Love is...

When you begin to feel another soul,
It seems to be a restless stormy day.
You look at the eternal flame of cold
That burns your heart, but you just smile instead.

Why is it always same old game?
Who knows the answer of this endless pain?
Who has the remedy of being not insane?
Who can say he or she is normal in this chain?

To love is to be free...but is love truly free?
Is it a commitment, a relationship, a bond?
Or is it a bird flying high and higher till you see
That it can not depend on anyone no more?

Yes, love is free! But only one thing should we understand.
Love is for someone who appreciates the pain.
Who went through Hell and knows that can stand
All suffering and still a Human will remain.

My Love is free! It doesn't belong to me.
It more belongs to Heavens, butterflies and trees.
I cannot comprehend the meaning of what love can be,
It is a Light, it is a Lighthouse and it is

For someone who is innocent inside,
Whose inner child is curious all the time,
Whose Love and Laughter makes me smile,
Who doesn't let me down, contempt or just disguise.

Someone who loves is always free,
But Love is not for everyone, believe.
It is for innocent and restless souls, indeed,
Love's never for self-worshippers or killers of the dreams.

Love isn't for the ones who just admire world,
Love is for dreamers, children of the Joy.
Love is for the ones who can be mad,
Love is for someone who is special at the Heart!

Jan 5(6) 2019
