at the bottom there is water!
And sand !,
And there are shores!
Mysterious times!
On an ice floe of times!
Far away!

After Chorus

The ice floe drifts
The world is shaking
Like a cradle
Ancient times
And remembering the pain
Flax melts there!
Great tears!
As if frozen!
Peace be there !,
Forever and ever! For all ages !,

2 Post Chorus

Icy Peace !,
Always floating!
Music plays!
Sings sadly!
Where the Shore is!
Eternal and empty!
Evil changes!
Lurking at the bottom!

3 After Chorus 3 times

Great, icy World,
Cold depths!

Verse 2.

Our world is icy
But the warmth is warming
From the brake of times
That floats forever
In the valley of the depths
Where you won't go
But you live
When you wake up
Its cold
Deep mind
Lurking at the bottom
Great depths
Eternal, icy,
Bottom being!
That floats
Eternal piece!
One world of heaven!

Chorus and so on.

Verse 3.

Movies and stories,
They write about the rock
About the hill, about the mountain, the mountain,
Floating in the distance
In the valley
Of my snowy winds
Where the mind slows down
And the logic of reason
What are you born with
But just not an ice floe,
Somewhere in the distance
Drifts and floats
Can't calm down
Eternal cold world!
It didn’t come!
It's the end of times!

Chorus and so on.

Verse 4.

World of the seas
And heaven is there
Somewhere above
It's not clear what it is
Located below
Under water, at the bottom
Where thoughts float
Drowning souls
And the world of the lost
Ships and ships
And great
And terrible battles
In the valley of ice
Great winds
Where are the crystals
Like ice floes
My floating thoughts
In the valley of the sea
And the depths of the snow!
Cold worlds
Trapped in it!

Chorus and so on.

Verse 5.

The ship drifts
But collides
And ancient times
Gone, drowned
And went to the bottom
Where is ice in the middle
Of raging worlds
In the middle of the seas
Where did you run into
A ship with people
And only heroes
Gone deep
The bottom of the ice
Being and delusion
And icy secrets
Lost and forever!

Chorus and so on.

Verse 6.

Ice breakthrough, rush,
Remembering the times
Blood-chilling wars
And great
Earthly, human sins,
The time when the rules
War, corruption,
And pride
I'm the head
I am the creator
But everything depended
In the heads of people
And only a few
Were able to get out
From the bottom of the depths
To the top
Victory forces
From the cold valleys
Melting one
Terrible evil
Cold winds!

Chorus and so on.

Verse 7.

We do not understand,
The world created around
And stuck
Hang on in the past
Past levels,
We passed
Not! We swarm again
We make porridge
And then we sip
Endless error
And we ask a question
What is it ?.
Love, life, god
And we rejected this,
Lost long ago
And the mind is lost
Because of us,
Our mistakes
And not human,
Deeds, misdeeds,
In the cold
Empty valleys!

Chorus and so on.

Verse 8.

We're entangled in ourselves
In the darkness without giving good,
Everyone around, but we think
Only about myself
I want
It's not a desire
And the requirement,
These are not desires
Requests of the soul
We're in ice
That breaks
We find everything
But Man is blind,
Does not understand,
What he loses
And time stood still
Icy changes
Great secrets of the depths
But nobody got out!
From eternally drowning times!
Souls that have sinned long ago!
And lurk in the forever cold
On ice and worlds
In the valley of snowy winds!

Chorus and so on.

Verse 9.

At the bottom, on the water,
In the soul, and outside,
The world of being
Where the dumb one breaks the knife
Like the whole world
Because we think
That we are the lords of everything
But that's not the case
And the darkness is inside us
And comes from the inside
But fight the ice
In my veins
Don't be afraid of what kills
And torments your soul inside
In the valley of ice worlds
Snowy world existence!
Inside you!

Chorus and so on.

Verse 10.

Forever alone,
A world of delusion
Where are you at a standstill
There is one porridge around,
How hard it is to live
In the eternal world of winds
Cold worlds
Hung in consciousness
And your understanding
What happens in the world,
And can you,
To fix everything that has done
Once our great
Reasonable Humanity,
Help him,
Get out of forever
Of drowning worlds
Chilling Shivers !,
On the great ice!
Hill, peace, balance,
In an icy valley
Of eternal being
Being Ice Soul,

2 times Chorus and so on.
