Your Words

You said: "There is no in or out of love,
There is connection between two hearts forever."
You said that you were blessed to have me in your life,
That I was always in your heart, moreover,
That you saw my face
In other people's faces.

You spoke out what you felt,
That heart was tied with love forever.
And that we found each other through the distances and times
And we were meant to know each other in the other lives again.

You said so beautiful and heart-touching things!
You!.. The one who told me about Soul and returned to Life!
And I believed you like a little girl that trusts
All fairy-tales that adults tell her all the time.

But once you said that everything was in the past...
And I didn't want to believe in anything at last...

10 (11)/10/2019
Annie Moonlight
