I Am Forgetting You

I am forgetting you...
So slowly, every day and bit by bit.
I am forgetting you
With bleeding and torn into pieces heart.

I am in the same script again,
Again stabbed in the back, in darkness and alone.
But I can see my inner light through all this pain,
While you are being dragged into the darkness more and more.

Maybe I was your Light, your guiding star, a gift for you from God,
But you didn't understand it even though,
Or you declined, rejected Happiness and Joy
For darkness... but dark forces're always doomed to lose.

I don't think that I helped you
Though I was dying to,
For you reminded me of someone who
Was so much dear to my soul.

I gave him to the Darkness
And now I'm handling you in dark forces' arms.
I'm used to lose my dearest ones
For you were one with me some time.

But you chose ugly pleasures of this world,
Preferred them to the Beauty and True Love,
You chose not me and I still do not know
For what I loved you, so much loved your Soul!..

Aniie Moonlight
