На меньшее я не согласен - Н. Носков - English

(авторы музыки и текста - Н. Носков, О. Гегельский, исполнитель - Н. Носков)

English version

I will wake up one day
And the world will be clean,
Bright and shine,
Infinitely free…
And on a high throne -
There will be
The Queen of Great Love
But for less
I will not be agree…

Under the crystal bridge
There are rivers of milk…
And no one has all power -
Let it be!
There’s not a tree of happiness,
But happiness real,
But for less
I will not be agree…
I don’t agree!

And then we will protect
Birds and animals in any place
Of the earth
And in the seas…
And I will not see crazy sects
Or some embittered faces
But for less
I will not be agree…

The kids believe in their dreams
But I'm not in their team
Now I am going to leave…
A new day will come
It is time to believe
But for less
I will not be agree...
I don’t agree!

I will wake up one day
And the world will be clean,
Bright and shine,
Infinitely free…
And on a high throne -
There will be
The Queen of Great Love
But for less
I will not be agree…

But if less
I will not be agree…

I don’t agree!
I don’t agree!
